Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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^ I was on Abilify shots as well and my weight went up to 220lbs. I was eating everything in sight. Now im on Latuda and i notice alot of improvement.
i gained 70 pounds alone from Invega and maybe 5 pounds from Abilify.
i want to lose at least half of it so then i can lose the rest on my own.
risperidone is heavy stuff. it's like heroin .. i would get off all MEDS .. just go cold turkey.. fuck it.. smoke the holy herb if you gotta battle them withdrawal symptoms
Man in an ideal world none of us would have to take medications, but the reality is that some of us do. Some people for just a short time while their brain levels out, but some people forever. I just wanna take this opportunity to remind everyone to NEVER stop taking a psychiatric medication without talking to your doctor about it first, even if what you decide to do is against what the doctor wants you to do, as long as they have it on file that you're stopping your meds. If something drastic changes in your mental or physical health and you've recently gone off a particular medication it could be the reason why, and it could save a whole lotta fuck around if the doctors know.
Man in an ideal world none of us would have to take medications, but the reality is that some of us do. Some people for just a short time while their brain levels out, but some people forever. I just wanna take this opportunity to remind everyone to NEVER stop taking a psychiatric medication without talking to your doctor about it first, even if what you decide to do is against what the doctor wants you to do, as long as they have it on file that you're stopping your meds. If something drastic changes in your mental or physical health and you've recently gone off a particular medication it could be the reason why, and it could save a whole lotta fuck around if the doctors know.
You may be right on this one but some of us are forced for a certain time to be on these meds.
not everyone is in the same situation as others.
i already told my doctor that i am ready for the withdrawal symptoms. I scheduled a review panel so i can be decertified. i hope everything works out for me. if not, then i have to wait 3 months to schedule another review panel.
i hate being ugly and fat. i want to back to my normal state where i weighed much less, about 70 pounds less!
You may be right on this one but some of us are forced for a certain time to be on these meds.
not everyone is in the same situation as others.
i already told my doctor that i am ready for the withdrawal symptoms. I scheduled a review panel so i can be decertified. i hope everything works out for me. if not, then i have to wait 3 months to schedule another review panel.
i hate being ugly and fat. i want to back to my normal state where i weighed much less, about 70 pounds less!
Ahhh yes I hear ya. Good luck with the review and let us know how it goes <3
Man in an ideal world none of us would have to take medications, but the reality is that some of us do. Some people for just a short time while their brain levels out, but some people forever. I just wanna take this opportunity to remind everyone to NEVER stop taking a psychiatric medication without talking to your doctor about it first, even if what you decide to do is against what the doctor wants you to do, as long as they have it on file that you're stopping your meds. If something drastic changes in your mental or physical health and you've recently gone off a particular medication it could be the reason why, and it could save a whole lotta fuck around if the doctors know.
Don't listen to this guy. You should know yourself and if you have schizophrenia obviously you can't not take AP's. It really depends on who you are. If you just had a one off psychotic episode you'll probably only need a few doses of AP's to get your mind right. But if you're like my friend who is schizophrenic and prone to psychosis then definitely do not stop taking AP's. Just find one that doesn't make you feel too bad, it just takes time to find the right AP. As for the people who had a one off psychotic episode and are not schizophrenic get off AP's immediately. There's a reason why they inject the drug into you, it's because it makes you feel terrible and they don't trust you to take it. If AP's made you feel good they wouldn't need to do that. And injections are much more potent so I say if you have schizophrenia fuck invega injections and go for a pill, you won't feel so bad. To everybody else struggling with withdrawel I'm right here with you. I'm 6 months in and feel only minor improvements. I don't spend my day staring into dead space anymore and my suicidal thoughts are gone for the most part. But I still feel very depressed, restless, anxious, anhedonia and cognitive fog. But I'm now able to get off the couch so I try to get out and about as much as possible. Excercise is a good way to give yourself some natural dopemine and it clears this posion out of your system quicker. Also obviously take St Johns Wort although I can't really feel a difference apparently it also gets the drug out of your system quicker. When people say they can't get high or drunk it means the drug is still in your system blocking dopemine and serotonin receptors and thats the reason you can't. I can basically tell the potency of the drug by how high I can get and once I can get properly high again i'll know it's finally leaving my system. For people don't want to take illegal drugs I've also tried valium to ease the pain but it doesn't work similar to getting drunk or high. Invega basically nullifies a lot of other drugs, especially sedatives.
I agree. If you don’t have a doctor, do research on your mental disorder. One of the worst things you can do is live in denial of your illness. My quality of life has dramatically improved after being on a medication that prevents psychosis and aids in depression. I went into psychosis after getting off of Invega and after my psychosis ended I figured I would be okay. I wasn’t on any medication and ended up doing tons of DMT, LSD, Shrooms, all the bipolar good stuff you know. I didn’t go into psychosis however I went into a deep depression after and those substances only gave subtle time-based relief. Lithium Orotate does everything to manage my symptoms. No manic episodes, sexual functions actually improved still working out the kinks, can masturbate back to back on 10mgs a day but 25mg gave me slight brain fog. The positive effects far outweighs the negatives. I’ll try psychedelics again after I take a break from Lithium Orotate to see if I see a positive improvement on my trips :)
bro im telling u i havent felt any improvements, i feel the same, i feel like now i should have felt some sort of improvements or relief, im also on 0.25mg of risperidone now but i took that before the invega and had no side effects from it
Maybe your not making positive life changes? Sitting around hoping and praying you'll recover won't happen. You have to make some lifestyle changes and believe me, it's very hard to do when you have no motivation. Start walking, be out in the sun as much as possible. Just those two things alone help create new brain pathways and increase serotonin as well as dopamine. I do many different things and for me it seems to be helping. I'm 10 months off and I'm only just starting to see a light.
Also, I've said this before, but COLD SHOWERS are ten times stronger than any anti depressant. It's the equivalent to electric shock therapy because when you put yourself in cold water, it sends shock waves to the brain, which in turn makes you more alert and happier because you put your body briefly under stress.
Because at the end of the day, these drugs have left us all super depressed. It shuts down all serotonin and dopamine, thus leaving nothing positive in the brain to help us feel good. I believe that we have to do things in order to wake ourselves back out of this depressive state.

List of things that I do (in no particular order) I bike as much as I can, I go for walks (sometimes up to two hours) I take many different suppliments ( 5htp with l-tyrosine, lions mane, B12 and D, magnesium glycinate) cold showers every day, and also being in the sun as much as possible. I believe it's the accumulation of doing these things that's helping to lift me out of my depression. You have to keep doing them in order to see results.
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For those who stopped Invega - How long did it take for your full emotional range to come back after stopping invega? And are you on any AP now? Do all AP blunt your emotions?
I feel like my anhedonia is going away, I was my game today and I been feeling like this buzz feeling like a good feeling, like I noticed activities went from shitty to being okay
I biked 30km this morning. One thing I notice that's a very positive change is my desire to actually take a shower. I don't go days without showering anymore, which is super unhealthy.
That is actually really awesome Ap. Personal hygiene is really important to our mental health and its importance is often overlooked. When I'm really depressed my personal hygiene is one of the first things to completely go out the window. I stop showering, brushing my teeth, washing my clothes etc. And I'll only do those things because I absolutely HAVE TO, not because I feel like I want to take care of myself.
So yeah, the fact that you WANT to shower, is awesome :)
I biked 30km this morning. One thing I notice that's a very positive change is my desire to actually take a shower. I don't go days without showering anymore, which is super unhealthy.
That is good that you feel like showering now I think you're well on your way to recovery. I still don't feel like having showers its weird how invega makes you not want to take care of your personal hygiene. I used to shower every day, now I only do it a couple times a week
cannabis is dominant over invega, not to say you don't still get side effects from invega, but cannabis is a gold stamp on psychiatry.
Not necessarily. A lot of people say they can't get high or drunk and that's because of the AP's. If you can start to feel drunk or high again I'd say that means you're recovering
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