Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Invega causes depersonalization cuz persona is collection of memories(decisions, likes and dont likes) for which is serotonine responsible so we lose our persona while on invega since it disables serotonine receptors. I notice regaining it slowly as I recover my mood for which are also responsible serotonin receptors.
Took me 10 months to get my mood back like pre invega and my sense of humor
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Just 1 pill? What mg was it? That’s a pretty good sign if your nodding off from a single pill no matter what the dose is really. I think those only go up to 15 mg don’t they?
Imagine if I took 2-3 would have been on the on the moon talking to jesus
I don't think I'll make it through this. There is nothing for me to do. What do you people do? Is there anything to do?
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I don't think I'll make it through this. There is nothing for me to do. What do you people do? Is there anything to do?
at least your not on a CTO and forced medications...

dunno anhedonia is pure evil shit.. watching TV .. taking walks listing to podcasts..going out getting something to eat
nothing is enjoyable
You'll be able to enjoy games again dont worry. I have adhd when I got injected it made it worst. I couldnt even focus on a game for 2 months.
I can't focus on games that much either, but mainly because they're boring. I can't stand Stardew Valley after all.

Hopefully Animal Crossing goes down more easily.

By the way, sucks to hear that you have adhd as well as anhedonia. I'm glad to hear it gets better.

It must have been hard with both.
I can't focus on games that much either, but mainly because they're boring. I can't stand Stardew Valley after all.

Hopefully Animal Crossing goes down more easily.

By the way, sucks to hear that you have adhd as well as anhedonia. I'm glad to hear it gets better.

It must have been hard with both.
Mario kart is pretty easy, its repitve, but if you play online it might not be as bad.
I can't focus on games that much either, but mainly because they're boring. I can't stand Stardew Valley after all.

Hopefully Animal Crossing goes down more easily.

By the way, sucks to hear that you have adhd as well as anhedonia. I'm glad to hear it gets better.

It must have been hard with both.
I had the anhedonia before the invega but it was very mild, but the invega made it go from mild to severe. So I'm pretty much back to baseline where I started and i dont really even think about it, it dosent really both me.
I had the anhedonia before the invega but it was very mild, but the invega made it go from mild to severe. So I'm pretty much back to baseline where I started and i dont really even think about it, it dosent really both me.
How many months did it take? You said somewhere something like ten?
Invega causes depersonalization cuz persona is collection of memories(decisions, likes and dont likes) for which is serotonine responsible so we lose our persona while on invega since it disables serotonine receptors. I notice regaining it slowly as I recover my mood for which are also responsible serotonin receptors.
Mine appear to be fully functional. I trip on LSD with full effects.
Imagine if I took 2-3 would have been on the on the moon talking to jesus
For some reason opiates are keeping me awake when I take them lately. Not 100% sure if that’s because of invega or not, probably it is but they can make me nod a little but I’m fully awake while I nod it’s weird and then I just don’t feel tired on them. They give me tons of energy. I only slept 3 hours last night. And I have no urge to sleep right now. Subs effects can last a few days.
I don't think I'll make it through this. There is nothing for me to do. What do you people do? Is there anything to do?
Honestly I lay around a lot and watch TV and watch football, play around on my phone. And sometimes I go for a walk which gives me about a 30 minute endorphin rush about 70% of the time which helps me feel better.
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