Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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but steady state is a steady decrease in medication? i wondered that. is that true?

I can't quite get the meaning of a steady-state, but I think of it as of a condition in which the rate of drug entry into the body equals the rate of its elimination.

I think that the half-lifes of depot antipsychotics are rather irrelevant until the steady-state is reached. Considering I've had only one injection of Abilify Maintena 400mg, the Cmax was something around 100mg, I was looking at the graph available on the Internet. So I don't know at what rate the drug leaves the body. I think that less of injections equals to a shorter half-life. I don't know, it's a confusion of da highest orda.
Yes but I have manic depression.

They give it for that, too. Antipsychotics are used for bipolar/manic depression. From what I know, mood-stabilizers help bipolar disorder, but antipsychotics are more useful for the inner symptoms, and for centering oneself. I know people with bipolar that take the abilify shot.

edit: I think the half-life and other biochemical data is largely irrelevant in terms of value or utility it can provide when you think about recovering from this. I mean, it could be a little helpful, but it's not really the best thing to focus on.
Abilify at 2mg is mostly dopaminergic, so it's given for augmentation of antidepressants.

Then at 30mg it acts mostly as an antipsychotic. But relatively speaking, it's not a very strong antipyschotic compared to something like risperdal or hloperidol.

That's a little strange to me, I mean, I was thinking about it for a while. I've calculated that I have an equivalence of something around 1.1mg of oral Abilify left in my system distributed daily. Does that mean it has a dopaminergic action? I don't see it having such an action on me. Shouldn't it at some point even help me with recovering? Lol
I think that's a good question. Thinking about it, it's not just the drug in your system that you're recovering from, but the effects of the drug on your brain. Your brain heals past the drug being present/active. In this sense, you could understand being a little under the weather even after the drug is gone. This is part of why half-life, accumulation, number of shots, and other variables aren't always on point with experience. People have different brains that heal on different timelines and with varying speed on different paramters.
I can't quite get the meaning of a steady-state, but I think of it as of a condition in which the rate of drug entry into the body equals the rate of its elimination.

I think that the half-lifes of depot antipsychotics are rather irrelevant until the steady-state is reached. Considering I've had only one injection of Abilify Maintena 400mg, the Cmax was something around 100mg, I was looking at the graph available on the Internet. So I don't know at what rate the drug leaves the body. I think that less of injections equals to a shorter half-life. I don't know, it's a confusion of da highest orda.

yeah i can't get a hold of it either. i figured a less mg would have a shorter half life.
This is part of why half-life, accumulation, number of shots, and other variables aren't always on point with experience.

i thought of the possibility of that stuff not being on point and it's clear since i've seen some people say they've recovered in 6-8 months despite a high mg or high number of doses
So basically, what I was writing about previously seems to be true.

I wrote

My thoughts are that what we experience is linked with the reduction of dopamine receptors sensitivity. After 5, 6 and more months the daily distributed dose is already pretty low, so I'm guessing the amount of poison left in our system is not necessarily our biggest problem.

So we can say, at least I think so, that in my case the antagonism of dopamine receptors is really low, if not there's an agonism going on. That's crazy, thinking of it gave me goosembumps, but maybe I shouldn't praise the day before sunset xD
Based on that, shouldn't some supplements help me recover? Or even the rest of us? Something like N-Acetyl-Tyrosine, for example? Or maybe something that increases the sensitivity of dopamine receptors? NMDA receptor antagonist? I mean, I was trying amantadine and I felt really bad after taking it, but it was like, I don't know, in June or May. Maybe it would help me now, after almost 5 months after the shot?
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Weed does not give me euphoria. I do get a head high, but then I become paranoid and I’m too scared to fall in psychosis again which I did on three occasions of smoking weed. I just wish I had my emotions at least. I’m tired of waking up with no emotions.

Do u not get euphoria cause the invega are u never got euphoria in the first place that sucks u get paranoid weeds made me fall in love with life again after deep depression but now it doesnt work im super depressed and cant feel love anymore
It’s my birthday today and I don’t even feel like going out with my family. Invega really sucks and I wish it hadn’t ripped my personality and drive for life away. Hopefully things get better soon.
Fuck!!!!!! The whole time I thought I was doing good for myself and all I was doing was digging myself a big rut! Fuck!
Hello all. Doing really well. Making good money. Mind feels clear. On 30 mg of abilify. Life is good. Hope all is well with everyone. Remember it took me two years to return to a normal state. Love you all. Take care. Don’t hesitate to reach pm if u need advise.
How many shots did you have?
Do u not get euphoria cause the invega are u never got euphoria in the first place that sucks u get paranoid weeds made me fall in love with life again after deep depression but now it doesnt work im super depressed and cant feel love anymore
Well honestly I really don’t enjoy weed. Coke was my drug of choice but I know invega is still heavy in my body. I want to feel love to man. It’s my favorite emotion. Hang on you will be able to feel weed and love again. I got fucked up smoking weed I can get high but no happiness which is sad. I can get drunk to and again mild happiness on drinking. GODSPEED ❤️❤️❤️
It’s my birthday today and I don’t even feel like going out with my family. Invega really sucks and I wish it hadn’t ripped my personality and drive for life away. Hopefully things get better soon.
Happy Birthday 🎁🎉🎈🎂🎊 Damn mine is in October and I know it will suck big time. I just hope I can enjoy it some but if not there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.
Yeah 3 months off and my orgasms are still enjoyable for sure but not nearly as enjoyable as they were and my loads aren’t as big. But every once in a while maybe once every two weeks I’ll be really horny and my loads are huge again
One thing I don't understand, or maybe it is another "one thing". From what I read, most people complain about having no emotions. I am emotional af, I can't feel happiness, but at least I'm crying and listening to music somehow brings me joy. Instead, my intelligence isn't there and I'm anxious to the point that I don't ever go out. I don't think it's because of a different drug, I've seen a guy here that was on Abilify and he didn't have emotions. If I had to choose, I'd rather get back my ability to go out and talk to people, but it's just me.

And happy birthday, @Blakefree!
Sorry if I wrote this too late.
Anyone here experiencing Tardive Dyskinesia? It seems that what I was writing about our dopamine receptors being desensitized after the treatment is wrong (yeah, like who would have thought). Actually, if someone experiences TD, it should in theory be a good sign, because long-term use of neuroleptic drugs gradually increases the sensitivity of dopamine receptors, and a sign of dyskinesias could say that the drug doesn't have such a strong effect on the body already. I personally don't have TD right now, but I think it'll come with time.
Anyone here experiencing Tardive Dyskinesia? It seems that what I was writing about our dopamine receptors being desensitized after the treatment is wrong (yeah, like who would have thought). Actually, if someone experiences TD, it should in theory be a good sign, because long-term use of neuroleptic drugs gradually increases the sensitivity of dopamine receptors, and a sign of dyskinesias could say that the drug doesn't have such a strong effect on the body already. I personally don't have TD right now, but I think it'll come with time.

tardive dyskinesia is involuntary movements right? i had a minor case with my tongue. like i'd stick my tongue out quickly then smack my lips. everybody but me noticed i was doing it.
i think you're right though about neuroleptics over time gradually increasing dopamine receptor sensitivity since your brain creates more receptors to compensate for the blocked ones
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tardive dyskinesia is involuntary movements right? i had a minor case with my tongue. like i'd stick my tongue out quickly then smack my lips. everybody but me noticed i was doing it.
i think you're right though since your brain creates more receptors to compesnate for the blocked ones.
Yes, and you sticking out your tongue is one example of those. I can remember myself having dyskinesias for a few months after using olanzapine for a month or so, it wasn't cool and I'm scared it'll be even worse when Abilify stops working. But maybe it won't be that bad. I've seen a guy that had extreme TD here on the forum and he eventually has killed himself.. It's a good thing that it was just a single case.
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