Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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You have a long way to go buddy I would just buckle up and hang on tight . I’m going on 7 months and don’t feel much better. I was Superman too... I was bench pressing 450lbs at 240 body weight. Good luck.
Don't say that to him though, everyone is different. Some people have recovered in a few months other have taken longer. Thing is 99% of people will recover that's for sure, just hang in there brothers. :)
3 months 5 days no recovery yet but a few days ago I felt hope. Also I don’t know if it’s in my head or not but I feel like I’m having more thoughts in my head as before it was a blank or I had to focus. Still suffer from anhedonia, slow, poor cognitive abilities, will keep you guys updated
Its encouraging to hear that you're having more thoughts. I'm suffering from thoughtlessness and it has rendered me pretty much disabled. I'm only 2 months out so hopefully I'll have similar improvement soon
Me Too.
They said I was jumping in front of traffic. I hadn't fallen victim of gang stalking so they lied about me
Day 11! In this video I talk about being hopeful, ECT therapy, and lack of thoughts/brain fog. Thanks everyone for watching these videos, I really put time and effort into them :)
A-Malik Ouriachi
@steve BarrettI think you dont understand you never recover ate you speak English or not? I speak with a lot of people after 2 years don't recover .after 3 year don't recover .after 9 year don't recover French forum American forum English forum ect ect please stop question me like an idiot you know nothing about this poison do you shut life and leave me alone.go on blue light and waiting a miracle
Is this guy just talking shit?
this targeted individual stuff is trippy. i believed i was, and still am, but it's not as simple as 'the government is doing it'

we emit frequencies on all sorts of levels e.g telepathically - our minds can become entangled as i believe they are quantum in nature.

now there are guardians, perhaps, one would say, of these frequency spectrum's (again, telepathic in nature, and by telepathic i mean levels of connection to other things waaay beyond our comprehension, at this point), if we step too far out of our 'box', these interbeings are there to make sure we don't go too far. now this can manifest as ultimate paranoia i.e everyone is staring at me - i'm being followed by everyone i see. i get it, truly. And this causes us/me an intense amount of paranoia and fear. But what i've found is that those who we think are following/tracking us, are not. but kind of..

We are seeing their possibility spectrum - their consciousness. this is hard to explain and language fails here, but i imagine an individual's possibility spectrum like a near infinite collection of bubbles (possibilities) coming from their being, and i visualise it as such. Now the interbeings exist in this space between us and can influence our possibility spectrum. So to us, we get the intense feeling that some particular person is watching us (and on some level they kinda are), but this has been manipulated. it's designed to scare us because we should be scared.

This tracking, i think, ultimately, is the interbeings attempt to keep us safe. if we grow too big too quick, we could encounter beings that would demolish our consciousness within seconds. they don't mean to do this, its just how they process reality. so these beings, and these experiences, are actually designed to keep us safe. now you could call this a bad case of Stockholm syndrome and I'm open to that, but once, they opened up the doors to me and i saw the one of the beings 'out there' (outside the simulation?) and it was just tearing through stuff, it had like 10 brains attached to its spine, i wouldn't have had the capacity to say "Help, don't eat me" - it was too powerful. I am like a worm to them (think Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, we are just on a different level). so i asked them kindly to put me back in my box.

so i'm not entirely sure i'm being helpful by telling you you should be scared, it's more of a slow down dude, chill for a while. I imagine them as parents - we get too trippy - too far from our ideal functioning, they are there to help round off the edges. when you get down to it, there is no such thing as privacy. in reality i think we we should accept we are being watched from all angles. and with this understanding we can then flourish within the possibility/novelty fields that emerge.

But, the nothingness does exist, which ultimately you can escape to if it gets too much. but within this crazy place called life, everything is connected, so just be careful dudes.

See you on the flipside

(i'm drunk)
I am freaking out.
E-mail and dirtyinvega has testified that full 100% is not possible!
Hoe... how is this real life this isn't fair or just.
They stole my personality and emotions.
They stole everything. Because I am "schitzoeffective"
this is bullshit.
How are we supposed to go on when are brain doesn't work??
I am freaking out.
E-mail and dirtyinvega has testified that full 100% is not possible!
Hoe... how is this real life this isn't fair or just.
They stole my personality and emotions.
They stole everything. Because I am "schitzoeffective"
this is bullshit.
How are we supposed to go on when are brain doesn't work??
Why don't you believe my recovery story though? How many shots did this guy receive?
Sbar25 seems to like to focus on the fringe cases where people don't recover and ignore the majority of people who do recover. It's not healthy.
Yeah I’ve wasted at least a month straight trying to convince him and others I recovered at 6-7 months. Now I just ignore him because all he ever responds with is that I’m in denial or delusional and have never healed. Very annoying.
Sbar25 seems to like to focus on the fringe cases where people don't recover and ignore the majority of people who do recover. It's not healthy.
I know but when stories come out about how people like dirtyinvega talk about hoe they didnt recover fully it just reassures me thet this drug can and does alter brain chemistey
Nearly 2 months since my last shot. No real improvements just yet, but I'm finding the recovery stories and updates very encouraging. The main side effects I'm still battling are thoughtlessness and excessive sleep. Attempting university study with no thoughts is a bit like milking a cow with no hands but I'm sticking at it. Some mornings it's a bit easier to get out of bed but most of the time it's a tremendous battle. Hoping for slight improvement at 3 months. I'm expecting real gradual change but it's still too early to tell right now.

Keep up the positivity guys its helping a ton.
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