Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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Thanks! You and others here inspire me. I assume when you say "healthy people" you mean people who exercise and eat well? It's been a month since my 2 shots, and my head actually hurts when I try to read… it's difficult to know when to push myself mentally and when to slow down and relax, because I believe that recovery comes to people who put themselves out there and keep challenging themselves, but at the same time you don't want to over stress yourself… what do you think, and what has been your experience with pushing yourself to recover? I hope this question made sense.
Hmm I think you shouldn't force yourself to recovery. Let it come naturally, the best thing to do is being patient. You will feel like shit in the first few months but there will be days of slight happiness and joy. Remain healthy, but don't push it too far!
200 days off. No improvements. Hopefully in a few weeks I will feel something
We !at have to prepare this way long teem. Im 90days off.
I'm sure you have noticed some improvement it's just been gradual.
I hope the brain heals it is just an Awful ewxpierence. To be robbed the basic joy out of life.
A guy named a malik on youtube isn't recovering
Can you seriously imagine having to spend the rest of our lives In this disabled state?
The saddest part is no one even saw this coming we were just ignorant folks for big pharmacy and victims of torture from paliperodne palmjtate aka Satan's juice
I cannot even get feel sleep I can't sleep alone nothing tastes good I can't experience pleasure I can't feel the effects of alcbol, tobacco, masturabtion, etc. Truly evil drug guys it robbed those special feelings in life that God has given to us and the evil corrupt system has stolen something from us that's inside our bodies it's not right to go through everyday disgusted.
Does deep thought come back? Does the ability to enjoy life we fully return?
I used to be able to sit down and meditate for hours now I can't even ha e thiught s why does it take your thoughts? Will the ability to live life come back I need to know guys I am suffering greatly I keep trying substances but get 0 effect
A guy named a malik on youtube isn't recovering
Can you seriously imagine having to spend the rest of our lives In this disabled state?
The saddest part is no one even saw this coming we were just ignorant folks for big pharmacy and victims of torture from paliperodne palmjtate aka Satan's juice
Guys the drugs are poison. Very very very potent drugs that completely di sable you.
I am Praying that recovery happens because the ouch ward are evil and they mess up our life
Is this thread a false hope platform
I need help to get through this I have lost feeling Goes presence
A-Malik Ouriachi
@steve Barrett 150 day or 300 day it's a bullshit.touch you body everywhere you listen ring bell even after 300 day invega is active forever in the body.they do shot each month only for the money they lie if the government and assurance company know just one shot block the dopamine forever in the brain they don't pay.even people take antidepressants they don't fully recover they have the same effect as us.and you think you can recover from a shot of poison in muscles you dream my believe what you want you will see if you stay on bluelight people claim I recover and you waiting like a stupid but you waiting for nothing because they don't recover now you have 2 choice live or move you ass go outside pray work I don't know don't stay like that say my life is ruined blabla. It's no way for you say that don't listen bluelight do you life
Maybe everyone is lying and be living in recovrry? My life is forever destroyed.
Day 90. I can't feel acohol. Can't feel tobacco. No pleasure from orgasm.
I am really scared A-malik is right and this is permanent.
How scary that are lives are destroyed forwvrr .
Day 90. I can't feel acohol. Can't feel tobacco. No pleasure from orgasm.
I am really scared A-malik is right and this is permanent.
How scary that are lives are destroyed forwvrr .

It's not. I know this is difficult (as most worthwhile things, though), but try not to think about it too much and it will be easier. Also, develop some productive life habits. Otherwise great people don't achieve their life goals because they worry all the time. Think of it as a gift to yourself. You can also think of productive habits in this way. Start small, and work your way up. That's what I did. But for those firs three weeks or so, yeah, it take a degree of effort.

It may be helpful to remember that, though we forget easily in this subject, everyone is unique. Your recovery and that of others doesn't look quite the same. Maybe take a minute to jot down your strengths. If you want to, go ahead and tell us. We're here for you.
3 months 5 days no recovery yet but a few days ago I felt hope. Also I don’t know if it’s in my head or not but I feel like I’m having more thoughts in my head as before it was a blank or I had to focus. Still suffer from anhedonia, slow, poor cognitive abilities, will keep you guys updated
Yep I lost Gods presence. I was superman before this shot now I am disabled. How can you be sure it isnt permanent?
Yep I lost Gods presence. I was superman before this shot now I am disabled. How can you be sure it isnt permanent?
You have a long way to go buddy I would just buckle up and hang on tight . I’m going on 7 months and don’t feel much better. I was Superman too... I was bench pressing 450lbs at 240 body weight. Good luck.
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