Mental Health Coming off Invega (Paliperidone, Xeplion) injections v. 7.0

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I heard DMMA can cause pyschosis and stuff, what about N-phenethyl dimethylamin? It's a similar ingridient to DMMA but I found no study that causes pyschosis. n-phenethyl dimethylamine Is believed to boost dopamine and give theraputic effects, will this boost affect me idk what to do :c

I think that if its questionable, it's maybe best not to ingest it. Especially if you're wanting your brain to get back to a healthy homeostasis.
Does anyone know if losing weight helps with getting rid of invega? since its stored in the fat
what about sleeping and rest? Are you able to sleep more than 6 hours a day? I dont want to be annoying just wondering if side effects such as sexual dysfunction, restlessness and dopamine in general are really going to come back at any time, thanks for your time Katrina! I really appreciate your effort!
I hate living life. I’m bedridden and have no motivation to do anything. 3 months off when do I get my dopamine levels back 🙁
I hate living life. I’m bedridden and have no motivation to do anything. 3 months off when do I get my dopamine levels back 🙁
It’s only going to get worse if you give in to it and stay in bed all day. Try to get a routine going first thing you wake up like do yoga or tai chi. Then put in some working out throughout the day like squats or something and lifting weights. You can do it I believe in you!
It’s only going to get worse if you give in to it and stay in bed all day. Try to get a routine going first thing you wake up like do yoga or tai chi. Then put in some working out throughout the day like squats or something and lifting weights. You can do it I believe in you!
I dont agree it makes recovery worse resting is the most important thing you can do
I hate living life. I’m bedridden and have no motivation to do anything. 3 months off when do I get my dopamine levels back 🙁
invega is probably still in your system . start fasting 16 hours loose the wieght. run for 1 miniute a day !!fast!! <edited out unnecessary comments - SMod>
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Energy drinks really help me with combating this, but drinking them keeps me up all night! I can’t win without losing:(
I'm not sure that I follow your theory, but my understanding is that there is a very clear link between dopamine and psychosis. It's been shown scientifically many times, using many different methods. However I definitely agree with you that past trauma has a part to play in if/how psychosis manifests in individuals.
Metanalysis shows that when accounting for confounding variables like drug use, there is no valid proof for the dopamine theory if schizophrenia. The dopamine system does change in psychosis, and shutting down that system with medication does affect its presentation, but this does NOT mean that dopamine irregularity is a CAUSE of psychosis (that it happens beforehand) There's much more scientific. Evidence to show that trauma or adverse life events are a causal factor, and that such a complex condition could have many causal factors as you indicate
One thing, I ve read in past threads that sensitivity in your clito did not fully recover, is that still present?
I believe that I've fully recovered it now. It's hard to compare now to four tear ago but I certainly don't feel as if I'm missing anything or incapable of anything I wasn't before. Haha
And what about sleeping and rest? Are you able to sleep more than 6 hours a day? I dont want to be annoying just wondering if side effects such as sexual dysfunction, restlessness and dopamine in general are really going to come back at any time, thanks for your time Katrina! I really appreciate your effort!
Yes. I had such issues sleeping on invega and I couldn't nap even after a long period of recover. I got very good sleep now, and dreams. I can sleep in, and I'm actually napping a lot these days because I'm tired and pregnant.

Its not annoying to ask, i know that its really hard to believe that the things you lose on invega will return & i stick around to provide some reassurance
I hate living life. I’m bedridden and have no motivation to do anything. 3 months off when do I get my dopamine levels back 🙁
There's nothing you can do at three months, I agree with APsucks that it doesn't really matter if you exercise or not right now, around 6-9 months you will start feeling like things are easier. Don't fast, take care of your body but do keep your hopes up and keep trying to establish new or old routines so that you don't lose hope and so that your brain gets a chance to "fit into" it's old ways
I dont agree it makes recovery worse resting is the most important thing you can do
That is your opinion which is fine. Obviously getting proper sleep is very important, but during the day it is important to push yourself, slowly increasing the amount over time. After going through recovery multiple times I can say I much prefer the shorter recovery time that comes with a healthy routine that encourages my body and mind to adapt and grow, compared to the longer recovery time associated with when I only rest and wait.
It’s only going to get worse if you give in to it and stay in bed all day. Try to get a routine going first thing you wake up like do yoga or tai chi. Then put in some working out throughout the day like squats or something and lifting weights. You can do it I believe in you!
I agree having a routine helps to get one’s mind off of invega, but rest was the only thing that helped me during my recovery. Some people have it so bad they can barely get out of bed. It’s hard to change someone’s mindset when invega takes your mindset away.
I didn’t say you didn’t eat healthy. I said maybe you need to adjust your diet.
Thank you for the advice. It’s hard to assume a simple change is what is needed when you don’t know my diet. Maybe sometimes it’s just invega. Maybe the medication effects one’s metabolism so bad that eating..

1. Egg whites and wheat oatmeal
2. Grilled chicken, vegetables and rice
3. Grilled chicken, vegetables and rice

… and working out has no effect on weight after 2 months. No one has the answer to invega stop acting like you do
That is your opinion which is fine. Obviously getting proper sleep is very important, but during the day it is important to push yourself, slowly increasing the amount over time. After going through recovery multiple times I can say I much prefer the shorter recovery time that comes with a healthy routine that encourages my body and mind to adapt and grow, compared to the longer recovery time associated with when I only rest and wait.
No one has the answer to invega recovery, stop acting like you do.
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