Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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My nurse, the one guy who I was paired with upon release told me that he gives 300 depot injections every month and that I was the first who challenged him with concerns about side effects.
I'm just in a small area, it begs the question, how many people across the globe are on this stuff? I live in an area with one of the smallest populations.
We know the costs associated with this stuff, the pharmaceutical companies must be raking in telephone number profits by the day. I don't know of any other industry that could match these profits. Staggering.
Man I was doing so good after only 3 months into my recovery process. My memory was coming back and my posture was much more upright and confident. But I let my dad convince me to take the shot again so I have to restart. But no big deal. I think I will recover pretty quickly. I’ve taken 12 shots of Abilify Maintena 400 mg since June of 2021. My metabolism must be great. Stay positive y’all
Has anyone been on mood stabilizers and mood stabilizers only? I'm curious if they keep you from feeling weed too. I might be switching to those in the future instead of getting injected with Risperdal. I got a new doctor since my previous one retired and he seems more lenient with a med switch. Currently on Risperdal injectable and Welbutrin and I can't feel weed. Can get kinda drunk though, but not 100%. Maybe 40-50%. It gets to a certain level and then just stops. I'd much rather get high though. Other than that everything seems fine with my current meds. Just want to get high though.. it's been 3 years since I was able to feel weed because of Haldol, Invega, and Risperdal.
Has anyone been on mood stabilizers and mood stabilizers only? I'm curious if they keep you from feeling weed too. I might be switching to those in the future instead of getting injected with Risperdal. I got a new doctor since my previous one retired and he seems more lenient with a med switch. Currently on Risperdal injectable and Welbutrin and I can't feel weed. Can get kinda drunk though, but not 100%. Maybe 40-50%. It gets to a certain level and then just stops. I'd much rather get high though. Other than that everything seems fine with my current meds. Just want to get high though.. it's been 3 years since I was able to feel weed because of Haldol, Invega, and Risperdal.
I am not feeling any weed either and it has been four months since my last injection of Xeplion. It might take some time until I will be able to feel on weed again.
Do you guys suffer from anhedonia too? for example I wanna watch a YouTube video I once loved, but I feel a strong urge not to, or an urge to stop the video because I lost patience.
Everything I do now is because I kinda force myself instead of having the pleasure to do so.
Anybody know what I mean?
Do you guys suffer from anhedonia too? for example I wanna watch a YouTube video I once loved, but I feel a strong urge not to, or an urge to stop the video because I lost patience.
Everything I do now is because I kinda force myself instead of having the pleasure to do so.
Anybody know what I mean?
Yes I totally relate to this. I was also at a point where I could not sit through even a 10 minute video. It will definitely get better as time goes by. Although I still don’t feel pleasure or complete engagement, I can now sit through a movie and at least absorb something.
Yes I totally relate to this. I was also at a point where I could not sit through even a 10 minute video. It will definitely get better as time goes by. Although I still don’t feel pleasure or complete engagement, I can now sit through a movie and at least absorb something.
How long since last injection and how many shots did you receive? and btw, do all antipsychotics cause anhedonia?
Aynone close to or have made a recovery? Im 17 months off I was doing as well as I could falling asleep at 9pm every night and waking up 8 am. Eating well and being normally hungry but had to much anxiety to work out or anything. 4.5 month in I got the covid shot where I had had got the Invega shot. The day after I became insane more or less with anxiety, was no point in going to bed before 12pm and still woke up at 7. Lost appetite and apparently also got lowered blood pressure, which they found out 11 months later... It goes up and down anyone lse feeling their brain is "synthetic"? Mine is numb with that feeling, I think its Xeplion/Invega thats causing it. <not in the good nature of the forum. Please do not post info like that, thank you - n3o>
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Hello beautiful people,

I found this community in March of 2019, 3 months after my husband was injected with the loading dose at the VA. I’m going to try and recall the events to give y’all some comfort and hope that recovery is in your future :)

He traveled a difficult road to recover like many of you. My husband is diagnosed with PTSD from his time deployment(2007) to Iraq (He spent 15 months in daily combat). In late 2018 he went an appt at the VA where the psychiatrist recommended Invega. We had no idea the damage that would occur.

First I noticed the side effects of the medication. I remember while laying in bed he could not stay still and he could not sleep for very long. He was prescribed more medication to combat the side effect(he did not take those). Then all the feeling of dullness and no emotions set in. He was really not able to do anything in the early months of coming off. I did TONS of research and we tried TONS of natural remedies. There were supplements for brain function and detox. We purchased a portable sauna and ionic foot baths to try to get it out of his system. We even spent $200 on a detox supplement that works at the cellular level. I noticed after 2 weeks of that expensive supplement that there was a slight change. Now I can’t say if it was all those things we tried or the Invega was lessening. The doctors will try to tell you that it only last for a month but that’s a lie. If you read the pharmacology report it last in your system for a year or longer. The medication does decrease over time but it is still present.

Little by little he started getting better. I would say it took about 1 year for him to fully his old self again. It’s not like one day you wake up and it’s all better. Remember it is gradual but you will get there. Try not to pollute your body “trying” to see if you feel something because your body is already been through enough with this horrible drug. Try not to panic and think you will never get better. Remember people find this community when they are at their worst and when they get better there is no need to come back. Ever now and again someone will reach out to us so I come back to give the new people some hope because I know that’s what we were looking for. Take one day at a time. Until next time, take care and look forward to being you again❤️

What was that detox supplement, if I may ask?

Ty... Pls and welcome, compedre 😊
Aynone close to or have made a recovery? Im 17 months off I was doing as well as I could falling asleep at 9pm every night and waking up 8 am. Eating well and being normally hungry but had to much anxiety to work out or anything. 4.5 month in I got the covid shot where I had had got the Invega shot. The day after I became insane more or less with anxiety, was no point in going to bed before 12pm and still woke up at 7. Lost appetite and apparently also got lowered blood pressure, which they found out 11 months later... It goes up and down anyone lse feeling their brain is "synthetic"? Mine is numb with that feeling, I think its Xeplion/Invega thats causing it. Apparently you can buy invega sustenna from India for only 148 dollars without prescription if you wanna give it someone who deserves it.
Sad to hear youve been off meds for 17 months and atill not required, thats a really long time to not be recovered. How long did you take invega for? Were you taking some other antipsychotic in the meantime?

So ueah ive recovered from these meds 3 times already but i was always on for a few months at most. This time i was on it for a year so little worried i might not recover.
Aynone close to or have made a recovery? Im 17 months off I was doing as well as I could falling asleep at 9pm every night and waking up 8 am. Eating well and being normally hungry but had to much anxiety to work out or anything. 4.5 month in I got the covid shot where I had had got the Invega shot. The day after I became insane more or less with anxiety, was no point in going to bed before 12pm and still woke up at 7. Lost appetite and apparently also got lowered blood pressure, which they found out 11 months later... It goes up and down anyone lse feeling their brain is "synthetic"? Mine is numb with that feeling, I think its Xeplion/Invega thats causing it. Apparently you can buy invega sustenna from India for only 148 dollars without prescription if you wanna give it someone who deserves it.
Have you been able to lose the weight since your 17 months off?
Aynone close to or have made a recovery? Im 17 months off I was doing as well as I could falling asleep at 9pm every night and waking up 8 am. Eating well and being normally hungry but had to much anxiety to work out or anything. 4.5 month in I got the covid shot where I had had got the Invega shot. The day after I became insane more or less with anxiety, was no point in going to bed before 12pm and still woke up at 7. Lost appetite and apparently also got lowered blood pressure, which they found out 11 months later... It goes up and down anyone lse feeling their brain is "synthetic"? Mine is numb with that feeling, I think its Xeplion/Invega thats causing it. Apparently you can buy invega sustenna from India for only 148 dollars without prescription if you wanna give it someone who deserves it.
How much you recovered. Are you 17 months off since last shot? Have you taken any other meds during those 17 months.
I feel Im getting better and better each day but my brain feels numb and if I go for a 30 min jog I can barely move for the next couple of days. It was a lot worse about 10 months ago i could hardly get out of bed sometimes just laying there for 14 hours straight and only eating once a day, changing underwear every 5 days and unable to clean and stuff, and they just recently discovered my blood pressure was low. I feel hope though. I was getting abilify pills for a week about 3 months after the xeplion injection, those made me unable to relax and even watch tv, became sort of hyper, which isnt very good if u have all the anxiety aswell because of xeplion. It took about 5 days for me to become able to relax and watch tv again after that. They gave me olanzapine before the shot for a couple of weeks but after about two weeks I started to feel weird in my heart. They also gave me Invega pills before the xeplion and those made me not impotent but sterile but thats nothing compared to xeplion as u may know. I also got some kind of anti depressive from my doctor who thought it was a good idea, which worked similarly to olanzapine since it makes u very drowzy, but they gave me horrible nightmares I only tried them once. Before the covid-shot, that I got in my arm where I had the xeplion, i was eating a lot more and sleeping heavier and more so it completely sucks but things are a little better than it has been. i only got one shot and it ruined me but hopefully not for good. when was ur last shot how many shots did u get?
So how many months are you off since last antipsyhotics injection (any type of it), from what you said I understand you are around 13 months off, I am probably misunderstanding it now, so lets clear that up.
I feel Im getting better and better each day but my brain feels numb and if I go for a 30 min jog I can barely move for the next couple of days. It was a lot worse about 10 months ago i could hardly get out of bed sometimes just laying there for 14 hours straight and only eating once a day, changing underwear every 5 days and unable to clean and stuff, and they just recently discovered my blood pressure was low. I feel hope though. I was getting abilify pills for a week about 3 months after the xeplion injection, those made me unable to relax and even watch tv, became sort of hyper, which isnt very good if u have all the anxiety aswell because of xeplion. It took about 5 days for me to become able to relax and watch tv again after that. They gave me olanzapine before the shot for a couple of weeks but after about two weeks I started to feel weird in my heart. They also gave me Invega pills before the xeplion and those made me not impotent but sterile but thats nothing compared to xeplion as u may know. I also got some kind of anti depressive from my doctor who thought it was a good idea, which worked similarly to olanzapine since it makes u very drowzy, but they gave me horrible nightmares I only tried them once. Before the covid-shot, that I got in my arm where I had the xeplion, i was eating a lot more and sleeping heavier and more so it completely sucks but things are a little better than it has been. i only got one shot and it ruined me but hopefully not for good. when was ur last shot how many shots did u get?
2 invega shots (initial doses) and risperdal pills in 4mg or 6mg dose for one month before those shots. I'm 56.5 weeks off.
Good news guys,
Although I'm under forced treatment, my psychiatrist put me on pills and that means that I'm done with getting Xeplion injections.
Last injection was on July 26th and the pills I'm gonna try are Amisulpride (Solian).
Does anybody has any experience with those pills?
Still not feeling any weed after four months off. How long did it take for you guys to feel anything on weed?
My sleep or lack of it is an undesirable side effect right now. Tomorrow I start a year long Software Testing course and that will be week 7 of being off Invega. I cannot wait to see how my brain handles this challenge. I cannot explain how my mind thinks when I just sit down and close my eyes, its like my thoughts are having the life filtered out of them. I used to just love sitting and closing my eyes and watching my thoughts come and go, invega has definitely put a road block on that. Meditation is just different, like the meaning and purpose of it has gone, hard to explain. Im lucky enough to be able to play sport and do exercise. The anxiety is just horrible, everything is a crisis. A huge part of starting this course is seeing how I handle social interaction, Im kindof filled with doubt just thinking of it. If I am to return to some degree of working normality I feel that I have to constantly challenge myself. I cannot wait to return to work and have a structured lifestyle. I thrive on routine, I have my own even though im not currently working. Im interested in hearing how you people cope with work while recovering from this poison.
Ive been through some serious suicidal moments in my life, I find myself reading about it too much on the internet. I did come across one interesting article about a man who tried to end it with a euthanasia drug (most toxic drug out there), the one thing that really helped save him was that he was administered activated charcoal quickly after he ingested the poison. If activated charcoal can stop this stuff in its tracks I wonder what it could do to remove invega.
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Its scary hearing you guys who are a year off or 17 months off and are still suffering from this. I always recovered after a year of being off meds.

Are there stories of ppl recovering after being on the meds for a year?
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