Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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Since your 50% do you think you have 15 more months ? I believe you will recover before then
Yeah so im off 4 months now and i notice i have more thoughts in my head, i can have negative emotions and my appetite has increased. Its easy to notice these differences since i was on meds for a whole year. So its easy to notice when changes are happening.
Devi stare a dieta, la tua prolattina e il metabolismo sono influenzati così forte soprattutto se ti sei iniettato i colpi sono praticamente 1 anno più tranquillante cerebrale ho 7 mesi e ho sentito che ti senti di merda fino in fondo anche alla fine dei giorni come wtf I ho parlato con così tante persone che si sono riprese e sono come se fosse una doppia consapevolezza del dolore e della libertà, limitano le piene capacità del tuo cervello solo a causa del risveglio della kundalini che ho sperimentato dalla ritenzione di sperma e dal non tornare a casa con le temperature inferiori perché io era sui funghi e non sentiva affatto freddo
I have low prolactine. I used dostinex
May 24th was my last shot. I was all the way down to the lowest dose (39mg.) I think being on the lowest dose speeds things up.

Im doing better. Maybe 50% recovered.

If you've been on low doses for a certain amount of time it would make sense that the amount of paliperidone in your body started going down even before your last shot so that recovery might seem faster in that regard (not to mention your body and mind just getting used to the injections over time). Actually if we put it down to maths and we go by the half-life theory (which I don't believe is exact but it might be a decent approximation) you're like one month or so ahead of me in recovery

Have you started feeling excitement or will to do enjoyable activities yet?
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I dreamt about the sun. It is a good omen they say. Everything will be alright. We will recover and be able to get high again.
What helps me are activities like sport, even though invega makes it difficult. I play soccer, I believe that every game is random and requires you to be present and alert in the moment, every moment requires a new way of thinking and awareness to deal with each play. This random thinking creates new pathways in the brain. This is why I continue to play, every moment is different. I cycle too, you have to be aware of different things all at once. Sport really helps, regular exercise is a close second. Anyone else notice this?
Is there any way I can change my username or deactivate my account? Pretty sure my ex has been able to find my posts by searching my username because it's the same as one of my instagram usernames which he tried to hack into. I would be mortified if anyone I know could read these posts because it's a complete invasion of my privacy & literally like reading my diary. I don't want to lose all my posts because it tracks my journey & I want to be able to help others by reading my experience like reading others experiences have helped me but it's causing me alot of stress knowing my posts might not be completely private. Also I'm definitely not being paranoid haha it's definitely something he would do he's searched my name before & found things about me. I did a google search myself of my username & this website & my posts do come up in search. I think I'm just going to have to delete all my posts which sucks especially since I'm starting to recovery
Hi honey, you definitely can do a name change, it just requires a donation to the Bluelight site.
DM the admins to arrange it @deficiT @arrall @D's @Mysterier
What helps me are activities like sport, even though invega makes it difficult. I play soccer, I believe that every game is random and requires you to be present and alert in the moment, every moment requires a new way of thinking and awareness to deal with each play. This random thinking creates new pathways in the brain. This is why I continue to play, every moment is different. I cycle too, you have to be aware of different things all at once. Sport really helps, regular exercise is a close second. Anyone else notice this?
This is SO so true and important! Great post ❤️⚽
Is there any way I can change my username or deactivate my account? Pretty sure my ex has been able to find my posts by searching my username because it's the same as one of my instagram usernames which he tried to hack into. I would be mortified if anyone I know could read these posts because it's a complete invasion of my privacy & literally like reading my diary. I don't want to lose all my posts because it tracks my journey & I want to be able to help others by reading my experience like reading others experiences have helped me but it's causing me alot of stress knowing my posts might not be completely private. Also I'm definitely not being paranoid haha it's definitely something he would do he's searched my name before & found things about me. I did a google search myself of my username & this website & my posts do come up in search. I think I'm just going to have to delete all my posts which sucks especially since I'm starting to recover
Reach out to me in a DM and I can change your name. It only requires a small donation (doesn't have to be 25 dollars necessarily just whatever you can afford). I will link you the thread with the directions below:

If you've been on low doses for a certain amount of time it would make sense that the amount of paliperidone in your body started going down even before your last shot so that recovery might seem faster in that regard (not to mention your body and mind just getting used to the injections over time). Actually if we put it down to maths and we go by the half-life theory (which I don't believe is exact but it might be a decent approximation) you're like one month or so ahead of me in recovery

Have you started feeling excitement or will to do enjoyable activities yet?
I was on 39mg for 4 mos. I tapered every three months. 156, 117, 78, 39. I was on 39 for 4 months. My last 39mg shot was May 24. I started feeling better when I got down to 78 and 39. I’m feeling even better off.

I still don’t have a lot of joy. But it’s slowly improving. Once in a while I get up lifted by music. I can play with my 8yr old son a little and enjoy it.

It’s definitely getting better, but I’m not there yet. I still take 25mg seroquel at night. It probably slows recovery.
I was on 39mg for 4 mos. I tapered every three months. 156, 117, 78, 39. I was on 39 for 4 months. My last 39mg shot was May 24. I started feeling better when I got down to 78 and 39. I’m feeling even better off.

I still don’t have a lot of joy. But it’s slowly improving. Once in a while I get up lifted by music. I can play with my 8yr old son a little and enjoy it.

It’s definitely getting better, but I’m not there yet. I still take 25mg seroquel at night. It probably slows recovery.
Yeah ud prolly feel better if you were off seroquel.

For me im kinda in same boat. Ive been off injections since like may. Just the past few weeks ive noticed my mind is a little more active, bit of increased appetite, sleeping less. I think im having a bit more energy now too. I dont feel like such shit when i wake up. Ive been lifting weights a bit. Very little. Like ill do like 1 set a day 10 reps. Just getting into it slowly. Im thinking of starting to walk an hour a day. Like i work 1 or 2 days a week and on my off days i just play on my laptop watching youtube. I want to start trying to be more active cause im getting sick and tired of just playing on my laptop all the time
any of you have very strong perennial migraines? i can't figure out anymore if it is xeplion covid or stilnox abuse. Has anyone thought of killing psychiatrists? I know it's a heavy question
any of you have very strong perennial migraines? i can't figure out anymore if it is xeplion covid or stilnox abuse. Has anyone thought of killing psychiatrists? I know it's a heavy question
My psychaitrist has backed off trying to convince me of taking medication, I showed her a few studies that confirmed my stance and she even agreed with me that she was aware of the studies. My question is why is she still pushing meds if she is aware of the negative effects of this stuff. I guess when you waste so much time of your life believing that you are helping people only to find out that you're training was a load of nonsense you Bury your head in the sand.
It may be a profitable profession but it sure is a worthless and harmful one. The drug companies have these people completely brainwashed.
My psychaitrist has backed off trying to convince me of taking medication, I showed her a few studies that confirmed my stance and she even agreed with me that she was aware of the studies. My question is why is she still pushing meds if she is aware of the negative effects of this stuff. I guess when you waste so much time of your life believing that you are helping people only to find out that you're training was a load of nonsense you Bury your head in the sand.
It may be a profitable profession but it sure is a worthless and harmful one. The drug companies have these people completely brainwashed.
Yeah ive seen documentaries which talk about how drug companies basically brbie doctors to make good reports. Like the pharmaceutical compsnies will create the reports, but have a doctor sign it saying he wrote it. I think its called ghost writing. Also pharmaceutical companies donate to medical schools and they influence the curriculum.

On a side note. I think if you want to recover you have to also try and do things to recover. You can just lay in bed all day. Its like the brain is a muscle, you have to use it or else you lose it. Like obviously if your still on the meds you cant just recover. But for those that have been off for a while, maybe try and be more active in your life slowly in order to recover. Ive recovered from these meds 3 times already so this comes from my own personal experience. You have to start trying to live a more normal life after youve been off for a while. Jntil you start just doing normal things apl the time all a sudden then you noticed you recovered.
any of you have very strong perennial migraines? i can't figure out anymore if it is xeplion covid or stilnox abuse. Has anyone thought of killing psychiatrists? I know it's a heavy question
Matte, I just need to say this: any thoughts of killing other people are very serious and not to be taken lightly. How often do you have these thoughts?
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