Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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It might take like 5 years to fully recover for those who've taken many injections. If I could get at least 50% back of what I had before then that would still be livable..This one guy on some other forum I think said if you've had like over 3 years of injections then I hope you have someone to take care of you, like he was just writing me off already. While on antipsychotic injections I was still able to work full time or almost that amount and/or was able to do some online school.
Good news guys,
Although I'm under forced treatment, my psychiatrist put me on pills and that means that I'm done with getting Xeplion injections.
Last injection was on July 26th and the pills I'm gonna try are Amisulpride (Solian).
Does anybody has any experience with those pills?
Well. İ used solian ..i can say its a mild antipsychotic ..but it increases prolactin too much and you can expect loss of libido..also it mildy slow down the thinking flow but not like the other a.p.s...well its not a good drug but if you compare it with other ones...solian is one of the lightest ap on the market..
Hey, so idk if you guys sware of my situation. But i was on injection for a year, then got off and now being forced to take pills of seroquel which im not taking. So today i went to the pharmacy to pick up my pills, and there telling me about how i am 2 weeks late to picking up my medications and how im supposed to take it everyday and all that. So now im a little scared that the pharmacist might tell my doctor that im late to pick up the pills and they may try and force me to go back on injections. So going forward im a make sure to pick up the pills exactly a month later from the last time i picked up the pills. Hopefully i dont get forced on injections again, feeling a little scared now lol
Well. İ used solian ..i can say its a mild antipsychotic ..but it increases prolactin too much and you can expect loss of libido..also it mildy slow down the thinking flow but not like the other a.p.s...well its not a good drug but if you compare it with other ones...solian is one of the lightest ap on the market..
Yes, the psychiatrist warned me about loss of sexual function with this drug, but hopefully it doesn't cause akathisia/restlessness, that is my main concern.
So does anybody know (or heard anything about) if our medications (antipsychotics, etc...) contain heavy metals?

Pls and ty... 😊
I think some antipsychotics contain floride, thats known for being bad for the brain
I'm trying to quit smoking weed after recovering from invega. Everytime I get high I get all the effects, it's just makes me like a zombie like on invega, not exactly like invega, but it's take away all of my motivation and I get super high and pass out. I feel like I have PTSD from the invega experience if that makes since.
You can get akathisa from the 50mg injection…I couldn’t stop pacing while on Invega Sustenna and couldn’t really relax.
You can get akathisa from the 50mg injection…I couldn’t stop pacing while on Invega Sustenna and couldn’t really relax.
Are you talking about the 50mg of Xeplion injection? Yes, Xeplion even at 75mg gave me Akathisia and I found myself restless
I'm afraid that using another AP while healing from Xeplion, will slow down my recovery time, or simply won't allow recovery. Is that true?
If you take a different antipsychotic you’ll just feel the effects of that antipsychotic and won’t notice yourself improving that much from Invega Sustenna. At least that’s what happened in my case. I noticed little things improving but still feel pretty out of it all the time.
I'm afraid that using another AP while healing from Xeplion, will slow down my recovery time, or simply won't allow recovery. Is that true? not an expert but i dont think it will slow down the recovery i said its a mild a.p. u probably dont feel anything except loss of some amounts of i dont think it will slow down your recovery ..if you really need to use a.p. u can take solian..better than the others.200 mg can stop the attacks of psychosis. not an expert but i dont think it will slow down the recovery i said its a mild a.p. u probably dont feel anything except loss of some amounts of i dont think it will slow down your recovery ..if you really need to use a.p. u can take solian..better than the others.200 mg can stop the attacks of psychosis.
There’s no such thing as a weak AP!
Am I the only one who can’t keep a house tidy or clean on Invega ~ not motivated to do ABSOLUTELY anything…including shopping for groceries?
I've been off Invega sustana shot for 5 months I'm a 49 year old female exercise 3 times a week and have been eating pretty healthy for that past 4 weeks. no alcohol. no depressants that will make me more tired and depressed. I am always tired. I wake up tired. I need to sleep almost 12 hours to feel normal. I have no motivation and I don't have a personality because im trying to fight this tiredness I have. I slipped yesterday and took an old adder all XR which was probably 14 mg and it totally fucked me up I had anxiety and I was besides myself. the day before I took Dexedrine I felt fine until I went to bed and woke up with a headache. is anyone still affected by the Invega sustana withdrawals?
Am I the only one who can’t keep a house tidy or clean on Invega ~ not motivated to do ABSOLUTELY anything…including shopping for groceries?
yes my motivation sucks on Invega I still haven't unpacked all my stuff since moving in my new place June 1st
I might get off of civil commitment in a couple of months 😁 I work with a team of mental health practioners called an ACT Team as a part of my commitment and they recently had a meeting and agreed that my commitment should expire. Now I just have to wait for court in November to see what the judge thinks about it and then hopefully I'm free from all of this shit!! I've been on it for 3 years so fingers crossed that it ends in a couple of months.
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