Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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This thread is for the discussion of recovery from paliperidone injections including Invega Sustenna, Xeplion and Invega Trinza.
Topics of discussion include side effects, length of recovery time, ways to reduce recovery time and/or ease unwanted side effects, discussion of court-ordered treatment, etc.
Please note that this thread is designed for people to vent about their situation and to offer support to each other. When posting, please adhere to the Bluelight User Agreement and the Mental Health forum posting guidelines at all times. This thread is closely monitored by the moderators and any disrespectful or disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.

This thread is continuing on from the version 4 thread which can be found here:
Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

And the one before that can be found here:
Invega thread v3
Am I the only one who can’t keep a house tidy or clean on Invega ~ not motivated to do ABSOLUTELY anything…including shopping for groceries?
Am I the only one who still feels like shit after 7 months but noticed akathsia going away and feeling weed at 4 months
I’m grateful for this forum. There is an indoctrination that goes on in society that these meds are good for people. It’s hard to try to explain that they’re poison to the world. But here, people who have taken them, we know what’s up. Thanks for helping me feel sane, crew.
Have you started to feel recovered?
I’m grateful for this forum. There is an indoctrination that goes on in society that these meds are good for people. It’s hard to try to explain that they’re poison to the world. But here, people who have taken them, we know what’s up. Thanks for helping me feel sane, crew.
We are victims here and God is our witness
awful guys. over 13 months and I'm always in bed. insomnia. migraine, feeling of a dull brain. weakness. i can't read a book .. i'm bad bad. i take many zolpidem day and night. sometimes I sniff him. but i believe the symptoms are of xeplion. possible after 2 injections ruined for life? because I would like to understand how many recover
Find God
I’m grateful for this forum. There is an indoctrination that goes on in society that these meds are good for people. It’s hard to try to explain that they’re poison to the world. But here, people who have taken them, we know what’s up. Thanks for helping me feel sane, crew.
Yeah ive gone on other sites where ppl are schizophrenic are taking these meds. Sometimes when i say antipsychotics dumb me down, make me emotionally numb and drsin my energy. They might say things like that is the illness and not the medications.

I said the same thing to my psychiatrist and she says im just describing negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
I’m grateful for this forum. There is an indoctrination that goes on in society that these meds are good for people. It’s hard to try to explain that they’re poison to the world. But here, people who have taken them, we know what’s up. Thanks for helping me feel sane, crew.
Amen bro

Hard to believe that this is like the only place on the entire internet where you can find all of these stories related to invega/xeplion, as well as people who have recovered or even just information about what exactly we've been injected with...

It's not even easy to find this thread on google, probably because of some shadowbanning shit going on when trying to search about invega/xeplion and its effects. I was lucky that someone from Reddit sent me a link to this website or I would have never found it by myself.

When I told my therapist about this place he would go on saying shit like "They should close all of these forums, they're bad for you and full of false information, you should listen to your psych instead and keep taking the shots", invalidating the anecdotes of hundreds of people who came to tell their stories of suffering from the same things I did, calling everyone stupid and drugged up without even knowing anything about them at all

He'd also intentionally avoid the subject entirely saying things like "I don't want to talk about your problems with xeplion, let's have a conversation about foreign politics instead!". So glad I finally told him to fuck off and started finding my own solutions to these problems instead (with the help of the info/hope given to me by the invega threads in this forum exactly), saves me 60€/week too...

Currently signing up for a martial arts gym when it opens up in less than two weeks, it's kind of a ballsy move to do while only being 4 months off the shots but I feel like I can pull it off. It might be a good way to get back my thinking speed as well as a decent body shape again
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Amen bro

Hard to believe that this is like the only place on the entire internet where you can find all of these stories related to invega/xeplion, as well as people who have recovered or even just information about what exactly we've been injected with...

It's not even easy to find this thread on google, probably because of some shadowbanning shit going on when trying to search about invega/xeplion and its effects. I was lucky that someone from Reddit sent me a link to this website or I would have never found it by myself.

When I told my therapist about this place he would go on saying shit like "They should close all of these forums, they're bad for you and full of false information, you should listen to your psych instead and keep taking the shots", invalidating the anecdotes of hundreds of people who came to tell their stories of suffering from the same things I did, calling everyone stupid and drugged up without even knowing anything about them at all

He'd also intentionally avoid the subject entirely saying things like "I don't want to talk about your problems with xeplion, let's have a conversation about foreign politics instead!". So glad I finally told him to fuck off and started finding my own solutions to these problems instead (with the help of the info/hope given to me by the invega threads in this forum exactly), saves me 60€/week too...

Currently signing up for a martial arts gym when it opens up in less than two weeks, it's kind of a ballsy move to do while only being 4 months off the shots but I feel like I can pull it off. It might be a good way to get back my thinking speed as well as a decent body shape again
Yeah back in 2015 i mentioned to .y psychiatrist that ppl had better experience on the meds online. He said i cant believe what i read on the internet.
There is a subreddit on reddit called antipsychiatry. There ppl post bad experiences on meds, antidepressants and what not. Also talk about how they were forced on meds as a kid. That kind of thing.

I noticed a trend of ppl on ritalin and aderall gettibg psychosis later in life. So i thibo those meds might cause psychosis too
This cant go on forever. A better world will come for us in the near future. We will be loved and appreciated. There will be no psychiatry in the future. It cannot exist on a positive timeline.
Is there any way I can change my username or deactivate my account? Pretty sure my ex has been able to find my posts by searching my username because it's the same as one of my instagram usernames which he tried to hack into. I would be mortified if anyone I know could read these posts because it's a complete invasion of my privacy & literally like reading my diary. I don't want to lose all my posts because it tracks my journey & I want to be able to help others by reading my experience like reading others experiences have helped me but it's causing me alot of stress knowing my posts might not be completely private. Also I'm definitely not being paranoid haha it's definitely something he would do he's searched my name before & found things about me. I did a google search myself of my username & this website & my posts do come up in search. I think I'm just going to have to delete all my posts which sucks especially since I'm starting to recover
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after almost 14 months I dropped like 1 or 2 kg which on almost 100 is nothing. are there people who have lost weight without diets? or some remain for life?
after almost 14 months I dropped like 1 or 2 kg which on almost 100 is nothing. are there people who have lost weight without diets? or some remain for life?
You have to diet your prolactin and metabolism is affected so strong especially if you got shots the shots are basically 1 year plus brain tranquilizer I’m at 7 months and I heard you feel shitty all the way through even at the end days like wtf I’ve been talking to so many who’ve recovered and they’re like it’s a double conscious of pain and freedom they limit your brains full capabilities just because of kundalini awakening I experienced from semen retention and not coming home in the below temperatures because I was on mushrooms and didn’t feel cold at all
They labeled me schizophrenic because of a heroic dose mushroom trip and my moms was tripping about coming home I feel like rap and beats decreased in creativity it’s more like ai rapper but indulgent in the late 90s style and I bought a new mpc live two retro the grey one and I can cook some beats but not how I used to and I was using fl fruity slicer and slice x and some granulizer back then I realized I’m going to recover it’s going to feel shitty 24/7 until the end days of recovery are over I learned to accept the limitations the government have brought upon me yet I’m ready to be released from the restraints
after almost 14 months I dropped like 1 or 2 kg which on almost 100 is nothing. are there people who have lost weight without diets? or some remain for life
I think there might be something to how we get all new cells in our body like every 7 years, that would mean we would get new receptors right, unless the brain damage done by the antipsychotics prevents that, and in that case it really would be damage.
Your neurons get replaced too every 7 years in decent amount. Also receptors are easy to regrow for brain and cells are regrowing receptors by default after some time, this happens because receptors can deform because of oxidative stress but not in that amount like from invega. It takes some time for body to remove all calcifications of invega and replace receptors.
Your neurons get replaced too every 7 years in decent amount. Also receptors are easy to regrow for brain and cells are regrowing receptors by default after some time, this happens because receptors can deform because of oxidative stress or calcifier like invega. It takes some time for body to remove all calcifications of invega and replace receptors.
How are your receptors feeling ?
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