Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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My weight today is 75.3kg I didn't get to weigh myself a second time because the batteries went flat but I have more batteries coming with my grocery order today so I'm excited to keep weighing myself over the next few days because I really think I'm finally at a stable weight after 7 months. I went on my exercise my bike I burned 250 calories which isn't alot but I'm proud of myself because I was only going to push myself to do 200 calories but pushed myself to do the extra. It took about 40 mins.
I took my supplements magnesium, b12, biotin, iron & spirulina then after lunch I had NAC & vitamin D drops. Later in the afternoon I'm going to have more NAC & more spirulina.

I had an argument with my mum today I'm so frustrated she doesn't believe invega is the reason I put on weight. Even though I've put on 25kg literally after the invega injection & literally my whole life have never ever put on a large amount of weight. I was 51-53kg before invega. I would eat whatever I wanted but was still mostly healthy. I would use my exercise bike but I wasn't always consistent & didn't need to exercise. She said I put on weight because I eat too much & I'm getting older when I actually eat a little less than I used to I skip breakfast now & just have a coffee & healthy banana smoothie until around mid day then most days have a chicken avocado salad for lunch. I also have no sugar in my coffee. I was trying to explain to her it raised my prolactin levels to 2172 when the normal range is 85-500 it stopped my period & it made me put on 25kg. But she kept saying no it's not the medication it's because you eat too much & work from home. Even though her & dad eat small packets of chips after dinner sometimes & mum binges on chocolate & dad eats 2 ice creams on weekends sometimes.
Like what the fuck! I'd never put on 25kg especially when I eat very healthy even though I still do eat chocolate or hot chips or ice cream at times.
I don't drink fizzy drink I drink lots of water I also drink only fresh non concentrated juice. I don't have salt on my hot chips when I get them & I'm gluten & lactose free.

I joined the gym but I was trying to explain I stopped because at the time I was continuing to put on the weight no matter what because the invega was still in my system & I've only now hopefully stopped putting on the weight. I swear I blame so much of the abuse my family put me through my whole life on the reason for going into psychosis. I had never been on medication my whole life I had anxiety, ptsd & ocd but was highly functioning. My parents used to make me feel like I was crazy but that was part of the abuse. It's brought up a whole lot of anger & feelings from the past even though I can't fully feel the anger it actually used to motivated me. I'm so angry that this ever happened to me in the first place when I didn't deserve it.

I was never meant to be on a cto in the first place. I took it to supreme court & had my cto revoked because the lawyer said technically I shouldn't have been placed on it because it was my first time in the mental health unit a cto is meant to be for someone who has been released then been non compliant & returned. At the worst I should've only had the 2 loading doses of 150mg then 100mg. I even asked for a review when I was released & they were horrible & refused to take me off the injection I was well spoken & had a list of reason why I wanted to come off injection. That was a psychiatrist & nurse from the mental health unit that gave me a review. I was meant to be with the community health centre but they were too full so I was kept with the mental health unit. Then not long after having my first 75mg I was transferred to community health centre & luckily my psychiatrist was great I presented the same list to him & was well spoken again. He atfirst said he would give me one shot of 50mg then one shot of 25mg then stop injections but I was firm & said I wanted to go on tablets so he agreed. I think it helped I got my doctor to write a letter of support he also wrote he had referred me to a private psychiatrist. I had also mentioned the supreme court case & I do think that's partly what made my new psychiatrist to agree to take me off injections because I had mentioned it because atfirst he said he couldn't do anything about cto but I said I had been informed he had the right to revoke it if he wanted to & later in the conversation after mentioning supreme court he said okay I'll take you off cto when you've had your first appointment with private psychiatrist. I was actually taken off cto earlier though because I decided to proceed with court case even though I was happy with the result from psychiatrist & he actually fought for me to come off it & convinced the head psychiatrist etc to agree with supreme court to take me off it.
I wish I had've gone to the community health centre first because then there's a chance I could've avoided the first proper dose of 75mg which is what ruined me.

Anyway sorry I know I just completely rambled on but really needed to vent & the point I was trying to get at is I actually shouldn't have had this happen to me. My argument with mum has brought up alot of feelings which is frustrating because I can't fully feel them or use them as motivation. I'm so proud of myself how far I've come though considering & all I want is for my weight to be stable so I can start on my journey to losing it
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Ehi, ho deciso di cercare su Google narshe81 perché è una leggenda vivente. Apparentemente ha pubblicato nel 2017 dicendo che non si è ripreso, sono passati 5 anni e sta solo soffrendo. Ecco il post qui
I also read the post of Nashe's return but it seems fake to me. I mean people start asking about him after years and suddenly he comes out at that moment? the real Narshe is not a legend, on the contrary if he really has not recovered he is a person with a ruined life, as I am ... you too are old as a member how long did it take you to recover from invega?
I went on my exercise bike again before dinner I was only going to push myself to burn 200 calories or maybe 250 but I ended up burning 300 calories so including the 250 from this morning I burned 550 calories today. It took me 50 minutes to burn 300 calories so I need to work on doing it quicker but I would've even gone for longer but my arms & butt where hurting & my brother needed to use the computer because the exercise bike is in the spare room. I'm excited to check the scales tomorrow so hoping I won't be disappointed I'd even be happy if it's still at 75.3 kg. I think I might even start using the exercise bike a few nights a week after work before dinner. It's easier to be motivated now that I think my weight is finally stable because now I know hopefully I'll start seeing results
I have a friend who is obliged to use that shit
when I saw him after the treatment..
well, he seemed a different person, like living in a bubble or something, he hated it, but he obviously couldn't do anything about it,
it totally blocked the effects of the good meds (ritalin and so on) and he was like a vegetable, it was a bit sad to see.

Antipsychotics do alter the brain, physically, some of them make the brain smaller, overtime.
It's better to find a natural way to treat schizofrenia or whatever, low doses of rauwolfia are not that bad, they have some sides but it's better than that artificial synthetic poison.
Let me vent. I am very scared. At some point with the number of sleeping pills I am taking I was reaching 8h sometimes . Now I am just at 3h and I've been told to taper the benzos because they are bad. I am scared that my brain can't at some point take it. I might still die from Xeplion
Lol after reading about narshe im gwtting a little worried that i may not recover. Ive actually recovered 3 times already from antipsychotics. But those times ive only been on the medications for 1 to 2 months. This time ive been on fluanxol for a year cause i was on a CTO. So im getting a little worried i wont recover. However ive also read post about ppl being on it for a year and recovered. So makes me wonder why narshe didnt recover and others did.
What are the names of the new medications coming out that don’t mess with dopamine?
I went on my exercise bike again before dinner I was only going to push myself to burn 200 calories or maybe 250 but I ended up burning 300 calories so including the 250 from this morning I burned 550 calories today. It took me 50 minutes to burn 300 calories so I need to work on doing it quicker but I would've even gone for longer but my arms & butt where hurting & my brother needed to use the computer because the exercise bike is in the spare room. I'm excited to check the scales tomorrow so hoping I won't be disappointed I'd even be happy if it's still at 75.3 kg. I think I might even start using the exercise bike a few nights a week after work before dinner. It's easier to be motivated now that I think my weight is finally stable because now I know hopefully I'll start seeing results
How long have you been off of the antipsychotics?
At least I can still get high. But only if I take edibles. If I smoke delta 8 THC-O I can’t get high. Weird. I found a loophole
Anybody that recover remember their face going back to normal ?

I really want to know the same thing. There was a user on here named katrina who said it changed her face she posted photos her story of recovery gave me hope although I feel like my face is worse. I just want to know if it will go back to normal
I weighed in at 75.6kg this morning I was expecting to be a little lower since I exercised yesterday but still happy it's not any higher. I weighed myself a second time & it was the same so atleast it's stable. I exercised again this morning I burned 250 calories I was going to use exercise bike again this afternoon but was on a long phone call. But I skipped afternoon tea because I was on the phone I usually never skip afternoon tea I have yoghurt so hopefully that will help. I'm just hoping I'm still at a stable weight tomorrow. I didn't get to sit in the sun this weekend I'm a bit disappointed about that but there was not much sun out today
Let me vent. I am very scared. At some point with the number of sleeping pills I am taking I was reaching 8h sometimes . Now I am just at 3h and I've been told to taper the benzos because they are bad. I am scared that my brain can't at some point take it. I might still die from Xeplion
You can't die from 6 xeplion shots. Your lifetime can be decreased by 5-10 years tho.
I really want to know the same thing. There was a user on here named katrina who said it changed her face she posted photos her story of recovery gave me hope although I feel like my face is worse. I just want to know if it will go back to normal
it will be interesting to see what will happen to me when I hit 15 months off since Katrina said good things happen then.
Let me vent. I am very scared. At some point with the number of sleeping pills I am taking I was reaching 8h sometimes . Now I am just at 3h and I've been told to taper the benzos because they are bad. I am scared that my brain can't at some point take it. I might still die from Xeplion
You won't die from xeplion. But yes you definitely need to taper off the benzos. You will suffer if you just stop taking them suddenly.

You can't die from 6 xeplion shots. Your lifetime can be decreased by 5-10 years tho.
Do you have any official information that says this? I'm not doubting you, I'd just like to read more on it.
Let me vent. I am very scared. At some point with the number of sleeping pills I am taking I was reaching 8h sometimes . Now I am just at 3h and I've been told to taper the benzos because they are bad. I am scared that my brain can't at some point take it. I might still die from Xeplion

Hello there,

I was going to say: have you tried pranic healing? It's an eastern philosophy, but it might work for you.

Research it and look for a center near you, if you wish to and are interested in trying it out for healing purposes.
You won't die from xeplion. But yes you definitely need to taper off the benzos. You will suffer if you just stop taking them suddenly.

Do you have any official information that says this? I'm not doubting you, I'd just like to read more on it.
It's a good thing actualy. I lost the research link but it was on 11 people with treatment around 1-2 year which had lifespan decreased by 10-15years. Wasn't invega but it's all same poison.
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