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Coming off 1 year .5 insuffulated Herion addicted. Using subs (HELP PLEASE)

Welcome to BL, Lake. Yeah, OP did a rapid taper with his subs, pretty much the exact way I would have done it, the way I think is most effective.

Well done on your cold turkey detox. Lethargy is normal, try not to overthink it or attribute it to PAWS. The less you think/worry about PAWS etc, the less power you'll give it.

Let the BL community know whenever you need any support. These people are amazing.
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Day 12 No suboxone Day 5 No Tram day 6 No Benzo. Today is the 1st day I woke up feeling better.... Went straight to bathroom and had a stringy poo.. lol not "RUNS". Actually slept decent and woke up with somewhat of energy. Now I want to state I"ve only been up about 10 mins, I may still be in a fog! Let's hope that TODAY is the day I see the light!! God bless everyone! Only Symptom change.. I am sneezing more but thats it! Could be allergies mixed... it is that time of year, I have it when things start dying.. hmm
Well just thought I d tell you again how great your thread is, you are doing great.

Not sure if I shared this yet i this thread but I think it is pertinent now.

Last time I quit was almost cold turkey (with only clonidine and some bezos). I was at 80 mg of oxy daily. I went all the way to day 9. Passed all the acute symptoms and I was at that point where the horrible symptoms was lethargy, insomnia, anxiety and depression above everything I could have imagined. What happened was I was not prepared for how bad those symptoms would be. I thought I only needed to tough up the acute phase and I would get better.

To thought of being in that state indefinitely was more than I could take. I ve read that PAWS could last for months and sometimes for years. So I used again. I wish I dis not. After more research I found out for the most part it would last 1 to 3 months getting better every weeks.

See the lesson here is to listen to the other poster who said not to assume too much about the PAWS. My mistake was projecting myself in that state for 6 months to a year when it would surely have lasted less.

So keep it on. OP you are doing to get only better. One day at a time.

Lake Bodom, I hope this answer partially your questions.
8 hrs have gone by again. Just took lunch at work. The runs continue!!! lol. I don't feel as much pressure down there tho.. Only had a somewhat solid shit this morning. Fatigue is still present... No hot n cold flashes, just get cold flashes.... randomly and been having this werid pressure pain behind my teeth, and I feel pressure in my nose... strange? lol Is this from the Opiate withdrawal? Bone pain? or hmmm... Can't wait to feel good!
Its just random pains bro. You probably havent felt much for real for a while as you have been using every day. If your like me i was taking a hit b4 i brushed my teeth. This shit will pass but like i warned b4. It can take some time. Be prepared for shit to drag on for a bit just to be safe. Hope u feel better soon tho. Think i said earlier, i usually expect 5 to 6 weeks b4 i feel teally somewhat right ya know
I appreciate the feedback everyone and the honesty. I will supply the same in return... I'm surprised that today my withdrawals has amplified cuz I felt the best this morning. I've had the runs about 8 times today.. and YAWNINING more then ever today. Stomach pressure has lessened. oddly after its reaction... Still getting cold crawly skin, but not hot flashes anymore havn't in over a day. Insomnia has gotten a little better each night. I know there will be good and bad days. I just am so ready for the physical shit to be over with. It's hard to be sharp at work with physical symptoms.. I do have mental.. But I'm a strong personal mentally.. normally.. I hope This thread will always be something to go to for success, motivation, inspiration etc. Thank you all for taking time out of your day and responding. I just KNOW that I remember being so happy sober. I'm CHASING that. I can't wait. Just wake up... and be happy with life and ready for the day.
I know you probably don't feel like it with your stomach being upset but if you are shitting that much you better keep hydrated. If you are dehydrated a lot of these symptoms will be magnified like stomach cramps and such. Try sipping Gatorade or chicken broth.The last thing I wanted to do when I had bubble guts was drink anything but I had to push through it didn't want to be taken to the hospital for dehydration. Also try to keep your diet as bland as possible it might ease up your stomach issues,I ate a ton of saltines and drank shitload of Gatorade!
Ya.. I've been drinking about 12 16.9oz water bottles daily I drink one every 2 hours no matter what. I force myself with a multivitamin, multi, True calm, Vitamin c. etc.. I'm doing this all to the T... Its not easy.. but going back is not a option. I'll take the hard route. I want to be successful and HAPPY. The real happy.. like when you go out with a loved one to a movie or dinner and just love every moment. It's time to test my limits with no days off. I'm ready to win this LOSING battle. We will see who comes out on top and I will post every single feeling on this thread. You guys will get 100% me. God bless. You already know you will get my response at 5-6am! God bless yall. Stay strong.
Day 13! 13 off subs 5 off Tram 6 off Xanax. I slept okay again last night got about 5 hrs! Feel same as yesterday morning. Slight energy increase, sneeze attacks. Nothing else very noticeable thus far. Will update later. This has no chance in entering my life again.

Update: 4 hours later, No new symtoms have emerged. My stomach seems to progressed and is not as rumbly. Still sneezing and Yawning. Energy seems to be SLIGHTLY improved. Thus far.. Yesterday I felt pretty good until 2pm then It got worse. Hoping for a steady day today.

UPdate: Another 4 hours have gone by.. Symtoms always seem to increase as the day goes on. Very sensative nostrils... Headache, prsesure in gums and behind eyes... Cold Chills, Fatigue, stomach rumbling! lol. It's funny how the symtoms come and go dramatically...
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Great work,
I can barely make it a week before relapsing
Day 13! 13 off subs 5 off Tram 6 off Xanax. I slept okay again last night got about 5 hrs! Feel same as yesterday morning. Slight energy increase, sneeze attacks. Nothing else very noticeable thus far. Will update later. This has no chance in entering my life again.

Update: 4 hours later, No new symtoms have emerged. My stomach seems to progressed and is not as rumbly. Still sneezing and Yawning. Energy seems to be SLIGHTLY improved. Thus far.. Yesterday I felt pretty good until 2pm then It got worse. Hoping for a steady day today.

UPdate: Another 4 hours have gone by.. Symtoms always seem to increase as the day goes on. Very sensative nostrils... Headache, prsesure in gums and behind eyes... Cold Chills, Fatigue, stomach rumbling! lol. It's funny how the symtoms come and go dramatically...

Congratulations. Keep it up!! :)

Great work,
I can barely make it a week before relapsing

You can do it if you want. It took ages until I've really decided to quit for the first time and now for a longer time.
The sooner the better. I would go back in time if I could -- knowing what I know now.
It's entirely up to you. Very difficult I know, but if I did it, anyone can. As simple as that.

Wish you the best of luck LFC! But don't give up!
Just stoping by to tell you I am still an avid reader of this thread and that you got my support. Each day is a victory. Each you day you are a hero. You can be fucking proud man. Keep it up !!
6 hours later: I just got home form work.. Tomorrow will mark 1 month clean from Heroin.. and Day 14 off subs.. It's going to be a huge accomplishment for me. I'm truly excited. I am still dealing with the above withdrawal symtoms, however Headache/Runs have somewhat diminshed as day went on. Still having bad fatigue/cold chills/rumbling of stomach/pressure/Pressure in teeth/gums. Been getting a little better sleep each night. Thank you all for the responses and encouragement. I well talk to everyone in the morning.I'm still very suprised how long these physical withdrawals are lasting. My buddy told me that I should of dosed LOW hydrocodone to minize all withdrawals and I woudl still heal and the receports wouldn't be stimulated enough to put me back. He said no longer than 2 weeks tho.. How true do you guys think this is? I was just wondering, You guys know I don't sugercoat anything.. just speaking my mind atm. Open to all answers.. Would prefer science based answers vs... The Average addict. I dont' have any drive to use again btw. Much love yall. God bless!
Hey Bro !! One full month !!! That is cause for celebration !! Congratulation !!

As for taking a bit of hydro at this point, I sadly cannot provide you with science but only experience. At one point in my life I was using 680 mg of Oxy daily. The first time I tried kicking the habit, I did a stupidly huge amount of Oxy as a farwell in the last 24 hours (which I won't state because most will think I am bullshiting/braging (as if it was something to be proud of... lol).

Anyway, quiting cold turkey I lasted until day 6. At this point, the acute symptoms subsided a bit and I told myself that doing 30 mg at this point, being such a small amount compared to what I used to do, only for one shot and ease the pain a bit. After all, I lasted 6 days, 30 mg in one day would be nothing compare to what I was used to.

Well it eased all my symptoms, left me without anxiety which was a nice break. And about 3 hours after that all of them came back with a vengeance. What I did of course was starting to use again. Granted you are way further down the road than I am however my guts tell me that if you still have symptoms, using now will only set you back.

Good luck brother and be careful not to mess everything up. Actually that is the question you should be asking, is easing the pain enough of a gain compared to risking everything you accomplished so far.
Thanks Bropiace. I'm going to lay down and "TRY" and sleep here in a few, just checked back to update everyone again of course. Am I getting annoying with the updates? I believe this is crucial to feel emotions/pain and tell others to really reflect on your inner feelings, I don't care if some people get but hurt form this. That's life. Ignore the naysayers... I'm not afraid of that, I more feel sorry for them. I'm doing this not only for myself but for others in the future. I"m aware everyones lives are different and expericence things differently.. But if I save ONE(1) life from this, I will feel like this happend for a reason at least. I will grow form this and help others beat it. I will not stop posting through this Journey. Night yall. Talk to you probabaly 3am-6am hah :) Just being a reaaaallist!

Symtoms: Fatigue/Cold Sweats/Headache/Teeth Pressure/Insomnia

Lessen Symtoms: Sweating, "Slight improvment in insomnia", The runs have improved some, and pressure in stomach.

Heightened Symtoms: Cold Sweats/Fatigue/Bone pain...(Especially in my 4 torn discs in mid back) Where this all started with a vicodin/Tramadol script. all honesty people. I will tell you what tho, being in physical spine pain and being happy and not lying to anyone anymore is WAY FUCKING BETTER then lying, manipulating and tryting to feel "NORMAL" ya fuck that shit. #Sober4myPositiveFuture

Okay night!

Okay another reflection: Looking back at a rookie in all this before all the hard times and research. I'm posting and helping others.. Possibly. If this is for ANYTHING I want to help someone in need. If you read this.. Just take to heart this entire thread, you don't need to respond, or listen, or anything. Of course if you need help contact professionals or message me.. I will help, but DO NOT feel obligated. This is a thread just for general information and TRUTH about how I feel and my expierence is all. utilize it as you will! MUCH LOVE! I encourage people to charse there natrual motivations... During this time.. Exercise, Faith, education, w/e that may be or be your goal. GO GET THAT! You deserve it! You deserve happiness!
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No one has replied yet But i'll do my morning post! You guys have 2 to read now. 1 MONTH CLEAN FROM HEROIN! Woot! lol.. 2 weeks from Subs 7 from tram.. 6.. from Benzo. I woke up after 4.5-5 hours of sleep. I woke up with a morning wood. THATS A FIRST IN A YEAR or soo lol. Took a solid shit... Yawning/bone pain/fatigue.. 3 symtoms that I noticed right away. Mornings always easier, all symptoms seem to heighten throughout day. Talk to everyone later!
Whoo hoo!! You are AMAZING!

No, not at all annoying with your updates man, keep it coming! You are an absolute inspiration to many I'm sure.

So glad for you that the mornings are getting easier. Bone pain, face pain, I can relate. Even my teeth would hurt while wding.

Ibuprofen will help if you're not already taking it.

Good work dude, proud of you! PM me if you'd like to chat again,

Rtp xx
Thank you Darling! Message me. Symtoms were deminshed this morning but have came back with a fucking vengence at about 4pm. WTF!!!! I always used at about 6-8pm... 1x a day normally. .5/ half-1g of heroin a night.. Its like my body KNOWS its almost time still. This isnt mental.. Runs/Fatigue/Goosebumbs/sweating/ Bone pain and yawning and muscle cramping has been worst yet...I'm not doing this for attention or sympathy, I just want to be real through this experience so if someone else has the same story/symtoms they know its normal. I know everyone is diff. Maybe I"m withdrawling from the Tramadol or Benzos now? Idk.. This flu feeling every day is getting REAL old.. Night everyone. If I sleep... Talk to you all in the AM