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[Combo Subthread] 2C-B & Tryptamines

I agree with your analysis of tryptamines vs. phenethylamines, champ. you put it quite nicely.
bluedolphin said:
Champ, I sort of agree with your interpretation that 4-aco-DMT shouldn't be mixed with 2C-B... as 4-aco-DMT deserves a bit more respect than that!

I have combined 2C-B with LSD, and while it did take me to psychedelic soup world, I found the quality and clarity of the LSD mind-trip to diminish after the 2C-B kicked in.

I am fairly certain I've combined it with 4-aco-MiPT as well and found this visually immersive but of less real value than 4-aco-MiPT on its own. It was just very confusing and pointless.

I do not really like 2C-B though, in case you can't tell, I find it feels somewhat toxic both physically and psychologically.
it might have been the batch of 2CB you had. I seem to recall a recent batch(;)) that was MUCH more negative and unpleasant in terms of bodyload than any other batch I've tried. Only batch where I came close to puking on 2CB. Usually its VERY smooth (way smoother than 2CE) and just a great 'rolling' feeling in your body.
I've sampled around four of five different batches of 2C-B in my daze :) .. they were all 2C-B Hcl and were indistinguishable in effects.

Oh I definitely get strong waves of body euphoria.... actually to the point of physical tremors sometimes, with 2C-B. I found mixing it with MDMA was incredibly euphoric and gave me a really unique "digital" OEV experience.

But it's just not my cup of tea anymore. Just like MDMA isn't either. If I want that "rolling" feeling from a psychedelic I would much rather take a low dose of Psilocin or mushrooms anyway =)
I find 2c-b almost too much fun. I call it the "clown puking rainbows" drug because even if it makes you get sick...well, even throwing up can be fun sometimes.

The mdma into 2c-b segue is even more recreational, like a clown puking rainbows while simultaneously riding a winged unicorn. Maybe I should give mdma+2cb+dmt a try. Whoah, has anyone tried that one?
4-Aco-DMT with 2C-B... good combo?

I realize this will be merged with the 2C-B and tryptamine thread, but I'm leaving to go camping tomorrow and was hoping I could learn more about the combo. The problem is I only have a bit of 4-Aco-DMT left and don't want to waste it if they don't mix too well....any advice would be much appreciated....oh ya, and how about throwing n,n DMT into the mix? Thanks
Sounds like colors and swirlies galore. I say go for it, just the timing I'm not so sure about.
^ SNAP! =D

lol, :) <3

Sorry, don't have anything to contribute to your combination. My only combo similar to this was mushrooms and MDMA and it was mind-twisting and likely the deepest, most powerful euphoria I have ever felt. It was more to do with what was going on in my life at the time and what i was thinking about.
but couldn't "lower" myself to post this there

Sorry Shambles lol....it wasn't that, as I explained it's just that I'm leaving for camping ...... 4 hours from now.... and I was really hoping for a response before I went. I figured I'd have a better chance of it being seen in it's own thread....sorry for the grueling effort imposed on you by my messy nature ;) But shambles, you seem to have tried every psychedelic under the sun... how do you think 2cb vibes with tryptamines?
Incase no one else comes in with a better response in time I'd like to mention that I've read that 2-B and shrooms is one combo that just clashes. 4-AcO-DMT being similar to psilocin I figured it would apply.

If it were me going camping with people i would go for just the 2C-B. 2C-B is such a nice, empathogenic trip, 4-AcO-DMT might be more geared to solo, reflective trips.
Thanks uniter, I ended up just taking the 4-Aco-DMT while camping.... 30-40mg IM each..and we had just a gorgeous time of it. However, I've recently had the opportunity to try 30mg 4-Aco-DMT IM with 30mg 2CB IM spread out into 3 spereate injections to slow onset, with wonderful results... I find the 2cb/mushroom clash you are referring to doesn't apply to 4-Aco-DMT and 2cb. Here is the trip report:

Cool, nice report man! :)

Since you left I've read and been told 4-AcO-DMT is actually very different than mushrooms and this kind of thing wouldn't apply. The clash I was referring was only talked about by one or two people, not a widespread phenomenon anyway. Glad you had a good time :)
I've combined mushrooms and 2C-B before and they certainly didn't play nice that time, like they were trying to work in a different mode or on a different level and it tugged on me and was pretty confusion.
My best friend tried it some other time and had wonderful results, so clearly mileages vary a lot with this one (two).
I wonder about 2C-B and 5-MeO-DiPT, they are very alike in many ways though so it might not be adding much value. But perhaps it is actually a recipe for synergy!
oh man 2c-b combos ive been experimenting with some that swim recently found himself dosing mushroom/ 2c blasting with radioactive electricity after smoking some deemsters. ooph small dose with maybe 30mg of c2 and just over one gram of mush and i was fly all day. Blasting the dream was kind of intense
Ive found 2C-B and low dose aMT to be a wonderful combo.

The low dose of aMT (5-10mg) gives a very nice push of positive emotion, which compliments 2C-B's euphoric glow.

I dont know if i'll be trying higher doses of aMT in combination with 2C-B though, as both give me a bit of stomach upset, so I dont want to rock the boat by pushing the aMT dosage higher, but at doses of 5-10mg aMT mixed in with 20-25mg 2C-B, the trip is fantastic visually as well as emotionally!
I've combined 2C-B with an already-established full-dose AMT trip on a number of occasions. They definitely combine well. The AMT dominates the experience but the 2C-B adds extra tactile enhancement, color, and in general complements the AMT state well.
2c-b & MDMA is allways a nice combo..

Just a little over a week ago i did this combo, and on the comedown i smoked 5-meo-dmt. A very intense, but nice experience. I leaved my body to melt together with everything!

I'm going to be eating 2g of mushrooms and one hour later will be dosing 20mg of 2cb. I'll let you guys know what I think about it. :) I was also thinking of smoking a little bit of 5meodmt sometime during this trip.
3.5g of mushrooms and 20mg of 2cb snorted is black out tripping. I wouldn't recommended either of them together.