

Oct 10, 2000
What evil, evil things...
I grew up around parents who smoked...and always hated it. They usually didn't smoke around me, but when they did i found it quite nasty smelling and thought "gee id NEVER do that"...
flash forward a few years, and here I am, SMOKING
I was never a heavy smoking, except during parties, where Id usually have a half pack thru a night of clubbing---maybe even more!
I just found it natural to have a cigarette in my hand when drinking or on "put substance here" always was good...
EVENTUALLY this carried into my daily life, where I found "gee i can do this and no one really cares!" wow!
Soon I realized just why these things are so horrible...At first you get a nice enjoyable buzz, everyone around you is doing them, it is nice, shit 3 bucks for 20 of them is a great deal considering pot is ~50 bones for only 3.5 grams)...but then you realize slowly but surely what do they give you? NOTHING
You get relaxed for about 5 minutes, then your back to where you were---wanting another do it to relieve that anxiety, that tension, even just when something pleasurful feel like the event is not complete without your smoke...
Well, I have come to realize that you gain nothing from this smoke, it is pointless!!! Nicotine may have a function somewhere, for some good, but for me, smoking has equaled no positives. My girlfriend is nuetral as to my smoking, and when i say "i wanna quit, tell me you dont like it" she says "it doesnt matter, ill love you anyway" there is no help
I even tried to bet a friend 20 bucks just to have something additional to help me, but after he said "I wont take your money like that" I realized me and me alone will have to quit!
I've been tapering back, and in the last week+3 days I have not had more than TWO a day, in the last 3 days I have only had ONE a day...and I dont even miss it...
I feel a cold creeping up on me, so I am going to use that as a good reason to not smoke ANY tommorow, the next day, the next day, and the next day!!!
Fellow smokers, quit with me! the benefits are just too good:
1) You can breathe much better
2) your nose is clearer
3) foods taste better
4) sex is better (better bloodflow)
5) you smell better
6) your porch is cleaning
7) your lungs will clear up!
8) you spend less money on something to KILL you
9) you no longer NEED a substance to go out, it is just YOU for YOU...YOU are all you need!
10) you prove strength over an addiction and WIN
I am going to win this time, and plan to bump this post every day i make it without a someone please join me in my quest to overcome this DISGUISTING habit!!!
that is where you are going
I am no longer going there
Smoking Cigarettes is really, really stupid decision---if you haven't started, DONT
please please please quit, please, it is a BETTER life without them, I am convinced of this...I dont want to see any of you pass on just yet, might need ya later on! :)
if you want to quit, you must start by realizing your addiction
then you must realize that is bad, and teach yourself to hate it, hate the smell, hate the image, hate the cigarette company, hate the cigarette itself!
buy a brand you dislike, and slowly take back your intake of smokes...try first by smoking one later in the day than you usually do...then tommorow go an hour later, and so on...
eventually pick a day and go cold turkey...just keep yourself occupied, have things your going to do instead of smoking readily available...even have someone to call before you have a smoke to help you...also do NOT get drunk or fucked up yet, you will most likely smoke and rationalize it in your mind somehow---this you shall regret later
if you fail, do not fret---it takes the average smoker 7 attempts at quitting to quit, this is well over 7 for me but i AM going to do it this time!!!
I have faith in myself, and will prove to all my peers who disbelieve that I can overcome this minor obstacle in life...
PROVE your power over it...dont think "i could not smoke if i wanted" prove you can!
I'm right with you on that.
I only smoke cigs when other drugs. I'm trying to stop doing that too.
I hate the smell and the mess. I've ruined 2 pairs of jeans because of cigarettes.
All my roomates smoke and it pisses me off. Maybe its cuz my parents smoked, but I find it really disgusting..
right on!! you can do it, and you have made the most important initial steps of admitting your problem and becoming accountable to someone. you are now accountable to us here, and we are here to applaud your successes. you can do it :)
CB :)
It's been 11 months since my last cigarette, so I cant exactly quit with you ;)
But good luck!
Now that I have succcessfully quit, I can't believe I ever smoked. It has to be one of the most filthy, disgusting habits that you could have. And no-one realises just how much of a hold nicotine develops on your mind - everyone thinks to themselves "I know its bad for me, but I enjoy it and I'll worry about the side-effects later", without really THINKING about what they are doing. What sane person would voluntarily use a drug that has something like a 30% chance of being directly responsible for their own deaths ?
Cigarettes, oh they're a bastard. I think for me it was the 'act' of smoking that was the WORST bit about quitting, I missed the 'act' so much, and still do. The nicotine cravings were at worst a minor blip, given that I didn't smoke that frequently, maybe 3 or 4 a day on average.
The problem is that once you have been a smoker, the act of smoking a cigarette becomes almost indelibly associated with other things, examples include.
You're drinking a beer, what goes well with a beer? *A CIGARETTE*
You've just had AWESOME sex, what do you do after you've had sex like that? *YOU SMOKE A CIGARETTE*
And so on and so forth. You get the idea.
Basically what will get you through it is sheer bloody minded stubbornness. I'm not trying to quit outright at all, its more that I am not smoking at all during the week, and smoking only VERY infrequently during the weekends. My use has cut down so drastically as to be almost negligable.
I'm happy with that. :)
-plaz out-
Ahh man dont get me started
I used to smoke at parties, maybe have 4-5 when drunk
I maintained this for a good 2 years, didnt enjoy it without a drink
Then stress creeped into my life, and i found i was having the odd cig sober
Then the odd couple
Then half a pack
Then a pack
I smoked a pack a day for about 3 months and cut back to say 10-15 a day
Kept that up for a year, smoke heaps when on any substance tho, on pills i can easily smoke 2 packs in a nite
Realised what a stupid habit it was/is as it has actually stunted my growth
And i couldnt skate hard for more than an hour
So now i am proud to say i have effectivly quit whilst sober, i still enjoy the odd cig when out, but nothing like i used to
and then i wont touch them again until i go out
I like it this way, i enjoy them too much to toss em away, but when out and socialising (all my friends smoke) i dont mind the odd one, but smoking sober is past me now which is a grea thing and im proud of what i have done :D
SO everyone who is out there, give quitting a go and dont be put off if u fail, ween urself back, it takes time, but its worth it guys! :D
Good luck!!
ive been thinking about this very much lately. Im already in the development of a new lifestyle and quit smoking would make it so much better.
But honestly, im afraid of doing it. :)
Ive smoked a pack a day, or more, for 6 years now. Just thinking about quitting makes my heart race. hehe.
How would life be without cigarettes, hmm, i suppose better. But its soooo hard. Quitting drugs is one thing, ive been addicted to a few and it wasnt that hard to quit.
But nicotine, ohh i dont know.
You can do it man. I haven't smoked a cigarette for about 2 weeks. Don't even miss them. Anytime someone smokes one in front of me it gags me and makes me remember why I quit. I've probably quit smoking a good 20-30 times(for real, at least a couple days each time) and every time it's been 'for good'. Hell I quit for 4 months one time. Then I decided one day that I could smoke 'every once in a while' and was back to smoking a pack a day that very same day. Whatever you do, don't get sucked into thinking that you can control it, because you won't. You will smoke even more than before you quit. If you are serious about quitting, NEVER EVER even take a single drag from a cigarette. All those positive associations come flooding back into your head and it's all over from that point. Just keep thinking about how disgusting it is, what it's doing to you, the fact that you are giving multi-billion dollar corporations even more money so they can kill you slowly. The hell with tobacco.
It's not an Urban Myth! Cigarettes (or at least nicotine) are right up there with Heroin and other hard drugs in terms of their addictive qualities.
I've never smoked on a regular basis, but, I know that there's been some heavy smokers in my family and that I am at risk of getting a nasty habit started for real.
If i'm out late and toasted, I'll definitely go through half a pack in a night. If I'm rolling, it's just as bad. I've just decided that I'm not going out that much and hopefully that'll help cut back on the smokes. Also, if I excercise, that'll make me think twice about puffin' away a lung....
Has anything else helped people quit? (without going to a patch)
Alright, im out of cigarettes.
Im taking you up on this one, Hydra. May the best man win, and no fucking cheating! :)
Good on you HydrA. (And leftknee now too.)
I quit for almost 4 months a couple of years ago using the same method you did - I cut one out a day until I was down from 8 a day to 1, then stopped altogether.
So it took only 8 days, but hah! That was the easy part. The hard part is yet to come. Those times when you are out with friends having a drink, and someone lights up or WORSE, offers you one.
Weeks later when you're fit and healthy and your lungs seem like they're bursting with cleanness and freshness, you have a coffee with a good friend and she brings out the cigs. You feel so great you think: what harm would a puff do?
So you have one - just one - and it's awful and you don't want any more. And you think: HAH! Suck on that, all you people who say you can't just have "one" puff... well I DID and I'm not smoking again!
BUT... you've had that one puff so you pave the way for more. The next time you're out you have this false confidence ... I can have one ciggarette, you say to yourself. Just one. And you do ... only that one. And you're still feeling righteous.
Maybe it's a couple of weeks later, and there's a huge party and there's drugs and you're in a "Fuck it" mood and smoke 3 or 4. Then, you feel bad... but not too bad. I mean, you've been SO GOOD for the last few months. You forgive yourself.
And on and on. Those 3 become a regular 5 or 6 every time you drink, then you start having one in the morning again, or after work. Before you know it you can't kid yourself anymore - and you can't keep pinching smokes off your mates because they're about to bop you one for being such a scab. You're a smoker. You give in and buy yourself a packet and it starts all over again.
This is how it happened for me ... that, and a few other emotional factors. But mainly it was just that deceptive voice in my head telling me I could get away with one or two and I'd still be a sucessful quitter.
Just warning anyone out there that if you think this won't be you; think again.
A rare few people can keep it at a limit, most will go back to square one within weeks, do not pass go, do not collect $100.
If you're serious about quitting you can never have a ciggarette again. EVER.
Good luck everyone! SLM xox
Go for it!! I just quit too, though it's only been 1 week as of today.
If you smoke marijuana, here is another reason to quit. I will have to find a link to back this up:
Tobacco companies are major $ contributors to anti-drug and specifically anti-marijuana groups. Just imagine if MJ were legal, these companies would stand to lose a TON of money. Can't have that.
Tip: Never take a single drag again. I quit for 2.5 years. Had 1, then 6 more that night. Within a couple of weeks I was back to 1 pack.
Here's another reason - end your slavery. Do you work your life around your smoking habit? If you smoke habitually you probably do. Think about it. Maybe you're on a road trip in your friends car - she doesn't smoke and won't let you smoke in her car. Who is the one dragging their ass at the rest stop? The smoker huffing down that stupid stick. Can't wait to get out of a movie to have a cig? Maybe at work you have to go to some shithole with the other smokers to have that cig. How about at the airport - climb into one of those plexiglass rooms filled with smokers. Look at them, they look like shit and it's because they smoke. Shit, I am not coming up with good examples here, but trust me, your work your life around your smoking habit.
And this shit is legal and marijuana isn't? Unbelievable.
[ 22 October 2002: Message edited by: cascadia ]
Best of luck to you man. I know its a bitch....shit I havent quit yet and im still dying slow from these fuckers. So keep the urge down....will up.
leftknee: i am serious, we'll see how far you last with, no cheating, im me on aol im: hydra927, we can discuss this and help each other! :)
On a lighter note, that first pic of a lung looked like a dank nug i smoked last night..
Personally, ive never found anything appealing about cigareetes, i hate them.. I figure i dont need anything else on top of the damage im already doing..
ive quite ciggies for about 3 months already. ive been smoking about 10 years. it was a long and hard road to quitting but I did it in the end. what i did was to drop the mg that i was smoking from 12 mg to 1mg. and then i gradually cut down the number of cigs that I smoked a day and i just woke up one day without needing any cigs.
some ppl will go for cold turkey. i tried that once and i failed after 2 weeks. This is the 2nd time that I have tried quitting and i think i will succeed this time. :)
good luck :)
well I'm going to try to join you guys here... as a kid (although some of you may say I still am :) I thought smoking was the grossest thing, neither of my parents smoked, and I would even go so far as to hold my breath when I had to walk through the smoking section of a restaraunt. I hated smoking, and I hated smokers even more. Fast forward about 10 years, and here I am smoking 1/4-1/2 pack a day.. I justified it to myself by saying it was just another self destructive habbit and that I didn't want to live past 65 anyway. But, hopefully my depressed and angst-y teenage outlook on everything will change, and if I quit now I'll have one less thing to regret a few decades down the road.. this boy i'm talking to is another big motivation-- he hates smoking.. so hopefully his influence, my own will power, you great BLers, and the fact that I have no money to buy another pack will help me get through this :) wish me luck