
on a quick tip, thanks for this post. I have successfully completed my first day (again) of not buying cigarettes.
My plan was to quit on my b-day which was 5 days ago, then it got pushed to Monday (today). I am serious this time. I am done, I just need help. I am here for you too, as well as all others who feel that they need some quitting buddies.
Everyday I will refer to your list of cons about smoking, and hopefully that will help keep me cleared of this disgusting habit.
Everyone, DO NOT SMOKE
we will win this TOGETHER
i am serious, I havent had one, none of you fuckers get to either
ive found excercise and lots of water help
do NOT continue to poison yourself
would you pay someone to kill you slowly and MAKE you come-back for more?
get chewly's gum ;) :)
Originally posted by HydrA:
leftknee: i am serious, we'll see how far you last with, no cheating, im me on aol im: hydra927, we can discuss this and help each other! :)
Im serious too! :)
But i dont have aol unfortunatly. Im good so far but i think i need to do something, get some gums or something like you said.
I can feel this will suck. hehe.
Originally posted by ketamatic:
NEVER EVER even take a single drag from a cigarette
Yep, thats the killer.
The first 2 times I tried giving up I went fine for a few months, then eased back into just having 'one with a beer', and was back smoking full time in weeks. In my opinion, you CAN NOT be a 'part-time smoker'. Sooner or later, the habit grows, it's just a matter of time.
It was difficult at first doing those things that used to accompany smoking, but now I enjoy them even more. I can taste the subtleties of a good beeer, enjoy a good meal, or dance all night at a rave and not come home with a dry, foul-tasting mouth and stained yellow fingers.
And I found gum or tic-tacs very helpful when giving up, too. It gives you something to take your mind off cigarettes for a little while.
I think basically that if you are REALLY committed to quitting, then you will suceed.
Another thing I would like to add. The sooner you quit, the easier it will be, and the better of you will be. Smoking 1/2 pack now? It will escalate. Don't want to quit now, but maybe in a few years? It will be much harder then.
The sooner the better.
I am on Day 8 today! My sense of smell is coming back and food definitely tastes better. My whole body feels better. Sweet!
well, i sure have a decent character flaw.
I smoked at day 2. Goddamn, the craving feels like someones kicking me in the head, i cant deal with that right now.
Im out. :(
Day 2, one cigarrette.
I am trying to make it my last. Even if I have to take baby steps I WILL do this!
Lately i've been pucking on marlboro lights. in the past month i started not enjoying cigs like i used to, and now i get nausea and puke sometimes....this doesnt happen with weed.
any one know
good luck to everyone quitting!!
It pisses me off that I pay $30 a week for a poison.
Smoking robs me of a decent sense of smell. It fucks up my teeth. It makes me less attractive. It makes me cough and produce phlegm. It makes sex worse.
...but I'll probably by another pack when I get off work in an hour.
haha leftknee u owe me :)
Im not counting days, I started when I made this thread, and that is how I will know
fuckabuncha smoking!!!
This has to be my 20th time trying to quit, and I AM going to make it!
Has anyone used hypnotherapy to quit? I'm considering it, but not sure it will work.
I've been smoking since i was 15 (i'm 18 now) I got into it quite heavily, since i was drunk every day when i started in the summer. When school came back i decided not to go into the smoke pit at all..that helped. I had about 1 cigarette a week, pretty good i think. I still smoke, but not often. I'll smoke when i'm on pills or drunk off my ass, or baked out of my face...which doesnt happen too often. It evens out to a pack a month. I cannot smoke sober, it makes me feel ill..I can only appreciate it when i'm intoxicated. I think i'll always smoke when i'm fucked up. However the majority of the time I am sober so its all good. Eventually as i get older and stop raving, no cigarette smoke will enter my lungs.
Originally posted by HydrA:

fuckabuncha smoking!!!
This has to be my 20th time trying to quit, and I AM going to make it!

Yep me too! :( and this is the last.
This whole thread gives me intense cravings for a cigarette. The feeling of it in your hand, the inhale/exhale process. It would be great to have one now. And I have a pack in my jacket pocket.. only a few yards away...
...but fuck it. I'm trying to cut down (don't feel that I can quit and I really DO want to keep smoking when I'm out), and I've only had three today. I'll still smoke a shitload when I go out drinking, because that's when I really do want to smoke.
What I'm trying to cut down on are the cigs you take out of boredom or just out of nicotine craving. A couple of day is still okaý for me at this time (and a pack when out..) but no more than that.
I'm also thinking of getting a swedish product called "snus" (snuff?), that's tobacco that you put under your lip. It's addictive, but it's so much healthier than smoking. Doctors even recommend it for people who can't quit otherwise.
So, I'm thinking, tomorrow I'll have a cig, maybe two, when I go for a walk and go shopping, and then maybe one in the evening. That can't harm me that much, at least compared to the 10+ I used to smoke. Also, if I taper down, then I can start skipping some of the cigs, and maybe take a "snus" if the cravings are too big.
That should work out fine. Someday I hopefully will quit for good, but not at the moment. Don't know why I posted this long rant, but prbably because I haven't smoked in five hours and I really want a smoke. But I'll just go and read instead.
Good luck to all you quitters out there. Don't give in!
Jesus. I just read my above post. What a fucking pathetic attempt to rationalise my smoking to myself. Funny how my brain can do that, makes me seem fucking stupid. Argh.
Originally posted by o0psy Daisy:
^good luck all of you^
I hope none of you are in college cuz it's nearly impossible to quit during the period when everyone around you is smoking cigs and the only thing you look forward to during exam period is when you can go out for a cigarette break, siiigh. But dammit, more power to you all sticking together and ridding yourselves of this addiction!

I was considering DRASTICALLY cutting back on cigs until I read this. You have a good point daisy. Being as week as a wet noodle doesn't help either. I've started to feel not so healthy lately (cigs give me nausea sometimes) and has contributed to atleast some of my skipped classes. I know how rewarding and pleasureful cigs are at this time but maybe I'd actually feel better (mentally and physically) without them. Maybe 1 or 2 a day is best for me or maybe smoking half a pack a day is best for me at this point. Either way I'm atleast going to see what moderation is like. 8 sounds like enough cigs for tomorrow and hopefully that number will reduce by one each day. By the time I'm down to like 2 a day I suspect I will feel better.
Great to see you guys coming through for each other!
AIM: golde2456 msg me
your post has helped to inspire me (and a nice talk to my history tutor yesterday) so I am now with you. I have also quit a few times, and am determined to make it work now because I have gotten sick 2 times in the past few weeks due to smoking when stressed (not a good thing when your 4 days away from Uni Finals!)
Hooray! maybe we should change this thread or make a new one for people who are quitting and those who have quit. I'm phil193 on AIM and may contact you soon if thats ok!
Parre Said:
I'm also thinking of getting a swedish product called "snus" (snuff?), that's tobacco that you put under your lip. It's addictive, but it's so much healthier than smoking. Doctors even recommend it for people who can't quit otherwise.
I'm in Australia, so I don't know if you have this line, but the Nicabate stuff is working with me. I like the lozenges, because when I want a ciggy I put one in my mouth. When the craving is over I chuck it cause it tastes so bad. They sure do work! Plus they seem to give me a sore throat, which turns me off smoking, bonus!
CA :)
I gave up 20 days ago on the 3rd. I made it 14 days without smoking anything, on friday (day 16) while out clubing I gave in and smoked 3 ciggerets.
Since then I have been clean again, its easy as long as I dont get in the cycle of thinking how nice it would be to have a ciggerter.
I came to the same conclusion as Hydra, what are they doing for me except making me smell and killing me.
It's so weird to smell smoke on my friends breath (rather than not notice it) and for the first week I noticed the polution of the city so much more. It was like there where smells I didn't recognize. Acrid pollution smells I hadn't smelled for 5 years.
It's hard to breake the association, for years I've been a big pot head/smoker and I now watch all my friends as they smoke constantly, be it skunk or tobacoo.
While out clubbing/pubbing I feel like I'm missing something. Like there is somthing I should be doing (smoking).
I will just have to take it one craveing at a time and say no everytime I want a cigg.
Good luck to all the other people trying to give up smoking.
oh forgot to mention, I went totlay cold turkey.
Went form smoking 10 a day roughly (more if in club) to 0.
Fuck tappering down or useing addictive nicotine gum, just stop smoking.
After 48 hours all nicotine has left your system and all that is left is mental adiction.
Why string your self out on nicotine gum that won't ever really stop you wanting a cig?