Chicago Heroin III

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The bags I've gotten lately have all cosistently been pure garbage, barely heroin, awful awful shit. My regular phone connect has usually had decent stuff but it's so so bad now, but I knew a good thing couldn't last. After him having this terrible shit I decided to hit up another phone connect that I haven't copped off of since mid summer, now mind you that these two people are totally seperate dealers with no relation, sure enough my other dude had the EXACT same bags. Little bags with like cartoon simpsons looking devil heads.

Went back to my regular guy and he had different bags today (dollar sign) but sure enough, they were still garbage. Shot two bags and didn't feel anything. It sucked [edit - no prices] I seriously feel like I forgot what doing decent dope and actually getting high feels like. Last time I banged something and got a good rush/high was atleast like a month ago. But I only get high like 1-2 times a week.

I'm really getting tempted to hit the block again, but it's been so long that I don't even know if the same spots are even around still. And I'm at the point where if my family found out I was getting high again, I'd be GONE. I just my car back, and don't want to lose it.

Just wonderin though, how hot has it been out west lately? Is it not as bad as it was in the summer? Are there as many? Has there been fire going around? I'm just so damn frustrated with this. Instead of the frustration making me want to stop, it just makes me want to find good shit even more. Ugh

Sorry for the rant. Hope ya'll are havin better luck than me.

crazy how no matter this shit stresses you out and wastes your time and money, we can't stop.
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just play it cool man it's a city that has millions of people. sellers on this level change all the time... sounds like just buck up and cop some SHIT
Chinky: I 100% agree. Anytime a dealer makes a point to tell you his ish is fire, it almost always is garbage.

Phantom: Sorry buddy, I can't send private messages yet. I haven't hit spots since my car got impounded, and that was probably five years ago. Luckily one of my best friends (who I met at work) grew up on 87th, and in K-town. So he knows everyone you would need to know. My advice probably won't matter to you, since I refuse to ever hit the block again.

Everyone: I hit up bellwood today. Small green bags, no branding at all, that is burned sealed at the top. Straight fire, best I've had in a minute. Only saw two cops the whole time I was out there too. Bellwood, Maywood, Hillside, etc. have all been crazy hot lately. I think those little burbs are hotter than the ave in the chi. The little towns have drug task forces now, who train with cpd narco squads. I got pulled over in Hillside about a month ago. My friend and I were just going down one of the main roads too (we weren't there to buy anything when we got pulled over). We weren't in any alleys, we weren't hitting any blocks, we weren't sitting in a lot, nothing. They tore my car apart. My buddy had a pipe and like a gram of bud on him (cali bud too, when the cop dumped it we could smell it). They found an old tooter and an empty baggy with nothing in it. They tore my car apart, like messed it up really bad. They had us standing out in the cold for around 30 minutes, and would not let us put coats on. They also threatened us with a k-9, which was fine cause they found all the stuff before that. I guess they could have been dicks, and booked us for the weed, but the only thing they were looking for was H. They were asking us who are dealer is, and how much we buy, and what kind of bags he got.

Don't know why but I thought I would share. I guess the point of the story is that those cops came at us exactly the same way as narcos on the westside do. A lot of these suburbs are getting very dangerous (police wise). So no matter where you are, if you are dirty it's best to be as careful and paranoid as possible.

I think it is almost my bed time. I'm going to go nod out, I mean go to sleep haha.
^^^Maywoods always been hot but some of them other near west burbs you shouldnt have a problem...I have family in Melrose Pk and never noticed the police getting down in the area real bogus. Nevertheless, I've never noticed an open air in Melrose/Stone pk's but haven't exactly looked.

suprised hillside pd is that bogus, i wouldnt be riding with more heads than necessary and i'll usually rock a polo and some dickies and some nice shoes...when i used to hit up the wild west i'd try and look like a typical oak park dude on his way downtown or something
I just thought of a question I wanted to ask on here (mixing diesel and weed has some serious effects on my memory haha). So I have beeen a snorter for the entire length of my history with this stuff. A few weeks ago I tried banging it for the first time. I only did a half a bag, because it was my first time. I did snort some to see how potent it was, and it was the usual stuff that I see. So my buddy stuck me, and there was a drawback so we def hit the vein. Anyways I didn't really feel anything from it. I think my tolerance was higher than I thought and I really needed to shoot more. I know a lot about dope, because my buddy used to slang it. So he kind of taught me most of the stuff I know. But in all my years in this game I have never met anyone who shot it, at least met them on a level that I would be comfortable discussing the shooting of heroin. But my question is, as far as Chicago dope goes, are there certain kinds made for shooting or snorting. Or is it basically anything that you snort you can shoot to? Does that make sense?

Also I am going to a suboxone doctor tomorrow. I have been researching a lot online and can't get the answers I'm looking for. Someone who has been on suboxone, can you get high from taking it? I heard you could, but only if you had little to no opiate tolerance. I had a guy who used to get me bupes a few years back. I remember getting really messed up on those.

If you are on suboxone, will doing a blow cause an immediate withdrawal? I've heard it does, but I've also heard that it is more or less a scare tactic.

Thanks and I appreciate any help you guys can give me (and girls too haha)
^^^Maywoods always been hot but some of them other near west burbs you shouldnt have a problem...I have family in Melrose Pk and never noticed the police getting down in the area real bogus. Nevertheless, I've never noticed an open air in Melrose/Stone pk's but haven't exactly looked.

suprised hillside pd is that bogus, i wouldnt be riding with more heads than necessary and i'll usually rock a polo and some dickies and some nice shoes...when i used to hit up the wild west i'd try and look like a typical oak park dude on his way downtown or something

Yeah it wasn't Hillside pd in that case. It was Bellwood tactical squad. I guess all those surrounding suburbs have given the Bellwood tact squad authority to go into their towns to conduct investigations. There is an article online about Bellwood PD busting a dealer in Elmhurst. That is a whole different county! I don't know of any open air in those suburbs that is anything like the city. But I'm quite sure if you hit certain streets and ask people it wouldn't be hard to find. But that is the point that a ton of these suburbs are getting to.

I don't live anywhere close, but I read the news everyday because I think it is interesting, but up north is really getting messed up. Evanston has been bad since I can remember, but now towns like Waukegan and Skokie are having problems. This shit is just spreading too quick and police don't even know where to start. Scare the white kids from coming to buy it, that is the only strategy I've seen in play haha.

I feel you about dressing up a little. You don't wanna look the part of an addict when you are going to go score. [edit - locations] I look online and it seems like people are getting busted everyday at those two spots. I think a good tip is to not make eye contact with the boys. They see you looking at them all suspicious and they assume you are doing something you shouldn't. People who aren't dirty usually don't pay much attention to police.
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just play it cool man it's a city that has millions of people. sellers on this level change all the time... sounds like just buck up and cop some SHIT
post for a few weeks and now mr know it all lol
Chinky: I 100% agree. Anytime a dealer makes a point to tell you his ish is fire, it almost always is garbage.

Phantom: Sorry buddy, I can't send private messages yet. I haven't hit spots since my car got impounded, and that was probably five years ago. Luckily one of my best friends (who I met at work) grew up on 87th, and in K-town. So he knows everyone you would need to know. My advice probably won't matter to you, since I refuse to ever hit the block again.

I think it is almost my bed time. I'm going to go nod out, I mean go to sleep haha.

um tryin to source here or what?? or why are you apologizing for not being able to send him a Pm after his rant about getting shit dope?
oh man chinky I know all there is to kno bla bla bla and I hate cops cry cry cry my dope sux what is a blows waa waa waa
orly?^ i was jsut pointing out thaqt 2-3 weeks ago, you had the same questions/problems buddy and now you know all..thats all...i dont know what your little rant means but to me it sounds like a typical someones whos butthurt...did i make your butthurt?

but for me today was fucked up...i scared the shit outta myself for the first i said earlier my guyy claimed to have something really good and i doubted him but he ended up having that good..well after i posted i went out for an hour or 2 and had 2 1/2 bags left (started with 8 )for when i came home...

now realizing my dudes shit was good today and already had 5 bags down, i had this weird feeling and i decided to only snort one bag at a time instead of the last 2 1/2 at once like i would always do...well i get 1 1/2 bags done and then i wake up 3hours later..and dont remember shit and was scared shitless...$

before i nodded off i was listening to the bulls game on the radio but had my tv on mute with my laptop on my lap..when i woke up i had this ill feeling just really weird like something was wrong..i couldnt hear nothing but the tv was on..well my radio turns itself off, so that was off and the tv was on mute still and i just sat there like whats goin on???? i must have sat there for 30mins trying to figure out if i was ok, forcing myself to stay awake cause i was still tired but knew not to go back to sleep...i was in my rtoom and didnt want to go downstairs incase i was really fucked and had to talk to the family so i just sat here..eventually i walked to the upstaitrs bathroom and filled up my cup and started to feel normal again...

i snort my dope and this was the first time i ever nodded and when i woke i freaked myself out.. almost like i didnt know where i was and wasnt sure what was goin on almost like it wa a dream...also this is one of the few times where i was scared to do my last bag of dope... so it goes to show snorting dope is just as dangerous amd slamming it and no matter how well you know your guy you never know when you get those creeper bags

and its like 3am well now 330 so i dont know if this story makes a ton of sense since ive been fucked up all night but ill reread it in the morning and clear up anything that doesnt make just too tired to do it now
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For all that are gettin crap lately, if you aren't to spooked to hit the streets...I've been grabbin these fire black tapes in my neck of the woods. They are black packing tape clear bag with regular clear tape. When u get the bag it is very brownish tan and I thought I got beat...but I cooked it up and it was the darkest shit ever like black tar and I thought I was really beat haha. But I had tasted it and know the smell of dope when it cooks so it was definitely dope maybe just some weird cut? I shot it and wham bam thank you mam. Maybe the best dope I've had since the summer. So yall need to check this out, I was actually thinkin it could be tar...that can come in like brown crumbs right? But prob not cuz this is still powder...I just have no idea why the shit is damn near black when cooked up.
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Chinky, sounds like you fell out. Not quite an OD but I know the feelin can be scary...happened a few times to me where you kinda snap out of it and your ears feel like your in an airplane and their ringin and you think wow what fuckin time is it??? The scariest part is that can easily become an OD, so I like to get active immediately and get my heart pumpin, try and stay alert and not let myself nod off again.
Hello all, been reading this thread to get the scope on chi.. just moved here.. been dying to score, went out after the snow storm last night (figured there would be way less cops out after the snow) to the west side, didnt have any luck, and damn near got stuck in the snow in the middle of the hood.. scary shit.. not gonna lie kinda spooked about goin into the hood again, any advise?
post for a few weeks and now mr know it all lol

um tryin to source here or what?? or why are you apologizing for not being able to send him a Pm after his rant about getting shit dope?

Nah not sourcing, but it was something that the whole world didn't need to hear. I go off only phone connects and my dude prob wouldn't be too cool with me giving his digits to someone I met on a website haha. I'm really paranoid so I just assume eveyones a cop unless they prove otherwise.

Chinky I may have read your post wrong. Was that the first time you ever nodded from snorting? If so that's crazy. I used to nod all the time (through snorting), and would scare myself the same way. Like I couldn't snap out of it no matter how hard I tried. Now I don't have the money to get myself nodded like that. I guess that's why I tried banging it. See if I could get more bang for my buck (pun somewhat intended)
Nah not sourcing, but it was something that the whole world didn't need to hear. I go off only phone connects and my dude prob wouldn't be too cool with me giving his digits to someone I met on a website haha. I'm really paranoid so I just assume eveyones a cop unless they prove otherwise.

Chinky I may have read your post wrong. Was that the first time you ever nodded from snorting? If so that's crazy. I used to nod all the time (through snorting), and would scare myself the same way. Like I couldn't snap out of it no matter how hard I tried. Now I don't have the money to get myself nodded like that. I guess that's why I tried banging it. See if I could get more bang for my buck (pun somewhat intended)

Same here, I'm almost too paranoid, I scare myself at times. LMAO at the bang for your buck comment...

I nod pretty much everytime I snort dope. I've haven't been copping street D for that long, but it combined with the dormin puts me in a pretty fucked up state for a good 4-6 hours. Of course, I don't shop around much when I find something that I "think" is good, but that will change tonight, as I've been informed that the stuff I'm using now may not be as good as advertised. 1.5 dub bags puts me in a nice trance/nod, but the stuff(brown tapes from the west side) is obviously cut to shit. They are making bank selling them as dub bags, but the extra filler is taking its toll on my nostrils. The BT's certainly pack a punch, but I think the extra dormin is causing more harm to my body/nose than expected. The dope in the blue transparent bags that were around a month ago went down(or up the nose) like a champ. No burn, nice buzz/nod...too bad my connect only picked them up for me a few times. The blue, red and orange supermans that a felt a bit like fentanyl were similar, as the white powder felt good once it hit the nasal membranes and I didn't wake up feeling like my nose was on fire. The high from those superman bags, however, wasn't very euphoric and the nod was a bit different as well. Not sure if the H had simply degraded some how, but oh well.

Well, off to see the wizard...
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haha chinky thats wasnt a rant dude! i was trying to act like some people... quite the contrary you didnt make me butthurt at all.

chinky you just had a episode with "sleep of angels"

your are chilling, chilling, listening to a red bulls game, then you close your eyes and you start to nod but end up sleeping for 3 hours. sounds like fire dope haha... ive hit that sweet spot a couple times. laying on my bed watching cartoons then the next thing i know its 5:30 in the morning and ive been laying with my eyes closed for like 3 hours... the feeling is almost like a blackout, and you wake up wondering what what what?
For all that are gettin crap lately, if you aren't to spooked to hit the streets...I've been grabbin these fire black tapes in my neck of the woods. They are black packing tape clear bag with regular clear tape. When u get the bag it is very brownish tan and I thought I got beat...but I cooked it up and it was the darkest shit ever like black tar and I thought I was really beat haha. But I had tasted it and know the smell of dope when it cooks so it was definitely dope maybe just some weird cut? I shot it and wham bam thank you mam. Maybe the best dope I've had since the summer. So yall need to check this out, I was actually thinkin it could be tar...that can come in like brown crumbs right? But prob not cuz this is still powder...I just have no idea why the shit is damn near black when cooked up.

oh man, if its quality quality H you dont need to cook the shit... just dip it and stir! sounds like you may have burned it when you cooked it.
hello all, been reading this thread to get the scope on chi.. Just moved here.. Been dying to score, went out after the snow storm last night (figured there would be way less cops out after the snow) to the west side, didnt have any luck, and damn near got stuck in the snow in the middle of the hood.. Scary shit.. Not gonna lie kinda spooked about goin into the hood again, any advise?

4wd ftw!!!!
Hello all, been reading this thread to get the scope on chi.. just moved here.. been dying to score, went out after the snow storm last night (figured there would be way less cops out after the snow) to the west side, didnt have any luck, and damn near got stuck in the snow in the middle of the hood.. scary shit.. not gonna lie kinda spooked about goin into the hood again, any advise?

If you don't know where to go, especially at night, it's going to be a bit scary. I think your strategy was good(less cops during/after storm), but again, you've got to know what to look for and where to look.

Getting stuck in the 'hood? Lol, I always turn my car off when parked, and I've been in the same boat...start up M'fer! Now!!!

Anyway, since we can't tell you where to score, you're going to have to do what most of us did when we decided to hit the streets. Do a bit of research on the socio-economic status of the various Chicago neighborhoods(as a newb to the game, you're going to want to stick to west/near-west side areas, of course), check out the Chicago police website/clear-map/everyblock for information on drug arrests, and have lady luck on your side.

It 'aint rocket science, you'll realize the cops are the only somewhat scary thing in the copping game, and when you see a group of dudes chillin on a corner for no apparent reason in the dead of winter, tell them to get a job...=D
Chinky, sounds like you fell out. Not quite an OD but I know the feelin can be scary...happened a few times to me where you kinda snap out of it and your ears feel like your in an airplane and their ringin and you think wow what fuckin time is it??? The scariest part is that can easily become an OD, so I like to get active immediately and get my heart pumpin, try and stay alert and not let myself nod off again.

Chinky I may have read your post wrong. Was that the first time you ever nodded from snorting? If so that's crazy. I used to nod all the time (through snorting), and would scare myself the same way. Like I couldn't snap out of it no matter how hard I tried. Now I don't have the money to get myself nodded like that. I guess that's why I tried banging it. See if I could get more bang for my buck (pun somewhat intended)

no definitly not the first time i nodded out but the first time where i nodded out and scared the fuck outta myself like i was on the verge of i woke up and felt like i was in a dream

haha chinky thats wasnt a rant dude! i was trying to act like some people... quite the contrary you didnt make me butthurt at all.

chinky you just had a episode with "sleep of angels"

your are chilling, chilling, listening to a red bulls game, then you close your eyes and you start to nod but end up sleeping for 3 hours. sounds like fire dope haha... ive hit that sweet spot a couple times. laying on my bed watching cartoons then the next thing i know its 5:30 in the morning and ive been laying with my eyes closed for like 3 hours... the feeling is almost like a blackout, and you wake up wondering what what what?

everything you and mikediesel said and described, was goin on with me last i guess it was a mini OD or something..i would say it was exactly like a blackout..i prolly wasnt breathing too much you know only a few times every minute...whatever it was freaked me the fuck out

could food have anything to do with it? when i first did the dope i was on an empty stomach and then i went out and got high and ended up grabbin a couple slices of pizza came home and did that other bag and a half and that put me over the edge..i always thought the full stomach slows down the absorption but i dunno sometimes i feel my nod gets heavier after i eat when i was orginally on an empty stomach before i got high...does that make sense?
and when you see a group of dudes chillin on a corner for no apparent reason in the dead of winter, tell them to get a job...=D

No say "excuse me sir i'm interested in procuring some heroin might you be of any service to me?"...LOL @ looking at socioeconomic charts and shit, if you see bluelights you're prolly close to the D..

i've been "stuck in the hood" b4 during summertime, t'wasnt too bad...i was hot as hell mustve ate 4 large snowcones from some kids on the block and i was craving a sweet and went into a corner store and didnt see any candy bars and they like what you looking for? and im like a mawfucking candy bar jo and they pointed to them and they were behind the counter and im just like ohh im lotsa d-heads if they keep the snickers behind the counter...
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