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Cheaper? 5-htp

At iherbi's website, it says that they're now closed and all orders have to be placed through iherb.com, so I guess that's a deadlink now.
I've just noticed that www.vitacost.com have on special 5-HTP 200mg 60 Caps for under US$10.
Their web site reckons you have to contact them directly to organise international orders tho...
[ 08 September 2002: Message edited by: mr486 ]
^^ In a post just up the page:
Milkybar - Bluelighter - posted 30 July 2002 05:59
well, the vitacost site quoted me $64 USD for shipping one bottle of 5htp to Australia. I wasn't sure if they were joking but said no thanks anyway.
That's the part that makes vitacost a joke.
BigTrancer :)
I ordered 4 bottles from clubnatural almost 2 weeks ago, waiting for them to arrive..... i'll let you know when...
From the above I gather you can not get 5-hpt on perscription, does anyone know if this is the case in QLD? Reason being is i am trying to wean someone off a dependence on Zolft. They won't go back to their doctor (or any doctor), but they do acknoledge that its time they gave it a miss.
Any other ideas on how or suppliments to help them through this would be great.
(OK stuff the cherades, its me mum - so no she doesn't roll... ;)
miss slingshot: Zoloft has a half life of about a day (24 hours - can't remember exactly) so 24 hours after taking a dose of zoloft, half is still left in your body. For cessation of treatment with zoloft, you should be looking at very slowly reducing the doseage. It's difficult to speculate as to how exactly to do this (ie length of weaning etc) without knowing how long she's been on it, and why she thinks she doesn't need it anymore. It would be BEST for her to talk to her doctor, tell the doctor that she intends to stop taking zoloft, and ask for the best way to do that. At least get her to talk to a pharmacist about it mmkay? ssri withdrawal can be very nasty.
Thanx heaps MezZedUp, she's just being pigheaded about going back to her doctor "I don't need doctors" (yet i need Zoloft, go figure that logic. Her doctor has suggested (and i believe too) that she is ready to slowly start reducing the dosage with a view to eventually give them up.
I think i'll just drag her off to her doc and let him convince her/ help her to actually do it.
She's shitting me, but she's me mum and i don't want to fuck up her doses in reducing/ possibly replacing 5-HPT for her Zoloft.
Thanks again.
Well, I ordered 4 bottles of 5htp from clubnatural today. The confirmation e-mail says i'll get them in less than 10 days. I hope that's so. I'll keep you posted :)
I ordered 1 bottle just too see what the turn around time is. If I get head fucks with this order well then hey, It wasn't a big loss. But I will also like the above, post my results on Club Naturals Turn Around times.
Happy Fluid, here I come!!!
Turnaround times for the last 2x I've ordered from Club Natural have been 21 days from order to receipt of goods.
BigTrancer :)
heh, i also just ordered 4 bottles from club natural. i wonder if they're scratching their heads trying to figure out why all these aussies are ordering so much 5htp suddenly.
Just recieved my order of 2 bottles of 60x100mg 5-HTP from www.AmericanNutrition.com yesterday.
Made the order on 30 Aug, so that's 18 days turnaround. The usual Openned and re-sealed according to the customs act sticker.
price per bottle was US$11.95 x2 = US$23.90
plus US$8.95 shipping/handling = US$32.85
which worked out to A$60.98 all up.
Well my 5-htp turned up today for american nutrion. So that's just over two weeks for me too.
Add another 'me too' to the club natural aussie list...ordered on 17th like some others...
IHERBI orders to NSW take 2 - 2.5 weeks.. which is pretty fast for $5USD postage! However, iherbi are shutting down according to the note in my order, and herbi.com will reduce its shipping to $10USD to compensate... so its $10 more postage after they shut down. (iherbi is the international version of herbi.com which offers cheaper shipping)
can't believe i only cam accross this thread now! this is gold... :) *runs out to buy some 5HTP then realises he's already on his computer...* ;)
Originally posted by etester2:
Just recieved my order of 2 bottles of 60x100mg 5-HTP from www.AmericanNutrition.com yesterday.
Made the order on 30 Aug, so that's 18 days turnaround. The usual Openned and re-sealed according to the customs act sticker.

Don't forget, your package would have been coming into the country right before 11 September and customs and the postal service would have been checking everything very carefully.
4 bottles of 5-HTP 60x100mg took just under 4 weeks from clubnatural - as per all statements opened and re-sealed by Customs
Australia post just left it sitting on top of my letterbox which I think was PATHETIC as I live in an apartment in the CBD in Melbourne, one of my neighbours saw it and picked it up before it was knocked off....
I just seen on here http://www.americannutrition.com/NOW_Foods/NOW_Foods.htm that they have 120 caps x 100mg bottles of 5-htp for US$21.50 each. If you get 2 that gives you 240 caps at US$43 compared to the US$50 for the 4 bottles (60x100mg=240caps) from clubnatural...
Can anyone who has ordered from american nutrition please confirm the cost of postage as it doesn't actually state it for international when you go to order.... some of you have said US$8.95
cheers :)