Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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Have to go to bed. After aproximattelly u7 types of benzos i have to.

till... anytime.

J, you're pretty nuts and perfect for the abyss ya seadog. Also, why the hell are you taking such insane quantities of Benzos?
Bottles and cans and just clap your hands and just clap your hands

Even 40mg Valium is a lot...
When I was a full on addict I did some insanely stupid doses of benzos
560mg of Valium (280mg then 280mg shortly after)
50mg of etizolam (10mg x 5 times during the day)
22mg of Xanax (can't remember all of it, I remember the first 4 but woke up and 11 bars in total were gone and my laptop had loads of random folders created with jibberish for names, lol)

Also some stupid doses of RC ones but I can't remember dosages exactly. Mainly f-lam and c-lam.

Disclaimer: I had 10+ years of experience/tolerance. And still blacked out (apart from on the etiz - but I was a stumbling dribbling slurring mess)
Those doses could possibly/probbaly kill someone without or with small tolerance.
Don't repeat my actions!
When I was a full on addict I did some insanely stupid doses of benzos
560mg of Valium (280mg then 280mg shortly after)
50mg of etizolam (10mg x 5 times during the day)
22mg of Xanax (can't remember all of it, I remember the first 4 but woke up and 11 bars in total were gone and my laptop had loads of random folders created with jibberish for names, lol)

Also some stupid doses of RC ones but I can't remember dosages exactly. Mainly f-lam and c-lam.

Disclaimer: I had 10+ years of experience/tolerance. And still blacked out (apart from on the etiz - but I was a stumbling dribbling slurring mess)
Those doses could possibly/probbaly kill someone without or with small tolerance.
Don't repeat my actions!

The most I've ever done was 60mg Valium with some strong beers and that was black out city. I literally woke up in another country 😅 Long story, remind me and I'll tell it some time.
Even if you don't believe - i ran out of weed. thats my sleeeping med, not the benzos
I can understand using pot to sleep, I just don't understand consuming Benzos to that level. Anyhow, I hope you don't run out of that, or you'll be in for some major trouble.
The most I've ever done was 60mg Valium with some strong beers and that was black out city. I literally woke up in another country 😅 Long story, remind me and I'll tell it some time.

I once did 1 pill each of bromazepam, diazepam, and alprazolam, on the way to catch a flight to a work training week across the country. I guess I figured it would make the flight more relaxing (almost no benzo experience, and no tolerance whatsoever). Last thing I remember is my girlfriend at the time driving me to the airport, about halfway there. next thing I know I'm walking out of my hotel with my rental car keys in my hand, with a printed MapQuest map to the work office in hand (this was before smartphones). No memory whatsoever of the flight, a very short layover, another flight, arriving, getting my rental car, figuring out where the hotel was, driving to the hotel, taking a shower, printing out the map. It was a trip. To this day It's still a giant blank spot in my memory but apparently I was highly functional.
I once did 1 pill each of bromazepam, diazepam, and alprazolam, on the way to catch a flight to a work training week across the country. I guess I figured it would make the flight more relaxing (almost no benzo experience, and no tolerance whatsoever). Last thing I remember is my girlfriend at the time driving me to the airport, about halfway there. next thing I know I'm walking out of my hotel with my rental car keys in my hand, with a printed MapQuest map to the work office in hand (this was before smartphones). No memory whatsoever of the flight, a very short layover, another flight, arriving, getting my rental car, figuring out where the hotel was, driving to the hotel, taking a shower, printing out the map. It was a trip. To this day It's still a giant blank spot in my memory but apparently I was highly functional.

Very similar to my story in some ways, but I'm too lazy to write it out this sec, but yeah, pretty crazy that you can appear lucid but be totally checked out.
I once did 1 pill each of bromazepam, diazepam, and alprazolam, on the way to catch a flight to a work training week across the country. I guess I figured it would make the flight more relaxing (almost no benzo experience, and no tolerance whatsoever). Last thing I remember is my girlfriend at the time driving me to the airport, about halfway there. next thing I know I'm walking out of my hotel with my rental car keys in my hand, with a printed MapQuest map to the work office in hand (this was before smartphones). No memory whatsoever of the flight, a very short layover, another flight, arriving, getting my rental car, figuring out where the hotel was, driving to the hotel, taking a shower, printing out the map. It was a trip. To this day It's still a giant blank spot in my memory but apparently I was highly functional.
Haha I remember reading that story on here before.
Legendary tale 😂
It's amazing what you can actually get done on benzo blackouts. I've blacked out before then came round on the sofa n thought FUCK I was supposed to do this/that and meet him/her, gone to my phone and seen evidence that I did infact get 3 or 4 things I needed to do done. Asked all the people what I was like etc and they all said I was fine jus seemed a little tipsy. Kinda scary really.
Of course I've got way more blackout storys that are complete train wrecks 😅
but yeah, pretty crazy that you can appear lucid but be totally checked out.
I don't like stuff that blacks your mind out but leaves your body fully functional. That is why I don't fuck with 3-meo-pcp or the newer dissociatives since MXP, even though I'd like to try them, I don't trust myself lol
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