Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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Look up Sunflower syndrome. Try those pants on for size!

Sunflower syndrome is a rare, epileptic disorder characterized by highly stereotyped seizures. During these seizures, individuals with Sunflower syndrometurn toward a bright light while simultaneously waving one hand in front of their eyes. This unique behavior is coupled with abrupt lapses in consciousness.


People who have sunflower syndrome don’t turn towards a bright light and then start waving! 😂😂😂 I have worked with lots of people with epilepsy, not this specific form but I have learnt about it. It’s usually kids affected, mainly girls in fact. It’s photosensitive epilepsy, so if they looked at a bright light and waved their hand over their eyes they could effectively trigger their own seizure by creating a flickering pattern. Seizures are usually absence or myoclonic type. It is caused specifically by looking at a bright light, the kids aren’t doing it on purpose.
The reason I like my music soo heavy is because it's how I channel anger and negativity out of my body
Idk what the hell that last song I posted was. I liked the instruments but the dude moaning and groaning was annoying
this is better....
Stay away from Meth dude. It has an uncanny way of turning you into this, in no time at all!
I’m not blowing smoke (Meth) up ur ass either:


You should know this!

wow is that you? If so, very brave!
Although the "after meth" pic ain't hugely flattering, you or whoever it is still looks okay...just in need of sleep, feeds, and to not be pulling peculiar face when being photographed...
When feeling down, just listen to some Crystal Castles tunes

Start a collection of brine
because all you do is cry
Wood ticks whisper to console you
I have just half killed myself trying to BLU TAC fake vinyl wood onto bare concrete floor cos I thought it would look nicer for daughter....actually it was going surprisingly well until i ran outta fake wood floor segments only half the floor is done and it looks even more insane than when it was all concrete..
I have just half killed myself trying to BLU TAC fake vinyl wood onto bare concrete floor cos I thought it would look nicer for daughter....actually it was going surprisingly well until i ran outta fake wood floor segments only half the floor is done and it looks even more insane than when it was all concrete..
People pay a lot of money now to have polished concrete flooring these days.
Vinyl isn't water proof. Check yourself @MrsGamp

This song brings me back to a time when depression was as simple as a southern draw.

the abyss is eternal
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