Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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Meth literally saved me from a prison sentence. Ik it sounds funny, but something so illegal saved me from doing something really bad
I didn’t know what to call the psychosis so I blamed witchcraft and pointed fingures at my Ex lol she did practice it tho. I’ll never know
She did do something fucked up tho, thats another reason I did what I did to her property, but atleast it wasn’t fire
Before I started antipsychotics I had more or less constant psychosis which just changed in its intensity. Oh wait I still do, but nowadays its something that I can look at objectively.
After having it for years, I can deal with it quite well. I got it pretty well together and have had luck with my life so its not even really bad.

I feel you on the depression part. I always had it but just masked it and shit.
actually there is my daughter, without whom I wouldn't even HAVE a Spotify playlist (she gave me her old phone which comes equipped with access to Spotify "premium"
...but I hardly ever see her. supposedly she is coming on Friday...
in other news had really DUD sex last Friday, and am trying to write a "marketable" Internet horror novel, using tips gleaned from a book call Write a Marketable Internet Novel in 30 Days...
just thinkin' aloud on duh train..
as a sidenote, someone really needs to do a punk cover of "Rasputin" by Boney M...
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