Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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Stay away from Meth dude. It has an uncanny way of turning you into this, in no time at all!
I’m not blowing smoke (Meth) up ur ass either:


You should know this!

Meth does do that if you do it on a frequent basis for a looong time, I've done it for 2 years now & my appearance is fine, I take very good care of myself tho... you got to lol
Lifetime amount of existential depression also quaranteed.

Heres an actual opinion from the person having it

"Ive never felt so bored and even the drugs dont help"
I suffer from all those things (plus not being able to control my body) it’s called a syndrome for a reason, it’s beautiful in it’s way. People with Tourette’s are often described as being the missing link between God and us lowly humans. This is fact from my experience, and what makes me a wizard. Everyone that is my friend knows this. I prove it over and over again, until there is no doubt in their minds that I am anything less.

I wouldn’t wish Tourette’s on my worst enemy. Fuck that shit dude!

Same with Schizophrenia. I believe in the same concept & that people who suffer... Their minds are more intact with the spiritual realm or God. Even tho I do have psychosis I do aa wonderful job hideing the fact, I have witnessd some bizzare almostt unbelievable events in my life
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