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ay yall!

i don't know if this is gonna work. I'm posting it anyways though

this facebook reel just had me dyin' at the punchline, man, but the buzz is really picking up so don't forget your grain of salt

in other news, I recently discovered an ancient baggie of bagseed hidden in one of my closets. Just in time to try to germinate, too!

Had maybe 30 random, mature-lookin' fat ol' stripey lookin' sum bitches in the baggie. Took out 9 to germinate, because i was honestly thinking about half of them were too old and improperly stored for too long.


fuckin'.... only a single root had popped out after a day's soak in standing water and 3 days in a ziplocked and moist paper towel.

planted 'em all anyways and I'm fuckin' excited even though I'm already off to a horrible start. ^_^
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alright yall, so i work with a bunch of young ass clown ass mother fuckers. There's a lot of old heads too, but we for sure got the high school cafeteria clique in the building

for a week or two i've been hearing all this shit about Kendrick Lamar and Drake

for a week or two i've been ignoring that shit as hard as I ignore talk about sports

as i was driving today, i was stopped at a light for 3 cycles and someone was playing one of the diss tracks loud as FUCK

I didn't hear the whole song. I didn't even want to listen to it but I was a captive audience at a red light, man..... so I made an effort to listen to it when I got home and THIS MOTHER FUCKER KENDRICK LAMAR IS BECOMING AN ICON RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES

and this right here is the track that somebody's either gonna get shot behind or the one that shows this whole back-and-forth is just a game

I just want to say that I don't really have anything against anyone involved. I've listened to all of them at one point or another. This is kind of like watching a tv show to me.
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I don't see it mentioned often, do people think way more time has passed than actually has when stoned?
I don't see it mentioned often, do people think way more time has passed than actually has when stoned?

Used to!

but now I drink more than i smoke and it seems like the days just flyyyyyyyyy awayyyyyyyyy

I swear there are days where I glance at the date and wonder how the fuck three weeks have gone by.

The answer's simple, though. I live my life by two credos:

If it feels good, do it, and.....

shit, man, I can't even remember.... fuck it! one credo!
ay yall.... i don't mean to keep postin' this shit.... I really don't....

but it's like.... it just feels RIGHT.....

if you fuck with battle rap and you ever watched an episode of DBZ, Naruto or Bleach when you were a kid, you might appreciate this:

so i used to shop at **please no referencing sites that sell product or paraphernalia** but they're not around anymore....
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