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Can't feel shit with condoms

I'm starting to understand why you're sensitive on this issue.

One thing I don't understand is: why talk to them for an hour?
Why not just say no and move on?

I was begging on the street to fund my heroin habit at the time. So there was no realistic way to leave without forfeiting money, and when you're a junkie, you simply won't do that.
Yes but so do models?

Like tbh it doesn’t mean much...
Agreed, to a point.

Models typically do not live stream, acting sexy and usually getting nude and/or having sex or playing with themselves.

I don't think it's a big deal either.

I'm circling back to my point that if you act sexy nude or not on a cam show you are selling the image of your body as a product with the intent purpose to get horny men to be interested. I don't understand how you think otherwise.

I would also say that most of the men watching cam shows are probably creepy as fuck. That's your audience. Desperate men who get off by thinking they have the attention of a live, nude women who will obviously never meet them IRL. It's a porn niche.

I don't know what kind of show you did but every cam I've seen was always live porn.

Expecting anything other than creepy horny men does not make sense to me.
I never said I expected a certain type of man tho.

And I complained about men who would not pay and wanted attention.

Such a complicated issue with two different perspectives.

That's fine, creeps who don't pay can fuck off. That wasn't my point.

I would say agree to disagree but I don't think we really disagree. Talking about different issues, maybe. It's a muddy issue with two wildly different perspectives.
JessFR said:
I was begging on the street to fund my heroin habit at the time. So there was no realistic way to leave without forfeiting money, and when you're a junkie, you simply won't do that.

I don't know, dude... With all due respect, I've got to disagree... I've been an IV heroin addict and an IV meth addict living on pennies, unable to afford food/etc. In that situation, I would forfeit the money. No question.

The kind of guys you're talking about (that push desperate junkies to fuck them) are an incredibly small sliver of the male population anyway, so the existence of these men means what about men in general? I'm not sure what your point was in the context of this discussion.
I don't know, dude... With all due respect, I've got to disagree... I've been an IV heroin addict and an IV meth addict living on pennies, unable to afford food/etc. In that situation, I would forfeit the money.

The kind of guys you're talking about (that push desperate junkies to fuck them) are an incredibly small sliver of the male population anyway, so the existence of these men means what about men in general? I'm not sure what your point was in the context of this discussion.

It doesn't mean anything about men in general, I still have faith in men.....mostly.

And I don't wanna speak for you, but I suspect the significant majority of IV heroin addicts would do what I did.

And here's why. A heroin habit fucks with your thinking, finds ways to justify things. Sure you'll probably say no the first time, I did. And the second time, and the third time. But sooner or later, one day you'll be on the edge, you know you'll be sick all night if you don't find a way to get money, and when you wake up you'll be even sicker, so sick it'll be hard to work to get money after that. And it just happens some guy comes along and gives you another option.

And you think to yourself... What if I just do it? I've already done all this other stuff to get money... All I gotta do is get through this, then I can just go and get my drug, have my shot, go to bed and try not to think about it.

And after you do... You're a lot less likely to say no next time.

Get far enough into a heroin habit, and stuff like this tends to happen.
Maybe you're right. I don't know. I guess I got far enough into heroin to realize I needed to get out before that sort of shit happened to me? These days, I've gone through withdrawals from all sorts of shit so many times, I know I can quit anything. Cold turkey etizolam was the hardest. Harder than cold turkey methadone. Nothing is gonna be worse than what I've already experienced and I've gotten safely to the other side that many times now I know I can deal with the pain.

If it came down to prostitution or withdrawal, pretty sure I'd choose withdrawal... but you never know what the future has in store.
Regardless of what you'd pick, everything is gauged in the moment.

You can feel out the vibe and just like you would anyone else, fuck a prostitute how feels right.

You paid to get laid. Might not be the best fuck ever but when in doubt I'd let the girl run the show. Maybe ask can i do this and that to you.
I don't know, dude... With all due respect, I've got to disagree... I've been an IV heroin addict and an IV meth addict living on pennies, unable to afford food/etc. In that situation, I would forfeit the money. No question.

The kind of guys you're talking about (that push desperate junkies to fuck them) are an incredibly small sliver of the male population anyway, so the existence of these men means what about men in general? I'm not sure what your point was in the context of this discussion.

I would just submit to withdrawal if I were too sick to scheme something up. Never even begged in my life. Pawning my shit is probably the lowest I went. And that would be rare. Lay around for 48 hours, then you will be good to start planning something out. But I guess in America there are countless scams its not even funny.

Also any dude that would want to pay a beggar junkie to fuck...very low level and I cannot think of even one person I know that would do that. Ah maybe a few, but that is because they couldn't get laid otherwise.
I don't know. I've never been on the street but I bet I'd get into prostitution if I could. I imagine it might be easier for women to get into, but it's obviously more dangerous for them. I can't imagine doing anything for a drug except spending most of my hard-earned money on it, which I have done but I made up for it and made ends meet. Yeah, good for me etc. Being on the street, I guess your priorities might change so that's something to think about too

All I can do from the outside is look at the apparently new homeless community that lives next to a chain of stores a mile down the street from me. There's this woman that's probably in her mid-20s who stands at the corner, barely wearing anything and always says nice things to me when I drive by at the stop light. I've actually been tempted to talk to her about what she does. She's pretty, thin and attractive. In my opinion. I have a feeling these people are junkies, but that'd surprise me since I've never seen heroin around here. (People are big into pills, from what I recall but I'm kind of out of the loop)

I kind of want to ask her if she knows where to get heroin, but would I be guilty of a crime if I did so? Maybe @JessFR can reply, hehe :)
I don't know. I've never been on the street but I bet I'd get into prostitution if I could. I imagine it might be easier for women to get into, but it's obviously more dangerous for them. I can't imagine doing anything for a drug except spending most of my hard-earned money on it, which I have done but I made up for it and made ends meet. Yeah, good for me etc. Being on the street, I guess your priorities might change so that's something to think about too

All I can do from the outside is look at the apparently new homeless community that lives next to a chain of stores a mile down the street from me. There's this woman that's probably in her mid-20s who stands at the corner, barely wearing anything and always says nice things to me when I drive by at the stop light. I've actually been tempted to talk to her about what she does. I have a feeling these people are junkies, but that'd surprise me since I've never seen heroin around here. (People are big into pills, from what I recall but I'm kind of out of the loop)

I kind of want to ask her if she knows where to get heroin, but would I be guilty of a crime if I did so? Maybe @JessFR can reply, hehe :)

Uhh, does it matter? You're already guilty of a crime just possessing and using heroin, what does it matter if it's illegal to ask someone?
Well I mean in her situation, whatever it is where she hangs out at the corner of Wal-Mart half the day. Would it be immoral for me, a privileged guy coming up to her and asking about drugs? Cheers :) I actually am being serious, so thank you

EDIT: I think I might feel bad if she's actually a homeless person. I can't tell
The 'morning after' pill is a godsend mate. I used to 'see' a girl whose parents were both doctors and they just wrote her a script everytime we had an 'accident' (more like "cum inside me I'll, get a pill off my mum tomorrow").

Failing that, abortion works a treat.

But the best thing to do is learn some self control and spill your seed elsewhere....
Gormur, don't seek out heroin on the streets... not for the sake of people you ask to hook you up. For your sake. Depending on where you live, scoring on the streets can be really dangerous. If you have no idea how to go about it, do a different drug.