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Can't feel shit with condoms

Gormur, don't seek out heroin on the streets... not for the sake of people you ask to hook you up. For your sake. Depending on where you live, scoring on the streets can be really dangerous. If you have no idea how to go about it, do a different drug.
Yeah I just thought because this woman is really friendly every time I drive by, it might be worthwhile to stop and talk to her. As far as getting any drugs, I doubt it. Not only because I'm kind of reserved, but I've never seen H or heard of it around here. Don't worry, I'll use common sense

I guess I feel bad for these people but mostly wonder why they're here. All of the homeless people I've seen around here just showed up out of nowhere and they're all very young, like 20s. I know where they live too. There's a hidden colony/camp behind the strip mall here. I only know because a homeless guy started talking to me out of nowhere one day and said he lived there. I was in the Wal-Mart parking lot
Well I mean in her situation, whatever it is where she hangs out at the corner of Wal-Mart half the day. Would it be immoral for me, a privileged guy coming up to her and asking about drugs? Cheers :) I actually am being serious, so thank you

EDIT: I think I might feel bad if she's actually a homeless person. I can't tell

Ehhhh, I don't think so.
Actually, back when I was a homeless heroin addict, I'd have been quite happy to have someone come up to me wanting to be hooked up, I'd see it as an opportunity to either get some money or go in together and get more heroin for less money.
Right, she will totally take you to get it if you hook her up. How it works. Assuming she is an addict.

I have literally walked up to random people probably over a million times in my life for drugs lol. Have also been in some very dangerous situations because of it. Have to be careful on the streets, especially when it comes to money and drugs.
I would just submit to withdrawal if I were too sick to scheme something up. Never even begged in my life. Pawning my shit is probably the lowest I went. And that would be rare. Lay around for 48 hours, then you will be good to start planning something out. But I guess in America there are countless scams its not even funny.

Also any dude that would want to pay a beggar junkie to fuck...very low level and I cannot think of even one person I know that would do that. Ah maybe a few, but that is because they couldn't get laid otherwise.

Then those people you know are scumbags. Anyone who solicits beggars for sex are scumbags.

The ones who'd solicit me mostly were not doing it cause they couldn't get laid elsewhere. Seemed to me degrading women was just their thing.
@JessFR At first I read that as that it wouldn't be immoral, but then I remembered that if she's a homeless person; like a bunch of 20-something white kids I've seen around here lately, panhandling then it might not be good. I'm not worried about getting in trouble but I worry about these people getting in trouble. I'm basically curious if there's heroin around here, so I guess in the end I'm the one who isn't moral. Hehe
JessFR said:
Seemed to me degrading women was just their thing.

Yeah that was my guess. It's a fetish, I think. The assumption probably is you can treat them worse than hookers and get them to do all sorts of depraved shit cause they're desperate.
Gormur, don't seek out heroin on the streets... not for the sake of people you ask to hook you up. For your sake. Depending on where you live, scoring on the streets can be really dangerous. If you have no idea how to go about it, do a different drug.

Yeah. If you haven't used heroin before, don't get into this shit. And be particularly careful trying to get hooked up by people on the street. Addiction, homelessness, etc, can make people really desperate and ruthless.
Yeah that was my guess. It's a fetish, I think. The assumption probably is you can treat them worse than hookers and get them to do all sorts of depraved shit cause they're desperate.

Exactly. And particularly in Australia because prostitution is legal anyway.

Actually I was fortunate that both begging and street prostitution were legal where I did it, so I was at no risk of arrest. (it was awesome actually cause occasionally some asshole would call the cops on me thinking begging was illegal, only for the cops to ask me if I was OK, and then just leave. One time I even had a cop give me money.)

But point is, they could go hire a hooker quite easily, and at less risk to them. But they know that if you're desperate you'll be willing to let them do shit other sex workers won't. It's fucked up.

I really can't emphasize enough how much I despised these people. It was a not insignificant factor in what ultimately resulted in me trying get help to get off heroin.
Wait he's in California?

In my experience, is there heroin in x? The answer is usually yes.
I think that was on pillreports once but it wasn't here. I guess it's an urban myth, like cocaine-laced MDMA. I'm no stranger to opiates, there are a lot here but I didn't know heroin had made it here. I still don't know, actually. Just for the record ;)

I mean obviously heroin is nearly everywhere, but I mean a regular steady supply of heroin. Okay I'll quit here, I'm making @JessFR upset
JessFR said:
I really can't emphasize enough how much I despised these people. It was a not insignificant factor in what ultimately resulted in me trying get help to get off heroin.

I totally get that, but maybe @Michael_25 isn't one of those guys? My Auntie has a rescue dog that is afraid of men because of abuse at the hands of men. Doesn't matter how nice you are to it, if you have a beard or wear overalls it freaks out.

@Gormur, if you're seriously asking if H has made it to Pasadena... I don't know what to say.
I totally get that, but maybe @Michael_25 isn't one of those guys? My Auntie has a rescue dog that is afraid of men because of abuse at the hands of men. Doesn't matter how nice you are to it, if you have a beard or wear overalls it freaks out.

@Gormur, if you're seriously asking if H has made it to Pasadena... I don't know what to say.

It's not about if Michael's one of those guys specifically or not, it's that he outright said he was entitled to sex, and then went on a sexist rant towards me when I said he wasn't.

When I posted my initially hostile post, at that point you could make a solid argument that I was hostile towards him cause of my own issues. Id still argue that it was largely promoted by the attitude in his earlier posts, but I'd admit that there's room for debate on if I had overreacted.

But after that, when he said he was entitled to sex and went on a sexist rant that had to be deleted, that's when it became pretty clear that regardless of if my initial assumption was on solid foundation or not, it appears to have been correct.

Even if we assume my initial hostility was unfounded, and I'm not sure I agree but I agree there's room to debate it, it's possible for an unfounded assumption to happen to still turn out correct.
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Unprovoked hostility tends to result in more hostility.

Yea but usually people don't admit to what they're accused of if it's not true.

If I accused you of for example, beating your wife, and your response is "yes I beat my wife because she deserves it!", it's not unreasonable for people to then think you actually are a wife beater, even if the original accusation was based off nothing, it's pretty obvious that it was nevertheless correct.
Can I convince you that he thought he was entitled to sex?

What if I have a quote, of him, saying "I'm entitled to sex"? :p
No, you won't convince me of that either if you think he meant he was entitled to sex without consent.
Well that's the problem, I doubt he thought it through to that degree.

I think he thought he's entitled to sex in some non specific way that has disturbing implications.

For instance....

i can't get a girl if my life depended on it. Girls avoid me like the plague because I'm an ugly weirdo.
Followed by...
Any yes, I am entitled to sex.

I think he just thought to himself "I have a right to sex, which in practice means I have a right to pay women to have sex with me".

The problem is how the former can be reconciled without the latter.