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Can't feel shit with condoms

He obviously wasn't talking about rape. There is no consent issue in any of his comments. It was imperfectly worded, but he was clearly saying he deserves to enjoy sex... not that he deserves to fuck people against their will.


Cause what he said was that he's entitled to sex. If literally nobody wanted to have sex with him, exactly how is that entitlement supposed to be met.

I would interpret it as that what he thought he meant was that he was at least entitled to sex with prostitutes, but he's not entitled to that either. And again, if no prostitute wants to have sex with him, how is that entitlement supposed to be met?

And if it isn't, it's not much of an entitlement. Seeing as usually when people say "I'm entitled to x" they mean "I have a right to x".
FFS, Jess.

He didn't say he was entitled to sex.
He said he was entitled to enjoyable sex.

It was clear what he meant by that.
You're making something out of nothing.

Audiobook said:
It’s a yellow flag at least tbh.


Men are entitled to not have their genitals mutilated when they are children against their will which sometimes results in reduced sensation to the extent that they cannot enjoy sex. In this sense, men are entitled to potentially having enjoyable sex in the same way women who suffer genital mutilation in the name of religion are entitled to enjoying sex.
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FFS, Jess.

He didn't say he was entitled to sex.

Any yes, I am entitled to sex.

It was indeed clear what he meant, and he meant what he said, multiple times. That he was entitled to sex.
When I said he wasn't, he did not explain that he didn't mean what it sounded like, he simply reiterated that he was entitled to sex and then told me to leave the thread then spent half an hour posting here and pming me calling me a bitch etc etc until the mods had to step in and delete it all.

If you don't wanna sound like you think you're entitled to sex, first don't say you're entitled to sex, second don't then engage in a half hour long misogynistic rant when someone tells you you're not entitled to sex.
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Okay, he did say it. He's a rapist. You got me. Clearly he was saying he's entitled to have sex with people against their will. All men are rapists.

Michael_25 said:
I'm not a misogynist though, and do care about the other girls' experience with me.

Sounds like a rapist. Clearly the world entitled trumps everything else he's said and it can be taken out of context and twisted around to mean that he wants to fuck people against their will, even though he has explicitly said otherwise... Keep crucifying men in the name of feminism or grammatical pedantry or whatever happens to float your boat.
Okay, he did say it. He's a rapist. You got me. Clearly he was saying he's entitled to have sex with people against their will. All men are rapists.

Sounds like a rapist. Clearly the world entitled trumps everything else he's said and it can be taken out of context and twisted around to mean that he wants to fuck people against their will, even though he has explicitly said otherwise... Keep crucifying men in the name of feminism or grammatical pedantry or whatever happens to float your boat.

Ima take a wild guess that you didn't see his half hour long rant of posts before they were deleted. And I know you didn't see the one he pm'ed me.

You're the one taking shit out of context. What I said was that he felt entitled to sex, on account of him actually saying multiple times he was entitled to sex and going on a sexist rant when told otherwise.
So don't give me this "you're just an overreacting feminist" horseshit.
No, I didn't. Did he say he was entitled to rape?

There's a difference between being saying sexist shit and saying he deserves to fuck people against their will. If he said that, I take back what I said... I don't think he did.

I'm not saying he's a saint, but he wasn't advocating rape.
No, I didn't.

Did he say he was entitled to rape?

Did I say he said that?

What I said was he feels entitled to sex. Meaning he probably thinks he has a right to pay money and have women have sex with him. And that that arrangement is something he has a right too.

Basically that he's entitled to some non specific way in which sex should be available to him. Now sure, that's not the same as saying "I have a right to rape women!" but it's not OK in its own right either.
You (and others) said that he isn't entitled to sex without consent, implying that he was suggesting otherwise. Sex without consent is rape.

I'm sorry that you were on the receiving end of abusive messages. I'm also genuinely sorry if my participation in this thread has offended you... but none of that makes him a rapist.
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You (and others) said that he isn't entitled to sex without consent, implying that he was suggesting otherwise. Sex without consent is rape.

That was not the intent, the intent was using the issue of consent as an explanation for why feeling you're entitled to sex in some non specific general way isn't true.
Technically nobody is entitled to sex. In the animal kingdom you have to fuck somebody up as a male to get sex. The alphas get most if not all the sex... biology

You fight to near death and the loser fucks off and doesn't get sex.


I would say humans are different, though.... but ultimately bound by the same rules as the animal kingdom.

Are extremely disabled and/or retarded people entitled to sex? No.

Nobody is entitled to sex. It's something you earn, and some people can't sadly.

I'll be honest. I think a lot of humanities problems can be based on our effort to give good lives to the betas, the less fortunate, the less capable, the disturbed, the less agressive.... It would also be inhumane NOT to. We are special. Intelligence is a special phenomenon.
JessFR said:
That was not the intent, the intent was using the issue of consent as an explanation for why feeling you're entitled to sex in some non specific general way isn't true.

Sounded like you (and others) were calling him a rapist. Your response was imperfect, in the sense that it sounded like you were calling him a rapist. His comment was imperfect also.
Entitled is the wrong word. I think everyone deserves sex and everyone deserves love. This is probably what he meant, since entitlement implies rape and clearly that isn't something he was advocating for.

Maybe you don't think everyone deserves sex or love.

JessFR said:

Cause what he said was that he's entitled to sex. If literally nobody wanted to have sex with him, exactly how is that entitlement supposed to be met.

JessFR said:
And again, if no prostitute wants to have sex with him, how is that entitlement supposed to be met?

There are many comments throughout this thread (from you and others) that seem to imply he was advocating for rape.
Well, the thing is, there's what he probably meant, and then there's the implication of what he probably meant.

What he probably meant was that I said above, that he's entitled to pay prostitutes for sex, and in practice in reality that can be done without any kind of rape. But by acting like you're entitled to it, there is a disturbing implication involving consent. If you're truly entitled to sex, how does that work if nobody was willing to have sex with you even if you paid them?

I and perhaps others were using the latter hypothetical to highlight the problems with the former.
Audiobook said:
Of course you’re gonna call me some bitter cunt, go ahead lol.

Says more about you then it does me lol.

Putting words in my mouth says nothing about me, but it probably does say something about you.

Audiobook said:
I’ve met men who say they are entitled to the type of sex they want and they turn out to be fucking creeps lol.

Some even actual rapists.

You probably need to hang out with different men?

Audiobook said:
Also I agree with you about circumcision but you also know that’s not what I’m fucking talking about.

Of course I know that's not what you're (fucking) talking about. I was making a point.

If a woman from the middle east who was circumcised against her will made a post on BL saying she's sexually frustrated because she can't enjoy sex and she feels like she's entitled to sex/enjoyable sex... would you call her a rapist? I seriously (fucking) doubt it.

See my point?
Males are not entitled to have sex. Females are entitled NOT to have sex.

I wonder if there has ever been a normal, suitable female who never had sex and never had the opportunity. Probably in extreme situations?

Strange biological dichotomy.
Frankly there's a bunch of men who act like they have a right to treat prostitutes however they want, as if they were paying for property. And they're generally the type of men I've found who feel they're entitled to sex.
JessFR said:
Frankly there's a bunch of men who act like they have a right to treat prostitutes however they want, as if they were paying for property. And they're generally the type of men I've found who feel they're entitled to sex.

I find generalizations (about race or anybody else) aren't very productive. People are individuals. Michael didn't say he has the right to treat people however he wants. He didn't say prostitutes were his property.

Audiobook said:
We are talking about some guy who wants to fuck without condoms and thinks he’s entitled to a woman doing that with him.

He didn't say he is entitled to not wearing a condom when having sex with a prostitute (or another woman) unless they consent... did he?

Audiobook said:
I would not.

But that’s not what we’re talking about here.

Yes it is. I just flipped the gender around.

Audiobook said:
you have to keep your head and realize you’re not entitled to anyone being with you just because you exist.

I really don't think that is what he was saying.
Frankly there's a bunch of men who act like they have a right to treat prostitutes however they want, as if they were paying for property. And they're generally the type of men I've found who feel they're entitled to sex.

I've had sex with 2 prostitutes in Vegas and Amsterdam and honestly I care a little too much about them. Not in a detrimental way... but like I start getting emotions which are not appropriate in transactional sex. Can't help it. Not clingey... but it's impossible for me to have sex without emotions. Getting naked in front of someone else, let alone sex, is like stripping down several emotional barriers.

I also tried to convince a stripper in Portland to change careers. Instead of her giving me a dance (it was my birthday) we talked about random life shit. That's just me, though... And yeah, didn't want to spend money on a stripper anyways not my style. I was there with friends/my sister.
I really don't think that is what he was saying.

Why? Like, what is it exactly that leads you to believe that's not what he meant?
I mean I've said why I believe it is what he meant, because it's what he said multiple times and made no attempt to deny that that's what he meant when I specifically said what's what I thought he meant.

On what basis do you think it's not what he meant?
SnafulnTheVoid said:
I also tried to convince a stripper in Portland to change careers.

I took a friend of mine to a couple of dodgy brothels a couple of years back. He was in his sixties and he'd had a stroke. Was on a disability pension, so couldn't afford high class escorts. That's what he said anyway. Anyway, they'd often parade women in front of me while I was waiting for him. Never had the slightest interest. I remember once talking to this young Asian girl who sat beside me in the waiting room in an illegal happy ending place in the suburbs. She was a pretty girl. Smart, too. I couldn't help but ask her why she did what she did and I tried to convince her that there were other options... but I'm pretty sure I just ended up offending her. I get the impression she's not used to visitors questioning her life choices. I always felt conflicted about that conversation, like I was judging her or being elitist or something. But (at the same time) I feel sorry for her. Doesn't seem like any way to live.