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California pill discussion

in cali, look for m80's any red green or white question marks, and Mac reboots of all colors.
Have any of you tried the blue poke-balls rolling around in SoCal? I got a few of them last week and I can't wait to try them.
^blue poke ball what?...
There's almost always a press on the opposite side of the poke ball.
Check out Pillreports.com or Ecstasydata.com and it might be on there if not hit us up with questions on here :)
^he could be talking about the actual pokeball stamp, unrelated to the normal pokes like zoo york, angry bomb, mac apple, etc
Anyone have any information on possible mg content of the white facebook thumbs up that have surfaced, they tested clean and are said to be fairly strong(which is very subjective). Im trying to decide my dise schedule with these and a rough estimate would help quite a bit :) its been a while since ive taken a press pill.
If i were to guess on the facebook....... from reading reports id say they are on par with old pokes. Correct me if someone doesnt agree with this, but i do believe they are fairly strong. 80-100mg? Pure speculation, just basing this idea off reports.
Anyone have any information on possible mg content of the white facebook thumbs up that have surfaced, they tested clean and are said to be fairly strong(which is very subjective). Im trying to decide my dise schedule with these and a rough estimate would help quite a bit :) its been a while since ive taken a press pill.

I can fill you in after new years :)

But if anyone else has some input before then please share...very curious as well.
Going to be going to an event this Saturday. Have been told its not a good idea to mix pills. I have White Thumbs up, Blue Mac Reboots, and the Green Aliens. I have consumed the White Thumbs up and I would say they felt pretty well dosed. The one thing I didn't get alot of was the euphoric love feeling that I have gotten in the past from other pills. Looking on ecstasydata.org I see the White Thumbs up are rated at MDMA-1.3 and MDA-1 and the Blue Macs MDMA-3 MDA-1 adn Green Aliens MDMA-4 MDA-1

Is it safe to say that the Green Aliens are showing more MDMA than the rest? I want to make sure I have a solid roll. Thank you in advance!
^ is it actually bad to mix pills.
Im about to pick up pink elephants and never heard of them. On pillreport the last report was 2008. This guys selling it to me for 20 a pop
Any word on the White ATARI floating around Cali. Have been hearing they are highly dosed. Would love to hear some user reports. I have a chance to pick some up but they are coming with a premium price tag. Just want to make sure they are solid