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California pill discussion

Those M80s are just okay... :| to be honest, I think I've rolled harder and longer double dropping the Sunbursts in December 2011.
I just kept peaking but never really rolled v.v
It has like a different feeling to it..
Are all the M80 pills the same? Based on on the reports on PR some people have a great time off 1 and some have to take 3-4.
with so-cal flooded with these M80s what is your opinion on the blue mac poke that is floating around.

would you take the Blue Mac over the M80's?
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This shit is like dead haha. anyone hear of anything going around? might be able to get some blue $ sign pokes. what do you guys think?
I've heard good things about those blue $ pokes. Supposedly similar to m80s and the mac pokes. Did you end up getting them?
serious garbage trucking here in so cal.. desperate times..

went to my usual guy..

"what cha got?"
"blue monkey.. pink monkey.. yellow monkey.."

wtf lol... need a new guy.. maybe that's my problem hahaha
Theres plenty of medium dosed pills and molly going around cali right now. If you cant get your hands on any your obviously doing something wrong, or maybe you just ain't about that life lol
Theres plenty of medium dosed pills and molly going around cali right now. If you cant get your hands on any your obviously doing something wrong, or maybe you just ain't about that life lol

Yup amazing molly in cali, much better than any press going around. Just gotta look for the right guy
@ wtf_geo - heard nothing but good things about those reboots.

@rollonsafely cant complain about cali right now, lots of good mdma, just in time for all these events.
Im sorry but things are not ok in cali lol. You guys keep saying its not that bad. lol yeah since when is it not that bad? Are you fuckin kidding me? Its been nothing but complete shit for the last 4 years in all states including cali. lol low dose? yeah cause we all wanna pay 5 to 10 bucks for 50mg MDMA pills huh? Thats fucking garbage and im just keeping it real. YEAH, IT REALLY IS THAT BAD!

So yeah, im not surprised all of you are having a hard time finding at least decent pills. Its a fucking joke over here and so is every press from here.
^ theres good pills everywhere....... Price per mg isnt that good, but still good ones everywhere. Socal is flooded right now.
considering how things have been over the last 3 or 4 years(pretty dry), there is alot of good mdma pills in america currently. mints in all colors and logos, reboot macs in many colors, naked ladies, dollar/euro/mac pokeballs, dutch superpills of varying types, biohazards, pacmans, some legit molly here 'n there, power buttons, A/X's, KLMs, red&white blanks from TX, and aliens. i remember a short while ago there was barely ANYthing showing up on pillreports. but i feel you on the strength issue. all of the domestic presses are under 100mg in all likelihood(even the mints), other than maybe the power buttons and blanks that are suppodely well above the 100mg point. the scene isnt where it should be quite yet, but its better than recent times IME. enjoy this while it lasts guys & gals
^^does it really hurt you to pay 10 measly dollars for a clean pill? lol
^Right? mints cost more than that(if you buy just 1 or 2) on average. i think i paid 10 a pop like once, and its only because dude had a huge fucking bag of 'em. if ppl are offering you real legit clean mdma pills(30-70mg each, or not) in todays climate of mdxx scarcity, id count your lucky stars. many many ppl pay 10 or more for piperazines and cathinones, id be happy with what you got
Haha yea, and imports are like 3x as expensive. The way the scene is out here if you pick up like 10 your getting each for at least 3 dollars cheaper, so why not just pick up a bunch of em and double drop or triple drop. That way you have some saved up for next time, and you dont spend your whole allowance :)
anybody have any new user reports on the mac reboots? I have read everything on pillreports.com, but would like a little more :)
I took three purple Mac reboots at an event this weekend and had an amazing time. To sum it up I had extreme euphoria, eye wiggles, empathy and I wanted to talk to everyone. Dancing was great and music sounded perfect. No over the top after effects as I ate fine the next day and I'm not noticing any depression 3 days later. Stock up on these if you can!
I'm baaaaack and too lazy to read so someone fill me in on what's good.
Or not idk ill probs go through the thread eventually.
Sup guys %)