• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

buying first pistol, suggestions?

I used to love my glock 40. S&W, but for obvious reasons, I had to get rid of it. (age, disfigured serial #, ex. ex.)
But I recently inherited a relatives Ruger Blackhawk .44 mag, and let me tell you, I think I'm in love...
So basically, try out all your friends guns, look up performance and trial runs of gats you like on the net, and please, please, be careful. (Ie. don't buy it on the street, conceal it, leave it loaded, take it on possible dope deals or hallucinate anywhere near it.)
By the way, Sigs are the shit :)
i have always wanted a gun like in the game counterstrike if anyone plays that its called a few different names:
Night Hawk .50C
Desert Eagle (deagle for short)

i want one that looks exactly like it does in the game. And i also want the M4A1 colt assault rifle.(i wont get that though)

haha! who says video games do not influence ppl?
here's a small gun

do any of you have an opinion on Walther handguns? i've only shot a few guns in my time (handguns and shotguns) but this gun was by far my favorite:


i guess my attraction to this gun is that it's so compact. if i had a gun, it would be for home protection and i would want it to be easily accessible and usable. i find some of the really powerful handguns, like the .44 magnum mentioned earlier, to be totally awkward and unwieldy for a person of my build.

is a .380 pistol a wimpy gun? i wouldn't need something that could drop a buffalo at 100 yards, just something i could grab and fire quickly if there was an intruder.
^no, a .380 is not wimpy. matter of fact, thats the gun james bond (007) used. i dont think james bond would use a wimpy gun.
damn, that does look like one nice pistol.
Hey you’re in my neck of the woods! I can tell you all kinds of stuff.

Are you considering getting your conceal, and carry permit? The course for the permit is probably the best course you could take. Now the thing is you have to have a gun to take the class. Really you don't need a course to go out for a day of shooting. Do any of your friends shoot? I would suggest going with an experienced shooter to target world on the north side of Cinci right off of 270. They'll let you rent different guns, and try them out on their range. It can be expensive, but it's a great way to find out what you want. Then you might want to stop out at Jim Guns in Beaver Creek on Patterson, right next to 5 O'clock computers. They don't have the best selection, but Jim is the chattiest bitch you've ever met. He'll talk to you for hours about guns, and he knows quite a bit. I should warn you Jim doesn't notice when people are trying to bring a conversation to a close. When you done talking to him just leave because he won't stop talking. Then you should go to one of the gun, and knife shows out at Hera Arena. There's one about every other month, and they have a pretty good selection.

I don't know exactly what to suggest for you. I am a big fan of Kal Tec, and Glock. I'm going to get my girlfriend a Kal Tec .380, but I don't think that's the best option for you. I agree a lot with the people suggesting a .22 for you’re first hand gun. I also think a 12 gauge shotgun is a good first gun to get, but it obviously won't work for conceal and carry. Shotguns are a lot of fun, and they're best for home protection.

Be safe, and have fun. Let me know if you have any questions.
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hey 64tf, thanks for the reply! expecially with the places that i can go to around here. i want to get my conceal and carry permit. i dont know that i would really ever carry it, but it would be nice to have. i did not know you had to have a gun for the class. none of my friends shoot, but im going to see if any of them want to go shooting sometime. i had never heard of jims guns, and i go to school in beavercreek (wright state).

ive always wanted to go out to one of the gun and knives shows, but havent been. i didnt know if they were any good or not. i would like to eventually learn how to shoot shotguns, but would rather start out shooting pistol.

one question (well, so far) where do they offer the conceal and carry permit classes? do you know?
is a .380 pistol a wimpy gun?

This is a very commonly held misconception. I think this is a very good calibre. Cops a lot of bad (wussy) street cred for some reason. I assure you that a .380 will stop a man or animal in his tracks adequately.
I would say that you should get a 40 caliber beretta, or a 40 caliber glock. I don't know a whole lot about guns, but many friends have them and are seasoned veterens with them. They always say that these two guns are some of the better hand guns that you can get. Also keltech makes a 9mm that is mostly plastic, it is very light and has a ten round clip. That is really all that I know.
I would suggest a .9mm. Just about any .9---they have almost no kick and are pretty small and easy to use.
Originally posted by -=ReD-hAzE=-
A 9mm is also a weak inaccurate round with little penetration power.

i know little about guns. could you explain why you can make such a generalisation?

surely there are many other variables? not least, the gun being used to fire the round and the specific nature of the round itself?

by my estimation, a .38 is about 9.5mm - why is that not a wimpy round but all 9mm rounds are? it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. please explain.

Yeah, I know it's a heck of a generalisation. I'm sure there are more variables, of course there would be.

Just in my experiances, the 9mm is a poor excuse for a round. I don't know what causes it or contributes to it, I'm just going from personal experiance on this one.

I know I'll never own a 9mm. I'd rather be shooting a homemade pipe rifle.
The 9mm round is actually a great round. That's why the cops use them.
Cops use them because it has enough take down power combined with not doing too much collateral damage. It won't blast holes in bad guys like a larger caliber, and it won't poke holes in bad guys like a smaller caliber.

It's the middle man, and I personally hate middle men.
so is it just a power issue? how can an entire caliber be described as "inaccurate"?

I don't know. I can only speak from experiance. I don't have enough technical knowledge to explain it.

I assume it has something to do with the weight, shape, and amount of charge. Along with barrel twist, and length.

All the 9mm's I've used were shit for accurate. And almost every avid gun freak I know tends to agree.
I agree w/ Red Haze. I think 9mm are a lame round, not very accurate, not capable of ripping a large hole like a larger caliber round and it won't bounce around like a .22.

...and to the person worried about the power of a .380, just buy one of those compact .45s. There's no questioning the stopping power of a .45 caliber round and they're about the same size.