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Boycott Singapore - Van's unfair sentance

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Regardless of whether it's right or wrong, or whatever, it's very sad indeed.

It sucks that I'm posting this post as Nguyen Tuong Van is probably hanging on his life :(. I hope it's quick. He has shown tremendous courage and bravery!



May your prayers and faith in god be answered and may you reside peacefully in the heavens :).
A very emotional tribute at Martin Place today. It's nice to see that some people, keystroke excluded, still have compassion. It really was a moment that overcame you - so many people were weeping, men included, and the sorrow that I feel now is nothing compared to what his family must feel. I think the word that would best describe my emotions right now is numb.

Truly a terrible day.

Humanity is watered down a little more today.

Those words say it all.
SHAME Singapisspoor (Singapore) Government SHAME,and shame ALL countries that still have the death penalty :p

RIP Nguyen Tuong Van. My thoughts are with you,your family,friends and ALL compassionate people at this sad time.
To me the most degrading thing about the whole situation is not evening allowing his mother/family to hug him. I mean, that is rubbing salt into the wound. Her son was about to be killed forever and you would think any decent society would at least allow that physical contact.

It goes beyond punishment. It just shows the cruel mentality of the Singaporean government (and dare I say, population).
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I've kept out of this thread for the most part because no doubt I'd say something stupid and get peoples hackles raised.

Our drug use is the highest in the world? We have some pretty relaxed laws on using/dealing here though, who's to say that their system isn't for the best. I'm in no way condoning capital punishment, well except for in the case of murderers, but most people know that if you're going to an asian country the penalty for carrying a large amount of drugs is death.

Okay so it's a mistake, and surely they should have let him off? Wrong. It would have set precedence and allowed people in the future to also get off for the same crime and then their system of "protection" would fail as dealers would have less risk.

^^^And don't just single out Singapore for cruelty, many other countries wouldn't even let the family see their relatives on death row...
That's the problem with argument that letting him off would set a precedence and encourage increased drug trafficking. The death penalty DOES NOT WORK AS A DETERRENT! Since the mid '70's when Singapore introduced the death penalty for herion trafficking the amount of convictions has NOT DECREASED!

Nobody is saying let him off. What we are saying is be humane by not ordering him to death. Lock him up in jail forever if you will. Killing a human does not help or prove or improve anything.
BBG - I think everyone [most people] in this thread who were opposed to Van's death, are opposed to the death penalty in it's entity. Especially for drug related crimes.

As the article hoptis posted suggested - the mandatory death penalty needs to be reassessed.
What about the death sentence for a serial pedophile, or a warlord in afrika who starves and tortures thousands and willingly commits genocide?

See, i agree that the death sentence should apply to people like those. and while i realise its a different kettle of fish, i have to stop and think that if i agree those people should be sentenced to death, who am I to say it shouldnt apply for different crimes?

Who am I to say that "yes, its ok to kill that man - but its not ok to this man!"

Im in no position to judge.
KemicalBurn said:
What about the death sentence for a serial pedophile, or a warlord in afrika who starves and tortures thousands and willingly commits genocide?

That's what some people don't seem to get. It should make no difference. Just because one person may be able to demonstate great evil doesn't make it right to do the same to them.

That is the whole point.
KemicalBurn said:
What about the death sentence for a serial pedophile, or a warlord in afrika who starves and tortures thousands and willingly commits genocide?

See, i agree that the death sentence should apply to people like those. and while i realise its a different kettle of fish, i have to stop and think that if i agree those people should be sentenced to death, who am I to say it shouldnt apply for different crimes?

Who am I to say that "yes, its ok to kill that man - but its not ok to this man!"

Im in no position to judge.

That's exactly right KB, something I tried to point out earlier. This is why I'm opposed to the death penalty as a whole, because I don't think it's for another (flawed, as we all are) human to make the judgement on ending anothers' life.

If you don't know where to draw the line, you can't draw it all - hence why the death penalty should be abolished.
ButrosButros_Grantos said:
I've kept out of this thread for the most part because no doubt I'd say something stupid and get peoples hackles raised.

Our drug use is the highest in the world? We have some pretty relaxed laws on using/dealing here though, who's to say that their system isn't for the best. I'm in no way condoning capital punishment, well except for in the case of murderers, but most people know that if you're going to an asian country the penalty for carrying a large amount of drugs is death.

Okay so it's a mistake, and surely they should have let him off? Wrong. It would have set precedence and allowed people in the future to also get off for the same crime and then their system of "protection" would fail as dealers would have less risk.

^^^And don't just single out Singapore for cruelty, many other countries wouldn't even let the family see their relatives on death row...
let it go. the poor dude is dead.
UnSquare said:
I don't actually wanna participate
in circular arguments that arn't
gonna save that poor man's life.


Me too.

I just feel for his poor mother. To know that your son's life was to be taken in a year, a couple of months, a couple of days, a few short hours...

...and not have the ability to do anything about it. :(

No one should have the right to play God. And none of this bullshit of his capture meaning the prevention of 26,000 deaths. The drug black market never stops, there is always going to be someone else to take his place. The German and British girls that just got caught trying to smuggle $1 million worth of drugs into Australia for example.

What a barbaric way to die.
The Australian Government is too be blamed here...where were they?
When was the extradtion for 'conspiracy to import herion' to take place and why was this only thought off in the final hours....they didnt do enough..it is their job to protect aussies from this sort off fate, not the civilians who yield little power. FUCK YOU HOWARD AND THE REST OFF THEM.
I too believe the government should be held responsible. They allowed another nation to kill an Australian. They had the power to stop it, they chose not to.
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