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Bluelight-based arrests?

gugglebum said:
I don't fear them, they don't go after small-time users.

Well, apparently they did in Perth, Australia, which produced the 'Guide to Getting Raided' thread.

Mettray said:
Well, apparently they did in Perth, Australia, which produced the 'Guide to Getting Raided' thread.

Yeah but that's a different case - they may have all been users, but there was A LOT of users all together in one place.

I didn't say the cops wouldn't show up at a BL meetup, what I meant was that going to someone's house over tiny amounts of drugs is a waste of their time/money.

I don't completely excluse the possibility though - just saying it doesn't seem likely. I know for a fact that if I was in the DEA, I'd be more interested in shutting down crackhouses than busting people over 4 grams of weed (but then again, the chances of getting shot are lower...)
gugglebum said:
I don't completely excluse the possibility though - just saying it doesn't seem likely. I know for a fact that if I was in the DEA, I'd be more interested in shutting down crackhouses than busting people over 4 grams of weed (but then again, the chances of getting shot are lower...) [/COLOR]

I agree, but in light of 9/11 i think the times are changing. Most all the governmental departments have drastic overhauls and changes of policies, not to mention grants for more power and authority, and funding to carry out these new policies. If anything, since 9/11, the drug war has seemed to have beefed itself up. I swear, some agents and officers LOVE going after users. They even think they're doing good, and helping society. Take a crackhead off the street, whatever (even though i'm against this). Bust someone from BL for popping E and smoking meth in their own house...bullshit. Had 9/11 never happened, we could have been witnessing better news in "Drugs in the Media" forum.

Fuck, i kind of went around in circles with this. Basically, i agree.
Mad Out Of It said:
who would be stupid enough to organise a drug filled party on a site frequented by police?

It was a LONG time ago, like 2000-01 or something like that. Before the board was big. Most people were under the impression that there weren't any law enforcement here at all.
Personally, I think that if someone is stupid enough to get arrested for their posts on BL, they deserve it.

People shouldn't be posting what kind of drugs they have or will be using in the near future and where they will be using them. If they are going to be using drugs, it should be said after the fact.

It's common sense.:\
You. Yeah, you, DEA or FBI officer who's reading this. Listen up.

Eventually you are going to have to understand that within each dope obssessed, "far-out", greedy pot smoking bluelighter is a child of a revolution. Unknowingly or not, we are, one by one, soldiers for defending the freedom of unlocking the human brains potential for neurologically extreme states of mind. To keep the freedom to alter our mechanisms in spite of the dangers is awe inspiring; masses upon masses digging in to the hedonistic and intellectual lust. Craving something; an energy, a soul, a life-force that can completely obliterate your "truth's" to find some sort of enlightenment that soberness cannot provide. The revolutionists on this message board have have heard your messages countless times on bill boards, magazines, TV commericials and have still found the power to think for themself if it would be okay to smoke pot, do a line of cocaine or drop some acid. And you know what the irony is? In all of our "stupid decisions" and "adolescent deviant behavior" the majority of us know that only WE are responsible for our own actions.

Us druggies are coming out and peaking high! With guns blazing and a passion for freedom and psychedelic manifesto of which IS BEYOND YOUR EXPERIANCE. We will not and cannot be stopped, cause we druggies have an internal charge to release our souls and progress the intellect and spiritual evolution of human beings one ... bye ... one ... ... bye ... ... ... one... bye ... ... ... one ... ... bye one ... ... ... ... until the stench of our art, beauty and passion reaches so far and wide that it chokes every DEA officer to fucking death.

Let us march.
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Hey, dont be so mean to the DEA. without them, we wouldnt be able to relax and enjoy our own personal time in life without feeling like someone could bust through the door with an m16, kick you in the face and seize all your assets.
junksick said:
I remember briefly someone (geetered? I don't know) who was on forced rehab by the courts getting in trouble for his posts and pics on here. Parole officer saved stuff he posted where he said he did drugs and how he was beating the piss tests. The guy came on here and tried to delete all of his stuff but by then it was to late they had already saved most of it. Fucked up his parole and now he can't cheat on his piss tests.

This was all only posted for about a day, bluelight got rid of it and said it didn't belong or something like that.

Anyways YES this place is watched. Which is why everything I post here is fiction and a fantasy internet game (really)

It wasn't geetered who tried to delete the pictures for him :) He my home boy
FBI DEA watching

I wanted to reply to the announcement above about how some blulighters have been prosecuted with evidence gleaned from this site but the thread was closed for some strange reason. Here goes:

How is it possible for LE to find out who a BL member is without bluelight staff itself surrendering a members IP and/or email address?

Did bluelight get subpoenaed to give up IP's/emails? Because aside from some homeland security style advanced and illegal rerouted server wire tap that's the only way it's possible.

Mods: sorry I didn't know eher else to post this, the announcement was aimed specifically at OD.
ahhhh man theyre watchin us!!!!! i knew last time i was alll coked out that someone was upstairs. i knew they were fuckin with me. im just gonna stay under the kitchen sink with my crack pipe until this shit blows over. n i knew that brownish colored chevy blazer was folllowing me on my way to score!!!!!!

im just fuckin around, i dont mean to joke about anyones arrest, but comeone, MOST of us bluelighters are small fish in the ocean and we aint worth the thousands of dollars an fbi bust would cost.

my advice:
dont let paranioa get the best of you and dont be a fuckin idiot either

edit: sorry i didnt answer the posters questions, just ranting away with my opinion
heh, no I'm not paranoid right now, but I have seen more then my fair share of shadow people. You know the people I'm talkin about don't you?

Seriously though, our government is out of control right now. America is imploding on itself in the name of homeland security. But I'm glad Bush is in office, because since the fall of the Taliban, we got the purest, cheapest, best damn heroine ever.
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habilis said:
heh, no I'm not paranoid right now, but I have seen more then my fair share of shadow people. You know the people I'm talkin about don't you?

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

Say, does anyone know where I could purchase some marajuana ciggarettes?
the note sticky you are speaking of was specifically about someone who had already been in trouble with the law. Certain incriminating posts and pictures were used to support the law enforcement's case against this person (and others). I don't know of an instance where someone was specifically targeted through BL, but I know of many instances where sites were set up or internet drug dealers were arrested and rogued by government agencies.

Fact exists, one must be careful. Just like the real world, the internet is filled with crime. Unlike the real world, where cops are tired, cops specifically trained to work the Internet seem to be overzealous and tend to get press more than their counterparts.

So, basically, watch your ass. Always assume someone is watching. Basically, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. And, if you can't leave what you are doing and who you are in 15 minutes, then you shouldn't be involved with crime--you need to be able to walk away and not look back.

Re: FBI DEA watching

habilis said:
How is it possible for LE to find out who a BL member is without bluelight staff itself surrendering a members IP and/or email address?

When they seize your computer :\
swybs said:
the note sticky you are speaking of was specifically about someone who had already been in trouble with the law. Certain incriminating posts and pictures were used to support the law enforcement's case against this person (and others). I don't know of an instance where someone was specifically targeted through BL...

I wish the post was more clear about this, it seemed like more of a blanket statement about a few people
Re: Re: FBI DEA watching

massive said:
When they seize your computer :\
You would almost have to be a bigtime drug dealer to get your machine siezed. I mean, the cops don't sieze your computer for possession.
^TRUE, but the cops can seize your computer physically or otherwise.