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Bluelight Astrology Club :)

B9 said:
Ha yeah sort of I reckon - I hadn't actually thought about it in words TBH.

[EDIT]After peering warily at the links provided & a couple I managed to dig up myself my response to your question would be harmonics which I always knew - I'm just extremely lazy.

So then sidereal or tropical ? Does it matter & if so why so ?

of course it doesn't matter, but it's an interesting and fun task to spectaculate on the unknown.

edit: scratch all that noise.
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Gaian Planes said:
even things that strike you as false even after some time spent contemplating them? :D

That didn't come out quite the way I meant it, LOL ...
I'm a Capricorn. If nothing else, celebrating one's birthday during the darkest and coldest times of the year can have effects on one's life!
SomeKindaLove said:
That didn't come out quite the way I meant it, LOL ...
I got your drift though actually...its a pretty subtle phenomenological state you are referring to...I think massive amounts of psychedelics actually foist it upon people sometimes...the willingness to believe anything and everything...(almost like a 'why not believe' attitude).
B9 said:
Does anyone have any suggested reading then ? I would rather not set out to read a load of stuff (ahem8( ) that is later found to be of little relevance. :)

Personal preference here but Liz Greene and psychological astrology show's that Astology is less about divination, and more about describing the human condition, From Hermes to Jung, the symbolism acts as a rich non-lexical repository for explaining the subtle and complex nature of what it is to be 'me', whilst retaining the link to the microcosm-macrocosm. It is no more or less believable than most modern religions.
B9 said:
Ha yeah sort of I reckon - I hadn't actually thought about it in words TBH.

[EDIT]After peering warily at the links provided & a couple I managed to dig up myself my response to your question would be harmonics which I always knew - I'm just extremely lazy.

So then sidereal or tropical ? Does it matter & if so why so ?

Hmmm. There are astrologers that work with harmonics (see here) but I have done no work in this regard. It was pointed out to me by a BL astrologer that I have a rather interesting 9th harmonic chart; it's thought that the 9th harmonic has a relationship with Pluto and Plutonian themes. I kind of dread the use of the term "soul mates"... this is part of my "homework" this week, so I'll return once I've finished that lesson. My own 9th harmonic chart gives Sun and Mars in Scorpio, AC at 2 Virgo (I just can't shake that damn Virgo Asc!) and chart ruler Mercury once again in Aries. Mercury is in an out-of-sign trine to Mars and Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn. The differences to my natal chart are pretty astonishing; there might be something to this. Mars seems very happy in Scorpio. Pluto is at 2 Aries. I've always felt much more like a Scorpio than an Aries. I would post the chart but I need to rotate it so that the Aries Point isn't by default on the Asc (this makes it difficult for me to read) -- astrodienst is sucky like that. :p

Regarding sidereal v. tropical: I've done 99% of my work in tropical, so I'm probably among the least qualified to comment. My own sidereal chart is loaded with Libra and Sun is at 0 Aries; Moon in an out-of-sign conjunction at 27 Pisces. I have used the Fagan-Bradley, not the Lahiri, sidereal method. I have heard that sidereal is best for predictions and that transits to the sidereal chart should be looked at carefully. Again, much more research on my part required. But anyone who knows me well can probably vouch for the fact that I don't exactly exemplify Pisces Moon. ;) I'm skeptical on that alone.

Zoroaster: Greene was a Jungian psychologist before she was an astrologer, so anything of that nature needs to be taken in context. However, Jung's works in astrology are in the realm of "not that bad" and were certainly part of his rift with Freud. I don't have AA or A data on his chart, so more homework.

Someone we DO have AA data on, however, is Barack Obama. It is looking more and more likely that he will be the next President of the USA. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I like that he is a Leo Sun with Aquarius rising, Sun in 6th, Gemini Moon. I strongly dislike Uranus in 7th because of the erratic nature of partnerships with that placement. I cannot see him being a diplomat. Others who have examined his transits for election season (I have not) have mentioned that he's got some nasty transits.

Ahh, astrology, the work is never done... :)
How did I ever miss this thread from the get-go?? I have always lamented the death of mariposa's old astrology thread...

So 'posa, have you learnt anything new on depositors since we last spoke? I am still very interested in this "planetary feudalism".
Jamshyd said:
So 'posa, have you learnt anything new on depositors since we last spoke? I am still very interested in this "planetary feudalism".

My final dispositors are Venus and Moon in mutual reception. There is an old book from the thirties that had ton of info on dispositors. It was by a Llewellyn.
I sold and gave away my astrology books about a decade ago:( , I can not remember the title. There is a feature in astrolog where dispositors are displayed visually. The charts menu >>> choose influence or the shortcut key is J. Astrolog is a pretty powerful free astrology program.
Mariposa said:
Hmmm. There are astrologers that work with harmonics (see here) but I have done no work in this regard. It was pointed out to me by a BL astrologer that I have a rather interesting 9th harmonic chart; it's thought that the 9th harmonic has a relationship with Pluto and Plutonian themes. I kind of dread the use of the term "soul mates"... this is part of my "homework" this week, so I'll return once I've finished that lesson. My own 9th harmonic chart gives Sun and Mars in Scorpio, AC at 2 Virgo (I just can't shake that damn Virgo Asc!) and chart ruler Mercury once again in Aries. Mercury is in an out-of-sign trine to Mars and Venus is conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn. The differences to my natal chart are pretty astonishing; there might be something to this. Mars seems very happy in Scorpio. Pluto is at 2 Aries. I've always felt much more like a Scorpio than an Aries. I would post the chart but I need to rotate it so that the Aries Point isn't by default on the Asc (this makes it difficult for me to read) -- astrodienst is sucky like that. :p

Regarding sidereal v. tropical: I've done 99% of my work in tropical, so I'm probably among the least qualified to comment. My own sidereal chart is loaded with Libra and Sun is at 0 Aries; Moon in an out-of-sign conjunction at 27 Pisces. I have used the Fagan-Bradley, not the Lahiri, sidereal method. I have heard that sidereal is best for predictions and that transits to the sidereal chart should be looked at carefully. Again, much more research on my part required. But anyone who knows me well can probably vouch for the fact that I don't exactly exemplify Pisces Moon. ;) I'm skeptical on that alone
8o 8o 8o 8o

Deary me - I feel like you ( I'm making assumptions :\ here based upon gender etc so forgive me if......) might do if you were treated to an in depth explanation of laws of cricket :D .

Incidentally I could explain that to you - if you were interested:)

*goes obediently to link*

OK I've read it & to some extent the potential complexity in this bears out my original feelings on the subject.

In relation to the "gravitational effect" that I cannot understand - clearly gravitational fields are limited in scope whereas harmonies are ever expanding/moving/colliding on many different frequencies.

Is it a particle or a wave ?

Both I suppose - the particles riding the wave :)

Gravity is neither to my mind.:)

But then again I know nothing. :\
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Jamshyd said:
So 'posa, have you learnt anything new on depositors since we last spoke? I am still very interested in this "planetary feudalism".

I really hope that Enki will pop his head in soon, as he's very well-versed. My recommended text for studying dispositorship is Rulers of the Horoscope by Alan Oken. It is less than concise. But I think an accurate description of Oken's definition of a dispositor is a planet which has the authority to move the energy of another planet or house to a different location in the chart. I know you're familiar with mutual reception. It is definitely planetary feudalism in a sense: think of it this way. Sun in Aries in 5th (exalted by house) will be stronger than Sun in Aries in 7th (in detriment by house). Definitely pick up a copy -- Oken ties the concepts together far better than I can.

Wanna go study under Oken in Portugal next year? If I can find a way to make this happen I can die happy!

I'm really glad to have the opportunity to engage in discourse with you guys because astrologers can be a rather cantankerous bunch. I do not envy the mods of the larger astrology boards out there; the kinds of flamefests I've seen otherwise good discussions turn into and the incessant "omg are so-and-so and I soul mates". I figured at least here we'd have PLUR on our side. ;)

B9: no harm done, but the fact that I don't know the rules of cricket has more to do with the fact that I'm a Yank than a woman. ;)

Anyone else (around age 28-30) experiencing the bombardment of their Saturn Return yet? It seems to have entered orb for me, starting about a month ago. I definitely notice something different; my thoughts have taken on a more somber and mature tone. Gone are the carefree days of youth... kind of. ;)
My Saturn return was one of the most personally stressful time periods of my life thus far. This fact may have been intensified due to my almost exact Sun-Saturn conjunction.

Hang in there! It's probably only going to get tougher for you in the next two years. Luckily, 29 is the number of "Grace Under Pressure" [Linda Goodman's Star Signs].

I'm sure you'll be fine. Just don't give up. Work steadily to overcome your burdens and keep your head held high. Furthermore, since you're a double Aries, Saturn is an especially troublesome planet for you unless otherwise favorably aspected due to the fact that Saturn rules Capricorn, and Capricorn is square (90 degrees apart from) Aries in the zodiac.
Man, I love it when my moon sign kicks in. It explains SOO much about me.
The funny thing is, it never really surfaced (or at least, to me it didnt..) when I was in my reckless and irresponsible years. (aka...drugs etc).

Now that I'm clean and sober, it has come out completely.
I'm not complaining, although my obsessive compulsiveness and hygiene issues do get a bit too much ;)

Better than being a slob I say!

PS. I'm a Taurus rising, Virgo Moon and Capricorn ascendant! Triple earth sign woohooo! (My darling Mariposa knew that already ;))

Any other Virgo moons out there? Please introduce yourselves
I've studied off and on over the years.
I'm a Leo on the cusp of Cancer. Gemini Moon, and Scorpio ascendant.
Mariposa said:
B9: no harm done, but the fact that I don't know the rules of cricket has more to do with the fact that I'm a Yank than a woman. ;)

*makes sympathetic noises* ;)
I'm a gemini. Any good astrology book describes me, most particularly my innermost thought processes and the way I view myself compared to the world, shockingly accurately. However, the other signs' descriptions do not fit me. Of course aspects do, but every single thing about the gemini descriptions fits me to a T.
Any suggested online reading on any of the asteroids or black moon lilith?
I'm really curious about Lilith in the houses......and through the signs.
ocean said:
Any suggested online reading on any of the asteroids or black moon lilith? I'm really curious about Lilith in the houses......and through the signs.
I don't know anything about the Black Moon Lilith. But I found a list aspects that includes asteroids the other day. This list also includes some of the less used aspects like septiles and quintiles. Scroll to the bottom of the page and follow the links to different planets or asteroids. I'm not sure I like her take on the asteroids but it is a starting place. http://members.wizzards.net/~magyan/aspects.htm

Friday Saturn hits my rising exactly. I am feeling the weight a little, so far no big problems. I am having an exceptionally hard time getting in gear and have been a little more sensitive regarding identity issues. As Saturn gets more first house I'll probably see some issues decloak--12th house stuff tends to be murky or invisible.

Saturn is the native ruler of my 5th house, maybe some fun and recreation will move to front and center.
Impacto Profundo said:
My gravitational theory has its basis on a link between space, gravity and time/time perception.
could very well pose some kind of influence on the developing fetus.
oh, i see.

I thought it was a joke.

Oh wait, it is- 8)

btw I'm Aquarius.
yes I am highly intellectual;
uncompromisingly manipulative;
morally and emotionally detached;
completely impossible to understand in my actions, due to an utterly twisted and perverted personality, torn between fascinations with both creation and control at the most fundamental levels.
Enki said:
Friday Saturn hits my rising exactly. I am feeling the weight a little, so far no big problems. I am having an exceptionally hard time getting in gear and have been a little more sensitive regarding identity issues.

Do you do your transits by day yourself or with the aid of a computer program?

Saturn aspects tend to come early due to the nature of the planet; preparation is what needs to be done. I expect that by mid-next week you'll feel this starting to pass; the identity issues clearly won't until it enters 2nd a few months from now and then you know... Enki, when it hits that angle, it's your ticket out of winter into spring. Do better than your best, isolate if necessary but try not to; the way to lock in security through a Saturn transit through 1st is by being yourself despite adversity. <3

Mercury and Venus are making dead hits on my Asc today/tomorrow... I expect I will come out of this more pampered. Time for a mani/pedi and a nice long shower after I've analyzed a little more. Venus (9th ruler) and Mercury (ruler of Asc/MC) are making some pretty aspects to my chart.
Mariposa said:
Do you do your transits by day yourself or with the aid of a computer program?
When trying to get exact data I use Astrolog. I use a website, Cosmictiming to get a headsup on current transits.

Something that occurred to me recently regarding Jupiter as a "benefic" and Saturn as a "malefic". Jupiter isn't just where you get good stuff its where you are most apt to be generous. Saturn isn't just where life is hard its also where one tends to be the most stingy. I'm sure I've noted something like this before but sometimes you have an insight crystallize a little more firmly.

Mariposa said:
Mercury and Venus are making dead hits on my Asc today/tomorrow... I expect I will come out of this more pampered. Time for a mani/pedi and a nice long shower after I've analyzed a little more. Venus (9th ruler) and Mercury (ruler of Asc/MC) are making some pretty aspects to my chart.
Glad to hear things are looking good. With you being in your Saturn return period, its good to take note of positives and pleasures. I think Saturnine periods are not really bad but can get uncomfortable through being over focused on the heaviness of things.


Anyone have any opinions about Saturn oppose Uranus on the day of the US election in November? I haven't examined the chart for the day or the candidates charts. This isn't a casual everyday transit. I expect an upset and a shocking something. The conflict is established order vs modern innovation. Anyways on astrology blogs and in astro magazines I expect interpretations of Strn Vs Urns to be a big topic to the election and beyond.