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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

BL Film-Making! (Formerly "BL Cinematography")

It can't be both? ;)

Seriously though, why don't they have an option like a blank title screen, or fade to black? I mean, you can accomplish those things, but its overly complicated. You can have lots of options, but still make it user-friendly.
don't listen to damo. adobe = laymen unfriendly
Moon Safari is probably the best place to begin

Air - All I Need

Air - La femme d'argent
Nice video ninjadan. Also I can't believe I have never seen the video for sexy boy. One of my all time favorite songs, awesome video!

Man, I uploaded a video hours ago and it still isn't giving me the URL.
^^yeah, that is sometimes a problem if it is a really large file. youtube destroys resolution anyway, so you are better off making it small and compressing the hell out of it before you upload, because they do it anyway.

its frustrating. thats why I am hoping to find a better host that still provides streaming video.
Nice vid Pennywise. I commented on YouTube but it seems to have dissapeared. Those HUGE goldfish at 2:00 are awesome, best goldfish I have ever seen. Morbid obese goldfish :D

And at 1:25 those rainbow fish are Native Australian :D

Yet to watch NinjaDans latest... Dial up :(
in china i saw goldfish the size of softballs, bigger even

lookit' this un'!

Fun Factoid of the Day! :

Goldfish can grow to a maximum length of 23 inches (59 cm) and a maximum weight of 9.9 pounds (4.5 kg), although this is rare; few goldfish reach even half this size. The oldest recorded goldfish lived to 49 years,[2] but most household goldfish generally live only six to eight years, due to being kept in bowls.[3] A group of goldfish is known as a troubling.[4]

I really want to get a goldfish now lol.

Actually, I have wanted fish for a while now. Hmmm....

*ponders getting fish*
Ok first of all sorry for the small size. I am still learning. =)
I am not terribly happy with this but I put some time into it so here it is.
I am really bothered by some pacing issues, especially in the beginning.
I learned a lot though and hopefully I will put out something better soon.

Critique away. (i.e. tear it up!)
damo that was awesome bro
love the synchronisation

the peace symbol was a bit overkill but i loved everything else. where do you get all that footage?
holy smokes i bookmarked the shit out of those sites! :D
i've finally learnt how to reverse the direction of a wav file, so of course the first thing i do with it is this

30 second play around vid
sweet video damien!! 8o

I loved the content, and the buildup to the explosion footage. There is something about that shit that is so trippy. Nice track too, and it was really well synced with the video.

That sucks that you had to make it so small in that little window. :( Did you try encoding in .wmv format? That kind of encoding in a 320x400(ish?) size seems to be the best format for a balance between easy upload and preserving resolution and image quality. The sound suffers a little, but you are technically smart enough that im sure you could change the encoding in such a way that you could fix that problem. I really want to see that in fullscreen (well, at least big enough to fill up the youtube screen anyway :\ ).

My only criticism is that it is a bit slow paced in the beginning, with the clips of the suits meeting and whatnot. I mean, i wouldn't change anything about them, like taking them out or anything, but maybe you could splice in some quick flashed of images or really short flashes of video in the middle of the longer early clips. I think it would preserve the pacing of the video as a whole, while at the same time keeping the audiences attention, as you know how short some people's attention spans can be (stupid hoards that they are ;) ). Also, maybe some panning and zooming on the flashed still images at the end, just to keep the pace up and make them a bit more visually appealing and engaging.

But those are small points, and overall it makes a killer video, and would be a great music video in its current form. It looks as good as anything I would expect to see as a video for a successful band or electronica group.

Lastly, I can kind of see L2r's point about the peace sign, but I totally feel you on running out of patience and images (lol i know the feeling). Maybe a picture from a protest march or something where the peace sign is prominently featured on a sign or banner? Interestingly, I recently heard a radio show where they were discussing the origin of the peace sign, and did you know that it was originally a symbol for nuclear disarmament, which eventually evolved into the more generalized message of "peace?" True story. :) So it is pretty apropos for your video. In fact, if you wanted to make it longer, or make a part II, you could make a similar video with footage from all the 60's antiwar protest, and stuff from vietnam. It would give you an excuse to use that picture (there might be video too) of that burning monk (you know the image im sure, it was also used as the cover of Rage Against The Machine's self-titled album). It is a logical extension of your first video, and def. has some potential for serious kewlness! :D

Anyway, great job, I hope to see more soon!

:) :) :)
L2R said:
i've finally learnt how to reverse the direction of a wav file, so of course the first thing i do with it is this

30 second play around vid

Damn L2R, your videos have this really abstract, cerebral quality. They always make me think "wtf?!" but in a really good way, if you know what I mean. :D

This one makes me curious as to what was said, as well as how it relates to the image. Would it ruin it to play it again in the video, only forward this time? ;)

I also liked the amorphous red/pink shapes in the background. It gave the clip a nice organic quality, while at the same time evoking a sense of danger, or violence, or maybe passion, but with that fluid, calming feeling too. It was a cool combination of sensations, like an unexpected combination that paradoxically blends well.

keep em comin, i think you could work this one into a longer video at some point too.:)
Thanks for the criticism guys! I just recently took the time to watch some tutorials regarding the panning and zooming and also the encoding. Its funny that you mention the short attention spans because that is how I get with my own videos. . . Bored. It's hard listening to the same song over and over and over again while watching the same footage just as much. Oh well Its still fun and after watching the tutorials I am excited to explore the power of premier.