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RCs Big n Dandy 4-FA (4-fluoroamphetamine) thread v.1.0

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There have been concerns raised about the possible side effects of the floluorine in 4-fa (skeletal warping), but it has been speculated that the body would be unable to break the fluorine free and the compound would be excreted chemically unchanged. Would there be a method of urine analysis that could confirm this?

This is exactly what I would like to know also. Had it last weekend and it was one of the best experiences so far. Without all the negative side effects. I would like to add what the chemical reaction is when consumed with alcohol? Nobody seems to bother about this, but the fluorine is bad when its released in your body. Maybe it can not be released by only consuming 4-fa it self, but what if you add alcohol?

I'm thinking of doing this more often on parties, but I would like to make it to an age of 60 at least also ;). Nobody with a science/chemical degree that can research some pee? I think we've read enough "This is how I feel with 4fa" comments, its time for some real results.
^^ i copied a couple posts from this thread into the Big and Bangin Pseudo-Advanced Drug Chemistry, Pharmacology, and More thread over in our Advanced Drug Discussion section, and got this response:

Fluorines attached to carbons don't just magically fly off - they're bonded on there tighter than hydrogens. Yes, this means that metabolism is blocked at the 4-position*. No, this isn't a bad thing. No, this doesn't irreverably bind enzymes. No, this won't result in "free fluorine". No, this does not paralell the heavier haloamphetamines. No, this is not indicative of any more toxicity than amphetamine itself.

* amphetamine is hydroxylated at the 4-position by some liver enzymes as a minor metabolic route. 4-hydroxamphetamine is considered a nasty body load and is not thought to contribute to the positive f/x

Essentially the only thing that liberates fluorine from organic compounds is fire. Don't burn your 4-FA and you won't have to worry about HF exposure.

"Fluorine is bad when released in your body" -true, but in high concentrations. A dose of 4-FA doesn't have an appreciable amount of fluorine in it, compared to toothpaste.

Amphetamines do not "react" with alcohol, though consumption of large amounts of alcohol will change pharmacokinetics in a non-specific, unpredictable way by interefering with pH and enzymatic metabolism.


The major routes for fluorine toxicity are:
1. Metabolism of fluoroalkanes to toxic fluoroacetate. This only happens for even numbered n-fluorinated straight chain alkanes. (It was a possible concern of AM-2201, but that has an ODD number of carbons in the chain).
2. Ionic fluoride salt poisoning (This is what happens if you eat too much toothpaste)

Ring-fluorinated compounds like flurbiprofen, escitalopram et cetera (there are thousands) do not pose a threat for fluorine exposure

Thank you so much! So to round it up, 4-fa is safe to take in small quantities, with a reasonable amount of alcohol. It wont release the fluorine, unless you smoke it (good luck you guys who've tried to smoke it:\).

I'm bringing a small amount of 4-fa to our testing service tomorrow, to check the purity. At least I'm a lot less concerned that I'm free willingly taking a world war 2 prision posion now.

This is probably an easy question to answer, cause it would be the same as for regular amphetamines, 4-fa tends to release more dopamine than serotonin, this is also what I noticed trying it. So the normal time for serotonin to be at a normal level again would be around 3 months, does anybody know what it is for dopamine? Is it safe to say that if you only use 4-fa, it's not necessary to have 3 months in between, because a lot less serotonin is released than dopamine. A friend of mine has ADD, he uses Dextroamphetamine, 10mg a day. So he was wandering, if he depletes his dopamine supply in the weekend with the use of 4-fa, would the use of Dex be harmful during the week, since the dopamine is already emptied?

Great to finally find a place to ask these questions!
i have experimented with 2fma recently a few times, spaced a little over a week apart and had good results, in comparison to experimenting with 4fa the same distance apart the previous month. 2 months of conclusive studies on both have confirmed what most would say, that 4fa is more euphoric between the two. very true. BUT, people who claim 2fma doesnt have any recreational value and has no euphoria, is either getting crappy stuff, or not taking the right doses. i find 150mg of 4fa oral to be a really good dose. if u want, do a 50mg boost an hour or so in, but not alot later. like with 2fma, its a really clean stimulant without many unwanted side effects at all, unless you redose. i do prefer 4fa over 2fma, as far as enjoyment goes overall. BUT i would prefer 2fma if i wanted to play a xbox game like call of duty for 12 hours straight without getting bored at all. both are really good rc's. it sucks too, the vendor i was working with, like many others, have recently stopped shipping to usa. not sure why since the fluoroamphetamines aren't scheduled at this time, like many other rcs...right when i was really starting to take a liking to the FA's... kind of a bummer. good stuff tho. if you can order legitimately, id say go for it. just be safe, dont go over 150mg in a day unless you want some slightly gross effects. and always space doses (days) a week apart for best results!
This is very important: redosing is futile, it does NOTHING for your high. In fact, I don't even feel any additional stimulation. Seriously, redosing adds absolutely nothing to your high at all, i don't even think it prolongs it.

Also, I also want to add, dosing ~75mg 4fa and taking 1mg of etizolam powder (which I can't find anywhere online now, dammit) and lying (or is laying, English confuses me sometimes) down in bed put me in this awesome, noddy, awakened dream-like state, where I was lying there with my eyes rolled back into my head in a state of bliss, almost as good as an opiate nod.

I found that d-amp and alprazolam would do this to me too, but I'd have to wait until the d-amp was almost totally done, so i could only get to that state a day after taking d-amp. With 4fa, it's not so speedy so you can achieve that dreamy-nod-land that is so awesome.

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i have used nearly a g within 24 hours with no noticeable side effects, although you could say its somewhat of a waste. however redosing via insufflation does work to an extent.
I've had a few different batches of 4-FA from same source, all of them white crystalline powder. However, some batches have a distinct "fishy" odor, while some are odorless. Any idea what might cause the fishy smell? I've read reports that the fishy odor is related to cathinone (sp) derivatives, so maybe it's cut with something else? The effects, regardless of the odor, seem the same, though.

Anyone have any idea what would cause such an odor?
Anyone have any idea what would cause such an odor?

My guess would be tertiary amines. I'm not realy into chemistry so please don't ask me what that is, but i do know that these amines are supposed to produce the fishy-smell in street amphetamin-paste.
I've had a few different batches of 4-FA from same source, all of them white crystalline powder. However, some batches have a distinct "fishy" odor, while some are odorless. Any idea what might cause the fishy smell? I've read reports that the fishy odor is related to cathinone (sp) derivatives, so maybe it's cut with something else? The effects, regardless of the odor, seem the same, though.

Anyone have any idea what would cause such an odor?

i've noticed a fishy odor in my 4-FA as well

no idea what causes it
Thanks for the posts about 4-FA's fishy smell. I'll checkout the "tertiary amines," and see what exactly they are.

I guess a follow-up question to this would be: Has anyone smelled that fishy smell with other RCs?

I've heard people say that some other RCs smelled like "cat piss" which I supposed is a similar description as "fishy" especially when the fishy smell is not super strong, as in some cases. Though I have to admit, I'm no expert on cat piss smell, but I could see someone describing some of the batches of 4-FA that way.

So does anyone know of other RCs with funky smells? I've only had 4-FA and 2-FMA, so my experience in that department isn't very wide ranging.
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mephedrone and mdpv, with mdpv being more funky when coming from the pores.

erm weird question, after having a couple of bumps of this stuff i have the strong smell of grass/cut grass after sniffing, wtfs tahts all about.
i just got 1g of 4-FA which have no odor, a very acidic taste, from a reputable spanish source.
at 60mg I got no stimulation, but got sleepy, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure & intestinal stimulation.
Very uncomfortable. I wouldn't try more from this batch.
Have someone experienced something similar?

A year ago i got an other 4-FA which was smelly (somehow fishy), and very very more enjoyable, from the same source.
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I've had a few different batches of 4-FA from same source, all of them white crystalline powder. However, some batches have a distinct "fishy" odor, while some are odorless. Any idea what might cause the fishy smell? I've read reports that the fishy odor is related to cathinone (sp) derivatives, so maybe it's cut with something else? The effects, regardless of the odor, seem the same, though.

Anyone have any idea what would cause such an odor?
trash it. The one time someone sent me a fishy package with what was supposed to be 4-fa I thought I was going to die. I think you got some dirty stuff mate. 4-FA should not smell like fish.
got a bunch of this hanging about and with the good MDMA connect I have now I can't see me using it at all, any ideas how useful this is for studying? I'm pretty good at getting my head down anyway.

Any ideas on dose of noticeable pupil dilation as well? Would be great to negate this
3-fa would be better for studying.

ive got that smell of cut grass back again. have gone through 600-700mg in the last 24 hours. i love this stuff.
this is the only drug i've had a bad reaction to..

The 1 time I took the stuff, I had a horrible reaction.. For the most part it was fun, but when I tried to walk that was another story. When iever I'd get up I'd walk a ways and totally faint.. I'm not sure if it was bc I hadn't ate that b4 I took it or what.. I felt like I was about to start seizing or somethng, but if I was just sitting there I was perfectly ok..

I can't remeber exact does but I'm guessing it was anywhere from 150 to 250mg's. The people we've since given it away 2 love it. I'd probably be willing to try it 1 more time tho, with a less mg.
went through a gram of this last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. i usually took it in conjuction with opioids, and that combination was immensely euphoric.
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