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RCs Big n Dandy 4-FA (4-fluoroamphetamine) thread v.1.0

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after an allergy test of course

somewhere in 50mg-100mg is a good starting dose. i still rarely go over ~150mg.
it is quite freaking active, orally. some things just dont work unless you use a certain ROA but this stuff....there is no need to IV it. i only mention that since that is the highest on the chain of ROAs. well, IM would be the same but with a slower onset. im glad many here seem to not have had a bad experience with it. however, with RCs, you really are playing with fire. you never know what the fuck it is. i would feel more comfortable buying street H than 4-fa from a vendor i did not know well. i guess the moral is know your vendor well....er something.

Honestly compared to coke and how much it gets stomped on not to mention what the low level people cut with sometimes... I feel safer IVing (or IMing if you have micron filters) some RC's like 4mmc, M1. etc.. That is as far as impurities go. Obviously you run the risk of using drugs that have nto been studied much, and we do not know long term or even short term effects/damage they do.
4-FA closer to E than M1? that's funny

Yeah thats my assumption I find it hard to beleive 4fa resembles e at all but lets see how it goes when I do it for the 1st time. I sniffed 50mg a while agobut I never really got to experiment with it.
Tried 4-FA yesterday. We started with 100mg in a capsule, enjoyed it for about an hour and a half but then decided to add 25mg more into the mix. From there on out it was like a mellow roll, lots of tingling in my body (almost like my feet, hands, etc had fallen asleep) and I felt very content with everything. Downside was I had some jaw grinding (but not nearly as bad as 6-APB), and I could feel how dehydrating this chem is. Constantly thirsty, which meant I was constantly drinking water, which meant I was peeing a lot. Could get annoying the next time I take it, cause I'll be at a fest but we'll see how it goes. Overall, I liked it and found it a lot less intense (in a good way) than 6-APB. I'm comparing these two because I bought them at the same time and was figuring out which ones would be appropriate for a music festival, and decided to bring both!
Started researching 4-fa 2.5 weeks ago, started by ordering 1g and liked it enough to order 3g more which just arrived.

Used up the first gram over the course of thursday night to saturday evening, spread out over 6 large doses. No sleep thursday night, approximately 4 hrs on friday and saturday nights. The binge ended with intense tachycardia, dizziness, hyperthermia. All oral doses, havent tried snorting or plugging yet.

For the next 1.5 weeks i had trouble concentrating and remembering, slept a ton, and felt fuzzy, out of it, almost on auto pilot.

A friend on saturday took approximately 200mg in two doses while i had around 300mg between two doses. We sat in the car listening to dubstep for three hours straight barely speaking, but texting everyone we knew. Both of us found ourselves chewing on our lips constantly however, and when we tried to chew gum instead, we both ageeed it was too intense.

That being said i feel i pushed this compound far enough to know the limits.

1. My favorite drug. Somewhere right up the middle between MDMA and amphetamine/coke without nearly as many drawbacks. Clear headspace, slight visual enhancement, confidence, fairly strong tactile and auditory enhancement. Slow, smooth, mellow comedown, but sleep impossible within 8-10 hours.

2. Most effective dose 150-250mg, spaced 1-2 hours apart, but start small and be smart.

3. Lower doses are great for study/work/concentration. Feels like adderal under 75mg.

4. Not fiendish, but it is so pleasant i found myself wanting to constantly use it.

5. Contact high is incredible! Normal conversations are awesome, and the mood lift is dedinitely contageous.

6. Tolerance does develop immediately.

7. Take it easy, hydrate well, eat lots beforehand and leave at least a couple days between use and it is virtually a perfect drug.
Started researching 4-fa 2.5 weeks ago, started by ordering 1g and liked it enough to order 3g more which just arrived.

Used up the first gram over the course of thursday night to saturday evening, spread out over 6 large doses. No sleep thursday night, approximately 4 hrs on friday and saturday nights. The binge ended with intense tachycardia, dizziness, hyperthermia. All oral doses, havent tried snorting or plugging yet.

For the next 1.5 weeks i had trouble concentrating and remembering, slept a ton, and felt fuzzy, out of it, almost on auto pilot.

A friend on saturday took approximately 200mg in two doses while i had around 300mg between two doses. We sat in the car listening to dubstep for three hours straight barely speaking, but texting everyone we knew. Both of us found ourselves chewing on our lips constantly however, and when we tried to chew gum instead, we both ageeed it was too intense.

That being said i feel i pushed this compound far enough to know the limits.

1. My favorite drug. Somewhere right up the middle between MDMA and amphetamine/coke without nearly as many drawbacks. Clear headspace, slight visual enhancement, confidence, fairly strong tactile and auditory enhancement. Slow, smooth, mellow comedown, but sleep impossible within 8-10 hours.

2. Most effective dose 150-250mg, spaced 1-2 hours apart, but start small and be smart.

3. Lower doses are great for study/work/concentration. Feels like adderal under 75mg.

4. Not fiendish, but it is so pleasant i found myself wanting to constantly use it.

5. Contact high is incredible! Normal conversations are awesome, and the mood lift is dedinitely contageous.

6. Tolerance does develop immediately.

7. Take it easy, hydrate well, eat lots beforehand and leave at least a couple days between use and it is virtually a perfect drug.

Yeah, I noticed that if I sleep at normal hours, and don't try to skip a night, I feel normal the day after, as if I didn't take drugs at all! (maybe a little bit fuzzy in my head but barely worth noting)
But if I dare to skip even 1 night, I get INSANE headrushes (to the point where I almost faint), and confusion

Also I have ALOT of problems with grinding my teeth when on amphetamine/MDMA, but on 4-fa I somehow don't have it at all?
Wondering if anyone has noticed potentially dangerous hypertensive effects from 4-FA? I know it stands to reason it could happen since its a stimulant.. but two different people now that I know have experienced severe reactions at doses ~150 mg. Confusion, stiff neck, *throbbing migraine*, constant vomiting. Very severe too. To me that sounds like possibly high blood pressure, but of course I dont know for sure.

What's interesting is that several other people enjoyed that much and more of the same batch. Interestingly, I've never researched if benzos affect blood pressure, but when taking xanax before dosing 4-fa, only typical vasoconstriction symptoms seem present. Certainly nothing like what I'm describing above.

Have other people seen these effects/ is it common?
Also do benzos help with high blood pressure from stimulant use?
What do you guys think is the best way to take this chem, all at once or smaller doses spaced apart?
The most annoying effect I get from 4-FA is jaw tension/urge to grind teeth. It's worse than ANY other stim I've tried and nothing seems to help. I also get the strange desire to color (like in a coloring book w/ markers) every time I take it :D
The most annoying effect I get from 4-FA is jaw tension/urge to grind teeth. It's worse than ANY other stim I've tried and nothing seems to help.

Yeah, I find it worse than MDMA jaw tension by a longshot. Then to make matters worse 4-FA dries my mouth out to the point where my throat gets sore. Gotta keep drinking water!
^My god yes I can't believe how perpetually thirsty I was. But the jaw grinding was not nearly as bad as 6-APB, so I wasn't too bothered by it. Although my jaw was a little sore when I ate the next day.
Yeah, I find it worse than MDMA jaw tension by a longshot. Then to make matters worse 4-FA dries my mouth out to the point where my throat gets sore. Gotta keep drinking water!
Magnesium is your friend. Most notably the Chloride salt. One of the few (if not only) Magnesium salts that is both a) highly bioavailable and b) not a laxative. By far the best cure for jaw tension IME.

Edit: As for mouth dryness, try sucking on some cough drops. Always works well for me.
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What do you guys think is the best way to take this chem, all at once or smaller doses spaced apart?

In my experience, redosing seems to extend the duration of the high but also significantly increases side effects and the comedown. A couple of times I have taken the initial dose at ~10:00AM (150mg) with a redose at 11:00AM or 12:00PM (50mg) and experienced a terrible comedown, being unable to sleep until 6:00AM or so.

Other times I have taken 200mg at once in the afternoon (perhaps 4:00PM) and have been able to sleep relatively easily (with the help of alcohol) with not nearly as much residual stimulation on the way down.

I should mention that these experiences all occurred at home, so after a certain time I felt like winding down and was very annoyed that I was unable to. If you are going to take it at a festival or something (it seems as though that is the environment you are considering taking it in) where you may not plan on sleeping at all and have a group of close friends with you then I say a redose would certainly be worth it.
There have been concerns raised about the possible side effects of the floluorine in 4-fa (skeletal warping), but it has been speculated that the body would be unable to break the fluorine free and the compound would be excreted chemically unchanged. Would there be a method of urine analysis that could confirm this?
There have been concerns raised about the possible side effects of the floluorine in 4-fa (skeletal warping), but it has been speculated that the body would be unable to break the fluorine free and the compound would be excreted chemically unchanged. Would there be a method of urine analysis that could confirm this?

There are if you have the skills and the equipment for it.

Wondering if anyone has noticed potentially dangerous hypertensive effects from 4-FA? I know it stands to reason it could happen since its a stimulant.. but two different people now that I know have experienced severe reactions at doses ~150 mg. Confusion, stiff neck, *throbbing migraine*, constant vomiting. Very severe too. To me that sounds like possibly high blood pressure, but of course I dont know for sure.

What's interesting is that several other people enjoyed that much and more of the same batch. Interestingly, I've never researched if benzos affect blood pressure, but when taking xanax before dosing 4-fa, only typical vasoconstriction symptoms seem present. Certainly nothing like what I'm describing above.

Have other people seen these effects/ is it common?
Also do benzos help with high blood pressure from stimulant use?

Wouldn't Clonidine (not Clonazapam) be better for the high blood pressure?
Add to the list of possible side effects:


Twice my vision started to shake back and forth rapidly (well after comedown) and spin. It only shook while focusing, if i looked around it stopped. Im not sure if this was purely physchological or physiiological (both times i wasnt near a mirror to see if my eyes were actually moving back and forth or not).
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