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RCs Big Mephedrone thread

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5-HTP has never been shown to be of benefit for any comedown as far as I know...but I also know some folks still swear by it so whatever floats yer boat. Meph mainly affects dopamine rather than serotonin though so would be even more unlikely to make a difference, I'd think. Most folks don't seem to get much of a comedown at all from moderate use of meph (which is kinda deceptive seeing as how toxic it is compared to other drugs :\).

Has anyone experienced extreme shakiness from a dose of mephedrone? I had the drug a few times last year and don't remember getting this side effect. But now I will be shaking a lot throughout the peak, that is true for all administration methods.
I'd say a dose of about 250mg oral or 100mg IV makes me very shaky for about an hour or 20min respectively. The first time I felt it was from oral dosing, so it's not a problem brought up by shooting. I remember getting shaky from E pills a few years ago, but not this much. All the shakiness was experienced on white fluffy *snip* material while last year I used mostly *snip* crystals.
surprisingly, this side effect gets less intense over the course of a binge, even when I got to the point of IVing doses between 160-220mg one time (never went over 150 again after this one binge and haven't used meph in a month). It's probably mediated by serotonin then diminishes due to depletion.
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^i've experienced shaking after taking, what i think, is an insane amount over a very short period of time...i was combining mephedrone and methylone though. But i remember shaking all over, also had blurry pulsating vision and red knees at the time. Maybe the shaking is due to extreme vasoconstriction? Muscles contracting/twitching from dehydration? Idk for sure.
I've had some extreme eye wiggles from meph probably the most intense nystagmus ever to the point of near blindness! but no real shakiness other than the usual coming up jitters i get
I used to get wiggly eyes from Meph. It was very similar to MDMA but more fluttering of the eyelids.

How I miss those days.
i do like this stuff, but i'm only going to use it once every couple months or so. i went kinda apeshit on it when i first tried it.:\

This, a thousand times this. I did the same.

dont put this stuff in your mouth!! it can blister your mouth and even your skin if left on there for long enough. i use a spoon to weigh the stuff out and one night i left the spoon in the meph overnight. when i looked at it the next morning it was rusted!!

dont sniff ridiculous amounts. once i stayed up for 4 days straight sniffing the stuff and on the last day i started to get a really sore throat. the next day, after stopping taking it, it was completely closed over. the doctor said it looked like blisters. i didnt tell him i had been taking meph, but i think my throat just got blistered from the constant drips down the back of my throat for 4 days. but if you just take it orally after 1-2 days sniffing i dont get this problem.

I found this out the hard way. Really wish I had seen this weeks ago before I got the throat problems too. I had only done one g of it, over 1.5 days, but my throat felt more raw than it ever had. I didn't see a doctor for it or anything, it eventually went away with care, but it was probably the same blisters.

Follow his advice. DO NOT put this in your mouth, or let it be in contact with your skin for long periods of time. My lips got horribly burnt/blistered/chapped from this, and my fingers, while not as bad, were dry and sore for days. Get up and move. Sitting in a chair/etc while on it will definitely contribute to the vasoconstriction, I've experienced it happening to a friend and then also first-hand.

I've gotten the shakiness from it, but not the eye wiggles. I just couldn't stop moving and couldn't keep focus on anything except cleaning.
to take or not to take?

ok, well after reading all these posts about this drug, my biggest question is: how common is vasoconstriction, how serious is it and does it go away after the comedown?

we've recently been given some meph instead of mdma (been hard to get lately). we're not heavy drug users - only about 6 or 7 times a year when we go clubbing. we want to take it for new year's eve in paper bombs as that seems to be the safest. also, i'm also a sensitive female and can normally only handle about 4 bombs (1/4 of a gram?) a night anyway...

any advice or recommendations? after reading people's bad responses to this, i'm a bit leary about taking this drug esp since i've had mild heart palpitations just from mdma pills...

ok, well after reading all these posts about this drug, my biggest question is: how common is vasoconstriction, how serious is it and does it go away after the comedown?

we've recently been given some meph instead of mdma (been hard to get lately). we're not heavy drug users - only about 6 or 7 times a year when we go clubbing. we want to take it for new year's eve in paper bombs as that seems to be the safest. also, i'm also a sensitive female and can normally only handle about 4 bombs (1/4 of a gram?) a night anyway...

any advice or recommendations? after reading people's bad responses to this, i'm a bit leary about taking this drug esp since i've had mild heart palpitations just from mdma pills...


vasoconstriction happens when you take all stimulants or even when your body is cold or dehydrated. its one of the main ways your body regulates temperature and blood pressure but drugs interfere with it. vasoconstriction will definitely go away on the comedown

i get heart palpitations aswell, also brought on by mdma use. as i said before im a medical student and lots of people get heart palpitations naturally and they are nothing to worry about. you only need to worry if they last more than 45min or so or you feel tightness around your chest aswell or if you start to feel faint.
i find when i get them, lying flat on your back with your legs in the air helps as this forces the pooled blood in your legs to return back to the heart, so it doesnt have to beat so fast. when i do this it usually stops within 5min.

do you mean 4 X 1/4g bombs or four bombs totalling 1/4g? 1/4g bombs will hit you like a ton of shit lol. but 4 bombs totalling 1/4g is a pretty good dose although you may not feel the first one very much. i find a bomb will last about 1hr - 90min so you can judge how much more to take depending on how wiped you are and want to be lol.

Good luck and enjoy youll have a beast night =D.
let us all know on here how it went!!
cool thanks for this info :)

i feel relieved after reading your post esp after hearing about people with purple knees. the info about the heart palpitations was good to read also - didn't realize it's not as serious as i thought!

one last question: have heard it's not good to combine marijuana with meph because it worsens the heart issue. is that true even if it's in small doses??

ps. i did mean 1/4 gram over the night btw, per bomb would annihilate me!
i feel relieved after reading your post esp after hearing about people with purple knees. the info about the heart palpitations was good to read also - didn't realize it's not as serious as i thought!

The purple knees (and ankles and feet in my case) lasted for a good coupla weeks - didn't just fade with the comedown for me. Pretty sure I've seen others mention that it can sometimes last for a fair ol' while after using meph too. Still often get really cold feet and swollen ankles now in fact - good month or two since I last used meph. Never had anything like it on other stims.

Palpitations may or may not be serious but the heart/chest discomfort can also often lasts days or weeks - around two weeks very noticeably for me but still get bursts of it sometimes. It also feels completely different to standard tachycardia you'd expect from other stims - have never felt a sensation quite like it actually.

Also, the damage done to the heart would be permanent damage from what I understand of it - not just a temporary side-effect of using a stim. Cocaine also causes heart damage but meph is thought to be far more cardiotoxic (and indeed neurotoxic). Moderation (when possible) is definitely wise with something that looks to be highly toxic.

Have heard that weed can make any chest discomfort worse so would avoid it if you get the chest pains.

Incidentally, I've never used meph heavily, regularly or more than 2g in 24 hours (twice - usually used a gram over 24 hours). I've abused the shit out of many stims for many years but have never had such severe side-effects from any of them and have only used it a few times anyway. Some folks don't seem to get such bad side-effects... doesn't mean the damage isn't being done though.

just a few dos and donts about mephedrone that ive picked up from using once a week for over a year now

Closer to six months than over a year according to your previous post - always suspected meph turns brains to mush ;)
Method of administration (bomb or snort)

Hi, this is my first post on here, I joined a while ago and I have just been reading heaps about mephedrone but I haven't seen anything that really answers my question.

I find that when taking mephedrone (if I'm taking it for quite a while) that it becomes difficult to snort it as my nose seems to be really sensitive to it (all the inside of my nose peels away) and also it gets so blocked after a while that I can't even sniff.

I have tried wrapping it in a rizzla and bombing it on a few occasions (I did put quite a lot in - more than I would take in a line but I don't know exactly as I don't weigh it). Bombing it sseems to barely affect me though, I don't get a rush like I do with a line, infact I don't really feel anything.

Does anyone else have this problem?
Bombing produces a far superior high with less of the dodgy effects, in my opinion. How much you would need would depend on your tolerance but around 150-250mg seems to be the average range. How that compares to the size of your lines depends on the size of your lines, of course :)
I never did get the coke/MDMA comparisons myself - doesn't feel much like either to me. I also found IVing it pretty pointless - and I would IV most drugs for preference. The rush is nowt special, side-effects increased and it's annoyingly short-acting enough as it is - just makes a shitty drug even shittier, in my opinion. Oddly enough, it's one of the very few drugs that I genuinely prefer oral dosing in every way.
The purple knees (and ankles and feet in my case) lasted for a good coupla weeks - didn't just fade with the comedown for me. Pretty sure I've seen others mention that it can sometimes last for a fair ol' while after using meph too. Still often get really cold feet and swollen ankles now in fact - good month or two since I last used meph. Never had anything like it on other stims. ;)

really? ive never heard of it lasting that long in any of my mates. although i didnt think it was such a big problem until reading on here. out of around 50 of my mates who take it, one only gets purple knees sometimes and another one has only had it once. maybe just lucky lol

Palpitations may or may not be serious but the heart/chest discomfort can also often lasts days or weeks - around two weeks very noticeably for me but still get bursts of it sometimes. It also feels completely different to standard tachycardia you'd expect from other stims - have never felt a sensation quite like it actually.

yeah, heart palpitations in the vast majority of cases are nothing to worry about and one of the problems is that it is notoriously difficult to diagnose the exact cause because you have to be hooked up to an ECG machine while it is happening and they generally last less than 10min. and yeah i know what you mean its a relly weird fluttering feeling in your chest.

but ive never heard of anyone having the discomfort last that long, is it all the time for 2 weeks? i would consider stopping taking it.

Also, the damage done to the heart would be permanent damage from what I understand of it - not just a temporary side-effect of using a stim. Cocaine also causes heart damage but meph is thought to be far more cardiotoxic (and indeed neurotoxic). Moderation (when possible) is definitely wise with something that looks to be highly toxic.

at the end of the day, i think we have to realise that drugs are not good for you lol. all drugs will have negative side effects. where did you get the info about it being cardiotoxic? might have a look at that. i know that mdma is very neurotoxic so dont know whether we have to worry about meph being much worse.

Closer to six months than over a year according to your previous post - always suspected meph turns brains to mush ;)

yeah that post was originally in another forum but it was closing down so i just copied and pasted it in here. good spot though lol.

sorry for basically quoting your whole post lol but im genuinely interested in this.
out of around 50 of my mates who take it, one only gets purple knees sometimes and another one has only had it once. maybe just lucky lol

Or maybe I'm just unlucky as I do seem to get all of the side-effects pretty badly. As I said, some get them (from a single use occasionally), some don't get them unless they're hammering the stuff, some (like me) got them from occasional and relatively light use. Whether it makes you feel shitty or not bears little or no relation to the damage it's causing though.

heart palpitations... ive never heard of anyone having the discomfort last that long, is it all the time for 2 weeks? i would consider stopping taking it.

It was pretty much constant for around 2 weeks and has almost entirely gone now, although still get the odd flare-up. As I said, I've only used it a handful of times really and haven't used any for a good coupla months now but the symptoms still haven't completely gone.

at the end of the day, i think we have to realise that drugs are not good for you lol. all drugs will have negative side effects. where did you get the info about it being cardiotoxic? might have a look at that. i know that mdma is very neurotoxic so dont know whether we have to worry about meph being much worse.

Not all drugs are bad for you at all but, of those that are, some drugs are considerably worse for you than others. The How Toxic is Mephedrone? has plenty of info on the cardio and neurotoxic properties of meph and it's metabolites. Seems to be quite possibly the most toxic of the widely-used drugs available - nasty, nasty stuff.

The evidence for MDMAs neurotoxicity is still highly debateable, in my opinion. Most of the studies involving moderate to heavy use of MDMA in primates (including humans) that I've seen find little - if any - evidence of any significant damage being caused. The studies that have found damage seem to mainly involve studies on rats and primates (not including humans) that use insanely high doses far greater than anybody would ever actually use.

The simple fact that MDMA has been used by humans for around 50 years now - 20+ of those years by millions of people worldwide and often in great excess - and still no signs of brain damage. Meph, on the other hand, has only existed for a few years and hasn't even been tested on animals let alone human beings yet but all the available evidence seems to point to it being toxic as hell. I know which one I would choose :)
Or maybe I'm just unlucky as I do seem to get all of the side-effects pretty badly. As I said, some get them (from a single use occasionally), some don't get them unless they're hammering the stuff, some (like me) got them from occasional and relatively light use. Whether it makes you feel shitty or not bears little or no relation to the damage it's causing though.

can i ask about the purity of the stuff you're taking? it seems like some people are saying that more of the bad side effects are coming from impure product that's been cut with other stuff...
Hello fellow BL'ers :)

I'm new to this site, but came across this RC called Mephedrone. I must say it sounds very interesting but also very disturbing at the same time. Purple knees etc?? :eek:

Anyways, I'm looking into trying this and wondering if any of the more experienced or long term users or what you want to call it, might go on a private talk via mail or msn or whatever, since BL doesn't allow me PM'ing, I won't go off spamming just to get post count.

Someone that's been using it for some time and has a good view on the good and the bad sides of it :)
there are plenty of threads on here discussing the good and bad sides of mephedrone.

Good: a fucking amazing high/euphoria/energy/etc.
Bad: cardiotoxic/vasoconstriction/purple joints/anxiety/depression/tachychardia/unknown long term effects/etc.

the list goes on.

I used for quite a bit...finally to the point of a 3 day binge where at the end i was developing purple knees...the high isnt worth it to me.
150 mg orally 2 hrs ago, my impressions:

This stuff is just awful. Like MDMA minus the empathy, magic and good feeling. It's vapid, big-headed and extremely moreish - it's taking a lot of will power for me not to redose right now, even though I hardly enjoyed the high in the first place.

I'm sticking with MDMA and methylone - those are quality. But the rest of my mephedrone might well be going down the toilet. Disappointed.
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