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RCs Big Mephedrone thread

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thanks for ur concern shambles, one of the reasons im using this sit is so i can learn about other peoples experiences and share my own so others can learn from my mistakes. as you said we are guinipigs and sure chances are it could have really bad side effects. theres all this comotion about it because it, as yet is not illegal.
everything has to start somewhere and i accept the risks. ive been researching other drugs with similar effects and similar chemical properties and as yet all i can find is that the most common side effect and most easily avoidable is the damage to ones immune system through lack of sleep.
im a university student and have little history of drug use other the one off time where i took a line of coke (it was shit), and the occasional hit from my friends bong (weed was shit too, it just made me paranoid). tried fags when i was 14 but that wasnt for me either as they were too damaging to health. the only drug i took in huge amount for any amount of time was alchahol (vodka mostly). since ive come to uni ive been clubbing virtually every night and i used to get shit faced and out of control every night. everyone thought i was addicted to that but i had one sober night out and that completly changed my perspective of thing, i saw how much of a dick people look when they are drunk and it really put me off drinking.
thats when i started looking for an alternative (im quite shy by nature and used to drink for confidence) thats how i discovered Mcat, it still gives you a huge confidence boost but doesnt make you act like a twat like my previous poison did, and the best thing is if i take too much then in complete contrast to alchahol the last thing i want to do is fight, all i want to do is dance and i must send off good vibes because birds swarm arouned me (and gay people unfortunatly but anyone trying to hit on me is a compliment i suppose lol). what im getting at is that i feel a lot safer and more in controll when im taking Mcat.
because i started to go out so much it really started to affect my studies and being so drunk everynight made me do some pretty stupid things like braking the lift by pissing in it (cant fucking remember that all i know is that i drank far to much and was incredibly ashamed and regretfull when i founed out i did what i did). i also starte a fight on a bouncer when i was pissed, i was admitted to hospital after he tried to knock some sense into me, didnt work unfortunatly because i woke up on a bench outside (i had to go back because i was on the verge of hyperthemia). my point is i would much rather cause my self potential harm by taking this drug then hurt someone else because im drunk.
You should maybe pop your head into the Mephedrone Megathread over in EADD as there are many experience users (and addicts) to share experience with. I'd also advise a bit more research as the known harmful effects are a lot more serious than just a bit of sleep deprivation. The immune system thing is highly debatable but many have reported that subjectively it seems to cause problems. The concerns are more that it is known to metabolise into a chemical that is known to damage the heart pretty seriously. It's also suspected to be neurotoxic. Then there's the addiction side and god know's what else.

I totally agree that stims are much better than booze for a night out but meph is a poor choice when there are so many other, less harmful and also legal alternatives - let alone the illegal ones with a long history of use that are known to cause little or no real harm in moderation. There are so many other better options - I'd recommend you look into them and forget about meph cos it's bad news :)+
I've had many many batches of various visual appearances and potencywise the crystal stuff is not much different to the powder, IME.

Only stuff I had wchich was inferior was REALLY stinky, burned like hell to insufflate and was off-white ( if i remember right, was like a year ago)
I wonder if the smelly stuff is (4-Methylphenyl)-2-propanone. Phenyl-2-propanones stink outrageously and are impossible to get off of clothes and walls.
did you say epinephrine? I cant imagine that being a pleasant high- then again I've only given it to dead people to get a rhythm back I can work with- or to someone who looks like mick jagger after being stung by a bee/ eating peanuts etc...gawd- didnt know anyone would want to take epi recreationally. phew!
did you say epinephrine? I cant imagine that being a pleasant high- then again I've only given it to dead people to get a rhythm back I can work with- or to someone who looks like mick jagger after being stung by a bee/ eating peanuts etc...gawd- didnt know anyone would want to take epi recreationally. phew!

uh, no...?
ive been doing Mcat for a while now and the worst side effect ive had so far is a bloated mouth due to me drinking to much water, this was because of the placebo of being dehydrated the Mcat creates. othere then that though the posotive side effects of this drugs, in my experience, have far outweighed the negative.
when it come down to it the humand body is just one big fuck off chemical reactiion and it relies on balance to function as it should. all these fucking idiots saying that "you shouldnt go anywhere near it cause not much is known about it" need to understands that everything has to start somewhere. my theory is that any drug taken into the body will distabilize its chemical balance to some degree, and if that balance is not restored then you will have negative effects, its just physics. but what im getting at is that you can avoid any negative effects if you consume the required chemicals.
lots of people have complaned about haviing little or no motivation after taking Mcat and i can sympathise, this morning i didnt want to do anything. because i knew this would happen i was prepared and so i just put some music on, wich gets my blood pumping anyway, and this gave me enough motivation to drag myself outside. fresh air and a brisk walk also seemed to help, but the most effective cure for this comedown is suger. i went to subway and ordered a meal deal with a big drink of coke. after this i seemed to feel a lot better and i just felt a bit tired due to sleep deprivation ( i got in at half four and managed to sleep till seven). i went home and got some sleep after buying a book to help with my studies i went back to sleep at 10am i woke up 6 hours later and i felt a bit defeated because i felt i had wasted the day, thats where me buying the book came into play. knowing that i had done something productive in my day off made me feel better and as im wrighting this blog i feel totaly normal. i actually feel better than if i had just got pissed because i can remeber the night clearly and i know that i had a fantastic time. i finished off the last of my Mcat last night and although i love it and it saves me so much money im going to have a rest from it for a few weeks to allow myself time to properly recover before taking anymore
i was doin it for the last to nights. i diddent go to work 2day cuz yesterday it felt like i had no strangth ima take a brake cuz i feel like if i keep doin this ima end up quitting my job
yeah it can make you feel like that, just try to stay posotive and get lots of glucose in your diet. sleep is also a major factor to how you feel, studies have been carried out and sleep deprivation can lead to a short temper and can also make you feel shit about things. my advice is after taking Mcat, even if you dont feel tired try to get some sleep, even if its just for a few hours. and if you cant get to sleep then just rest.
yeah it can make you feel like that...

I only started using Mcat (mephedrone) this week.

You're getting dodgy effects already after only using it a week?!? Kinda sounds like you may want to cut back a bit if you're getting iffiness whilst still in the honeymoon period. Other than those that have severe reactions after only a small amount it usually seems to take some pretty heavy abuse to really bring out the shitty side effects. Moderation is a good thing :)
i slept 4 hours mondaynight n wasent tired when i woke up yesterday. then lastnight i slept 13 hours n i feel like shit
ive been taking mephadrone for around 2-3 weeks now an ive not really suffered to many side effects. i finished the last bit off on tuesday after taking it practically every other day. i dont know if what im feeling now is a "come down" or whether its just due to me being fucked up in the head. ive read an awful lot on this drug and a lot about different peoples come downs and if what im going through is my come down then i have not heard of anything like it before.
ill not lye, i am showing one or to of the syptoms such as the dissociative feeling and lathergy but its been a number of days since ive touched the stuff and ive had no urges for it at all. on tuesday when i finished of the last bit of meph i went out and just danced all night like i do even when im not high. i got back at 5 and then went to bed i woke up at 7 and decided to to into town because i needed to get a few things for my studies and everything. i felt sleepy but this was to be expected after a night of constant dancing and only 2 hourse sleep. i felt really posotive that day as well.
after i had got everything i needed it was 10:30 and so i headed back to dormes to get some sleep, i woke back up at one. i felt fine no lack of motivation no ego loss and i was feeling anything but antisocial. that night i had a few drinks and then decided do go back to a club where i lost my shirt (dont ask, its a long fucking story, a good one but ive told it so many times. to crazy for most people to beleive to). they said they didnt have it and that coupled with a small and seemingly insignificant incident that happened earlier that night sent me on a downwards spiral of paranoia. i broke down in tears, confusion, and anger as i was walking down the street. i went to the nearest pay phone and called an ambulance i was with a phycologist untill the early hours of the morning and i told him about Mcat and all the other things ive been doing. he did not make a link between substance abuse and my mental breakdown but i thought that maby i should check on here if anyone can relate to what im going through.
i was diagnosed with inferiority syndrome ealier this year and think that this is the main cause of my problems but if i do find out that it something to do with Mcat to it will only help me recover more quickly
Yup. Psychological and emotional fuckery are very common after-effects from meph (especially fairly prolonged or heavy use) as are physical issues. Some get one or the other, some get both, some get neither... yet anyway. Rest up and try to eat and sleep well and you'll be fine soon enough - using any stim every coupla days for a week or two doesn't exactly leave you feeling chipper afterwards. What goes up and all that... :\
This has been a most helpful thread. I've been using this in increasing amounts for several months while not knowing what it was as I get in under several names in Irish head shops.

I'm a recovering alcoholic (of it for decades) and have the addictive personality, but didn't realise what this was doing. I've been having the sleep horrors. Lying on the bed, not being able to move. Thinking I might be getting a heart attack and having a sense of malevolent beings being present in the room. Not funny. Now I know it is 'sleep paralysis' and think I can stop it.

Much harder to stop the habit though. I am unemployed and live on my own with a noisy neighbour overhead so there comes this great sense of pointlessness...greyness....and the shop is only 10 mins walk from here. I try again tomorrow as I'm now it the state of knowing that I have a problem and I want rid of the stuff. Having this knowledge means I don't enjoy it anymore.

Any suggestions welcome and thanks for reading.
i do like this stuff, but i'm only going to use it once every couple months or so. i went kinda apeshit on it when i first tried it.:\
thanks shambles does seem a bit like a phycological addiction to me although i dont really get urges for it i do feel like i cant be happy without it. fortunatly when i tried to get some more my dealer ran out :p

if this shit is making me feel like this then it aint fucking worth it, i used to be able to go out completly sobre and just the music and bright lights would get me going but now all it does is piss me of. the paranoia means i cant get close to anyone either, and that fucking sucks being at uni and all.

oh and im showing another of the symptoms of the comedown to tiredness, its gotta be linked. ive felt shit but never quite this shit before i started taking drugs

think i shall knock this one on the head, i got all this medical evidence to support why id be feeling like this to so in a frantic attemped to get better ive been seeing professional after professional. they all think that it may be something to do with my childhood even though ive told them about the alchahol and drugs.

dont think ill be getting any more of this shit soon, even if it isnt the cause of my problems it certainly cant be helping them. i was sort of in denile at first as to whether something that was so fun could make me this fucked up. its a shame because it is amazingly fun to go clubbing on, but if it makes me feel like this then im sorry but nothing is worth that.

i would take it like once a month or something but i dont think i have got the self restraint so i think it would be easier to quite altogether.

its been 5 days since my initial mental breakdown. and 6 days since i last touched mcat. i think im on the way back up again but who knows. on minute i feel like i can conquer the world the next im a scared little boy who want nothing more then just to curl up into a ball and die. the stages when im hapy are a lot longer then the stages when im not but the magnitude of the sadness seems to be greater then that of the happiness.

lol i feel like im going to lose all my friends because of this too, its forcing me to be vulnerable and thats what i dont like. but as you say shambles ill be back to normal pretty soon and if not then fuck know what ill do cause i cant get any work done and i cant have a good time hell i cant even get close to a woman for fuck sake. oh well ill end my ranting now, talkin about it does make it feel a little better and you know if this is one of my steps to recovery then excuse me for not caring that i just wasted about 5-10 minutes of your lives
just a few dos and donts about mephedrone that ive picked up from using once a week for over a year now (and yes im still alive without even a single heart attack / stroke etc etc.) lol

do always take a small line, around 20mg to start with if its your first time. one guy i know seems to be allergic to it as he comes out in a rash every time he takes it and the more he takes the worse it gets so a tester line is a good idea (although hes literally 1 in 1000). also a good idea because peoples tolerances are soo different. iv seen 1 guy weighing about 6 stone, who had never taken anything other than weed take 3g on his first time. while my mate who has taken loads of pills, speed etc and weighs 14stone collapse after about a 100mg line.

dont put this stuff in your mouth!! it can blister your mouth and even your skin if left on there for long enough. i use a spoon to weigh the stuff out and one night i left the spoon in the meph overnight. when i looked at it the next morning it was rusted!!

dont sniff ridiculous amounts. once i stayed up for 4 days straight sniffing the stuff and on the last day i started to get a really sore throat. the next day, after stopping taking it, it was completely closed over. the doctor said it looked like blisters. i didnt tell him i had been taking meph, but i think my throat just got blistered from the constant drips down the back of my throat for 4 days. but if you just take it orally after 1-2 days sniffing i dont get this problem.

just 1 more thing. im a medical student so heres my view on this 'mysterious' colour changing limbs. its almost certainly purely due to vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) in extremities, which the body will do by itself in low temperatures, or when taking any stimulant, not just meph, although meph seems to have a stronger effect on this than other uppers.
ways to help this if you get it are:
get up and walk/dance around. this will improve circulation in the legs. if its in your arms just keep them moving. holding a light weight e.g. a tin of beer may help
rub and massage the affected area and try to get some heat into it ( if the blood vessels are constricted, less blood (and heat) is getting to the area).
drink water (1-2 pints) this should increase blood volume and lower blood pressure, helping to get the body back to a more normal state

overall, mephedrone is the same as most other drugs. if you are sensible and dont go nuts on it i.e. 1g a max, get at least a few hours sleep, and get something down you the next morning youll be fine and the comedowns not bad at all. i even went to work at 8 the next morning on several occasions without much of a problem.
it only goes a bit squiffy when taking silly smounts and not sleeping/eating for days. only thing is its all too easy to do this cos once you pop you cant stop. willpower is the difference between a great night and a 4 day long bender that leaves you recovering for the rest of the week.
(Yes, another Mephedrone thread) Meph Nightmare

I'm new to BL, so first off, hey! I'm creating this thread as a warning, and maybe for some advice, to help other people who read this.

Before you all start flaming me for creating a new thread on Mephedrone, read what I'm gonna tell you.

Keep in mind, I'm no doctor, and I only go by what I have been told. 8)

I got a call Yesterday, saying a friend of mine, was in hospital, after having 5 'seizures' (later heard he was in epileptic status shock, or something???) in the early hours. Turns out he got rushed to hospital, and doctors were working their asses off, trying to stop him from dying in the Intensive Care unit, as he lay on a life support machine.

I went to visit him last night, where he had only just become conscious, and managed to utter a few words (he didnt even recognise me at first) He looked like hell itself - A bloody nose, swollen throat, barely conscious, tubes sticking out of him everywhere. It hurt him to even move, or talk.

He has problems with his kidney (I dont know what, but a family member says its serious) and is having brain scans, (Possibly due to risk of Epilepsy from the seizures, and any other long term brain damage??? so I am told)

A friend went to see him earlier, and results from some test, show that he had mephedrone in his system, and another friend confirmed he had taken some sunday night. Dont get me wrong, it might not have been the drug that caused it, I dont know for sure yet (Like I said, I am no doctor) but it clearly had some part to play, in the near death, (and possible long term, un-repairable damage) of a dear friend. Not to mention what this has caused for his family, as his parents are worried sick, and by his side 24/7.

In short, stay clear of this sh*t. How people are naive enough to take something that we know nothing about, beats me. I know of so many people who are using this drug at the moment, (heavily) and it sickens me to think about the kind of damage its causing them.

If you could have seen the state my friend was in last night, then it would surely put you off taking it forever.

Stay clear :|

I hope this post was helpful in some way. Thanks ;)
I'm finally in possession of a gram of mephedrone and I'm pretty much raring to go. I've also ordered some 5-HTP which will probably arrive next week. So my question is, how much would I benefit from waiting for the 5-HTP before I try this stuff? I was originally planning on dosing this weekend, but if the 5-HTP will make a significant impact on the comedown I don't mind waiting a week. I am not someone who generally suffers terrible crashes from MDMA or methylone.

Any advice much appreciated.
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