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Big and Dandy Salvia Scraps

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Shamanz0r - I was under the impression that they held the quid (balled up leaves) in their mouths, chewing slowly and holding the juices in their mouth for about half an hour, then spit out the leaf and swallowed the juice. Either way, seems like a lot of work.

I've heard that salvia can be vapourised, but I believe you need to get the leaf to around 600F to get the salvinorin out. Most commercial vapes don't get that hot, since the ideal range for cannabis (and, uh, whatever they pretend vapes are used for) is substantially lower. Good luck, let us know if you find a good system for doing this.
One of the few effects I do get, and I get it pretty much every time, is a strong desire not to do salvia. I don't 'freak out' per se, but I almost always reach the conclusion that I don't want to be taking salvia because it's unpleasant. After I come down, this feeling goes away. I've heard other people comment on similar experiences - that the experience itself is negatively reinforcing, but that later reflection erases the negative sentiments. I wonder if this is linked / contributes to the common conception that salvia is a scary/disturbing trip.
Well, I just read that a big lighter flame is around 1300*F. I would be using a lightbulb and lighter so that should be hot enough. Or, what if I got my goddamn shitty torch lighter to work and used that instead of a normal lighter? That might work better.

I guess I'll try it sometime and post the results..
Krowsnose said:
Haha, I did the exact thing to a friend of mine.... I also have problems tripping hard. For about 15 seconds or so after holding in a huge rip I'll have very delusional thought patterns and come in contact with spirit-like guides in my mind.... then it's just an uncomfortable body sensation for the next 10 minutes... But I do become very irratible and usually hate being around others, once I could tell a buddy was looking at me and just yelled at him to knock it off.... I lightly slapped him on another occasion :)

I too hate it when other people are there. It's like just them being there pisses me off. I don't want them to look at me, talk to me, or be near me. I've yet to try salvia while alone.. I'm too scared to do it without someone there.
I really wouldn't have a problem with that store owner having a run of bad luck for selling a child a powerful drug like S. divinorum. Am I the only one (besides other children) who sees this as really bad?

I don't think that the age of 18 magically makes everything different. Indeed, much of the stupidity I read about here at least involves those at the age of 18 or more. None-the-less, anybody who is selling psychoactive compounds (be it alcohol, nicotine, or anything) needs to respect a growing mind.

Those who argue in favor of drug laws often cite the belief that 'legal pot' or whatever will wind up in the hands of children much easier. An asshole like that would seem to prove them correct.

Of course, at age 15 I was smoking pot and later eating morning glory seeds....but I didn't buy them from a headshop...they weren't sold to me by a person who knew I was going to use it for something other than what the packaging intended.
I would not do this.
Having done salvia a quite a few times, i would never do it alone.
Its just too...weird.
Sorry for how out of wack this thread is, guys, but I'm in the process of making a big and dandy thread for salvia...

I'll clean it up soon.
Okay this is now the big and dandy thread, so any salvia-related topics should be posted here from now on. Thanks everybody.
In response to whoever said "i thought my whole life was a joke" that was my first trip exactly.

all of a sudden i thought there was some huge joke pulled over on me, like it was all a joke and everyone knew except for me and it was horrible, i came to pretty quick though, probably 3 minutes after exhaling.
^ That's very common... it happened to me, and I've heard many others say they felt that too. Very disconcerting...
Yeah, now that I think about it, the first time it felt like the whole world was playing a joke on me and I couldn't figure out what
My first time too, but instead of the whole world I just thought it was the people on the internet who made stuff up about salvia.
When you guys feel the pins and needles, is it like a lasting discomfort or is it gone literally as soon as you notice it? For me its so quick I usually can't tell if I felt it.
Just Smoked some Salvia 6X Wow........

Hey guys,

In the 1990's when I first read of salvia I ordered some leaf and was expecting something like I read....... Smoking it produced nothing (as far as I could Notice). Eventually I chewed the rest that I had bought everything became pretty bright, felt kind of drunk, and fell asleep. I was dissappointed since at that time Salvia leaf was expensive and I felt CHEATED.

Fast forward to the year 2000 I bought some tincture and got some dissociative effects but nothing insane.

Recently since I noticed that a few states have scheduled it I decided I had to smoke some extract before it became unavailable. So I ordered up some 6x
smoked about one third a one gram bag not much happened. I was like damn I've been fucked again with this salvia nonsense for the third time !!@#$$%%

Then I said I might as well give it another try but since I just tried about an hour ago NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. I loaded up a bowl this time instead of taking hit after hit I just took one big hit and decided to slowly count to 30.
Not going to exhale ! Suddenly My head felt somewhat like I had inhaled some nitrous oxide. I was thinking hmm this is like nitrous oxide. That was the LAST Normal Thought I had. I forgot who I was, what I was doing, where I was, and I couldnt move. I thought I was going somewheres that as soon as someone came to get me that is but I had to wait. THe room was like a giant landscape and I was like a mountain of some sort. So pondering who is going to get me past the doorway in my room I decided that the lines on my floor would. However, I remained immobile and unable to move. THe doorway looked really strange and I still dont know How to describe it. Maybe like it was alive !

Anyways, after what I gather was 5 mins guessing I started to come back to reality although for awhile I kept looking around my room like I still wasnt sure what was going on !

Pretty Amazing, I would like to try it again my only fear is that I might wind up stuck like that !

I had to sign up for bluelight to share !

I'm surprised no one has said this..

In order to get the most out of the drug you need to have the first hit.. and pretty much cash it all.

Having the secnod or third rip even from a bong isn't anything like the first hit's trip.

I smoked 35x (strongest) for my first time tripping anything out of a normal pipe with a normal lighter. I cashed a large sized bowl in one hit and held it in for about 30 seconds. I blew it out, tasted like shit, and waited for about 15 seconds.

DAYUM. I was in a surburban and for some reason I thought i was in a straight jacket like I was crazy, I forgot that you could open the doors of the car yourself and I became SO claustriphobic(sp) and i started screaming at the driver to open the door.. evne though i could do it myself. I was like on the floor rolling around and everyone was laughing at me it was so intense. Finally I got out of the car and ran like 30 yards, tripped and hit my head on the concrete.

Second time I was ready for it and again smoked 35x salvia but this time out of a bubbler. I was more controlled but still tripping hard and I thought everything was a storybook no joke. Every thing I saw made sense and it was like pages were turning and there was a narrator tellign a story of "life".
orangelicker said:
Does anyone else get a feeling when they smoke salvia that bugs are biting you all over? I feel these little pinchy feelings all over my body as if bugs are biting me. It happens when I'm inside too. It's like the floor is melting onto me and stuff is coming out of it and pinching me. Anyone else experience this?

twas this feeling combined with the intense rushing and voice in my head saying "never enter this place, ever again" which has kept me away from lady divinorium...
Whooooaaaa, I just rememebred that I was thinking while on my first trip with Salvia, that everyone was playing a joke on me and there was a total body high.
I thought everyone that talked about salvia was lying about it.
However, now I REALLY want to smoke a little bit before going to bed.
Bye bye for tonight. :D
Okay the Big and Dandy Salvia thread is now complete, for your reading and posting pleasure!
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