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Big and Dandy Salvia Scraps

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Thanks for the quick replies.

I've done the strongest extract I could find (25x)... Everyone else tripped balls off 2 rips at most. I took three rips (and my rips are big.... I'd been smoking cannabis longer than any of these people and I have big lungs) and just got that weird head buzz and uncomfortable, quasi-psychotic mental state for a few minutes.
This wasn't with a torch (although I've tried that, too), but I did it correctly - I kept the flame pulled on the extract for the whole hit. Other people smoked it poorly (breathing it out way too soon, letting it cherry, etc.) and still broke through. I got nuthin'.

I'm going to try it alone in a more meditative setting next time. I do remember feeling like I wished I were alone last time.... Other people being there just annoyed me, and I told my good buddy who was asking me what it was like to shut up (not like me at all) because I was peeved at being disturbed. Maybe the salv is telling me to fix my set and setting.
Try smoking it from a water-less bong. After you've milked it, just clear the carb, and watch reality break in a billion pieces.

That's what I did the first time. It felt as if my body went through every single hole (my ceiling is made of those tiles with hundreds of little holes in 'em) in the ceiling and into this dark void.

Good luck !
As others have said stronger extract will obviously make it easier to break through. Salvia seems so 'temperamental' as it works on some and not others. sometimes due to the user not inhaling or holding in enough or maybe its just some of chemical makeups arent easily effected. The same things with N,N DMT. I have a friend who has had both DMT and salvia with me half a dozen times. He is still yet to break though with DMT and has only broke through once on salvia while it pulverizes me more often then not. I think it took 2 or 3 ocassions to get desired effect from salvia. That being 5 or 6 times extract.
Yeah just make sure you use a jet lighter. And remember salvia works in stages, and to break through you must have it in less than 2minutes. Otherwise youll never peak smoking bit by bit session after session. I hate that quasi psychotic feeling btw. It sucks.
Dont smoke salvia unless you have a jet lighter. Otherwise salvia is a pathetic annoying experience. I highly recommend being in a more comfortable place like your room or living room. No distractions, just concentration.
Ive broken through twice... the second time was insane though I was talking to myself in the mirror but the mirror wasnt saying what I was saying it was responding to things I said. I tried so hard to remember right after the trip what the conversation I had with me in the mirror was but I couldnt and still cant remember. I know it seemed very important at the time but as usual most of my psychadelic experiences are intense but fuzzy afterwards.
There's some people that it simply doesnt work for.
I am one of them, you could be too.

Yeah, I've tried various potencies, from a few different sources.
Yeah, I've tried various smoking methods.

It simply doesnt work on me.
If it doesn't work for you, keep trying. One time you'll have a trip where you are like "Goddddhdhhhh...!!!"

Its like you're tripping every time, but you don't realize it. The trip is hiding right under your nose or something like that.
Glenn is right, Theres a small percentage of people whome salvia has no effect on. Its like 1/10 of all people will feel little to nothing, no matter how much smoked. Sucks dont it?
Wol the kid got annoying so I threw him away but the salvia is still good.

^^^to reply to the one above this, I think the experience is a whole lot better and less annoying when your not in the woods. In the woods I get drenched in sweat, feel like bugs are all over me, and I always trip on stuff and fall.

Other times where I tripped next to a fire and in a house, the experience was so much better and it was more enjoyable.

Also, a regular lighter works just as well for me, its just it takes a bit more of the salvia to acheive the same effects I would have gotten from a torch lighter (due to lost salvinorin i bet)
I've heard of the small proportion of people who are unable to get effects off salvia, or at least at dosages that are practically possible to ingest... However, I got effects (full visuals, I guess that's breaking through?) the first time, and I do get weird mental effects. Usually it's just a vaguely uncomfortable sensation, some odd feelings of pressure on my head, a desire not to speak and small things like that, but I remember one time when I was quite delusional - I thought I was carrying on a conversation with a few other people. I didn't see any other people, I didn't hear any other people... It's hard to explain, but I have a feeling that's what being very, very insane would be like. Maybe I just have a weak, typically non-visual response to salvia? I'll do some more experimenting and see if I can't get a proper breakthrough. If not, well, there are plenty of other chemicals that never let me down :)
solistus said:
Other people being there just annoyed me, and I told my good buddy who was asking me what it was like to shut up (not like me at all) because I was peeved at being disturbed.

Haha, I did the exact thing to a friend of mine.... I also have problems tripping hard. For about 15 seconds or so after holding in a huge rip I'll have very delusional thought patterns and come in contact with spirit-like guides in my mind.... then it's just an uncomfortable body sensation for the next 10 minutes... But I do become very irratible and usually hate being around others, once I could tell a buddy was looking at me and just yelled at him to knock it off.... I lightly slapped him on another occasion :)
You will know when you break through. The feelings you got ARE like inhaling duster compared to a break through.
Vaporizing salvia?

I read somewhere (sagewisdom.com i think) that you can vaporize salvia extract to get more intense effects.

Does this actually work? What kind of vaporizer would you need? Would a home-made light bulb vaporizer work, or not because it wouldn't get hot enough?

I'm just curious on a way to effeciently use the rest of my 10x because I probably won't be able to get any more for a long time. Thanks
I've always been told salvia needs to be burned at extremely high tempatures to get it to work right, Ive always been told to use a torch lighter. I don't see how the vaporizer would get hot enough to achieve desired effects.
To get effects, I've always had to hold a flame on the salvia while inhaling the smoke. I have never 'broken through' though.

If someone else doesn't know for sure, post the results. I am interested because salvia smoke tastes like shit and maybe varporized it wouldn't be so bad.
mhmm. if your looking for the best way to ingest salvia, I'd suggest doing it as the mazapatecs used to. get 40-60 fresh salvia leaves, and chew, then swallow them.
I have never broken through, although I have never smoked it in a method that should be used...

The first time I tried it though, I did feel some intense things. I thought that aliens had me trapped in a room with spiked walls that were slowly closing. It was very frightening. Upon a closer inspection, I was just sitting in between my best friend and my girlfriend on a 2 seat couch, and the pressure I felt on the sides of me from them was just multiplied a lot.

Now that I am thinking about that first experience, maybe I did break through.. none of my later trials ever had such intense results inspite of being much higher potency.

The general feeling I have had has been, "Salvia is crazy because you are fucked up, but you aren't really tha..." and then it hits me that I am crazily messed up.
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