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Best Drugs For Social Anxiety

emjay said:
Yeah... weed tends to exacerbate anxiety disorders. It's good for normal people a lot of the time with a bit of mild situational anxiety, but it can often be a very bad idea for people with serious anxiety problems.
of course that can vary from person to person. I revoke my bad advice. I have had anxiety attacks where I thought I was going to die...but I didn't use then... I guess it makes me paranoid and if that gets bad enough I guess it could cause one.
uniter said:
I have a fairly solid case of social anxiety disorder. I've had a "block" type stutter my whole life and i'm pretty sure a major source of the anxiety is due to the stutter and the fact that I got picked on a lot for it and was never really socially accepted. I smoked weed for quite a few years in high school, everyone did it it was the thing to do, and i did have friends who i had a lot of fun with. But i found that while i was high i would get very quiet and would just want to go home and watch a movie or something, which i quite often did. It would make me feel like i was being judged by everyone. It got to the point that my i would spend my nights at home watching tv and smoking weed, cause i liked smoking weed but not with people. It felt good and relieved stress, but exacerbated social stress.

Same with me man. I used to smoke weed and be able to go sit in a classroom. Now i have to smoke by myself or i am very uncomfortable. I would rather smoke and go watch tv by myself then hang out with people
Ya, I'm starting to think that when it comes to anxiety weed acts much like a psychedelic; It amplifies all your mental/neural quirks. It brings out the disorder which can be good for working through it to figure it out. It sucks while your in the shit working it out but afterwards you feel much better and less anxious and happier :) In my case i think i've come to the conclusion that i just have this big fat fear of rejection that gets projected onto Everyone, including my parents. Realizing the fact that your fear has no basis in logic makes a big difference, the change doesn't happen overnight but every situation i get into and i find myself getting all squirly, i just remind myself of how the fear isn't based in reality and it's all a product of my mind, and then all of a sudden it seems to get better. I just have to keep reminding myself until it's gone for good. "Got to admit it's getting better, getting better all the time..." sorry, Beatles tune just popped in my head :)
yeah, nevermind that, it was in a similarily titled thread, my bad : $
I've found that valium or clonazepam helps. The best would probably be clonazepam though as it does not make me drowsy, valium always seems to knock me out. Also GBL, but that is not legal here and when it wares off the anxiety returns, and sometimes worse. It is important also to remember that any of these drugs have the potential to become addictive when medicating social anxiety, i find using them can aid in fixing the problem, but definatly not to cure.
Valium helps, as it has a longer duration and is more helpful if it isn't an acute attack.

In the long term to fix your anxiety, take a hefty dose of a psychedelic, experience God or the one-ness, and you'll realize there's nothing to be anxious about in life, it's too short to worry. Spread the Good Word. %)
Excercize works wonders as well, but I don't think there is a "cure" for social anxiety, sure meds work, but only for a while usually. its definitely something you can control with a doctors help.
onyxensentium said:
Some good suggestions thus far except for the couple of people who recommended weed. For most people, marijuana is a very introverted drug. In fact, many regular users will find that if they're shy when smoking daily, upon cessation of use suddenly they're much more social and open. Thus I think marijuana should be avoided if you're suffering from anxiety disorders.

The best _cure_ for Social Anxiety consists of actually getting out there and being subjected to social situations daily. On your own, without a crutch. Go out every day and try to do something a little more "ballsy" than the last day. Push your limits and always try to edge your comfort zone out more and more.

You're not broken, most people worry about being in social situations. I feel you're looking for an easy answer or a magic pill, but it's a skill just like anything else and it requires practice. The irony is, once you stop caring about how others think and your social status and other such nonsense, you instantly become a more warm and compassionate person.

Compassion is the best drug for being a social butterfly. You do realize that most everyone else is suffering, right? We all have bullshit to deal with in life. How about instead of focusing on your own stupid insecurities you realize that outside of that monitor you're looking at there's hundreds of people who are hurting. They're not worried about how your hair looks like. They just want to be noticed and accepted, just like you.

Society has grown into a bunch of children (who think they're adults) worried about what they think of one another when in reality, nobody worth a shit is even considering what your social prowess is. To find yourself in this context, you have to let yourself go and turn your focus to the external world. For example, lots of guys are afraid to talk to women thinking that the girl will judge you poorly and yadda yadda.

Who do you think is more insecure about their looks, you who spends roughly 15 minutes in the mirror or the woman who often spends up to TWO HOURS every day? If you have true compassion you'll see women as very insecure goddesses that have somehow lost their true path. It's YOUR job to make them feel good about themselves, not the other way around. You should be more focused on how you make others feel, not fret over whether or not you're doing things "right." WHATEVER THAT MEANS.

Social Anxiety Disorder is a very very selfish disorder. Think about it.
i suggest you listen to what this guy said.

personally i was diagnosed with depression, then social anxiety, and now social phobia.

my perscription medications used in a time line order are; Zoloft, Mirtazapine, Paxil, Valium, Effexor, Risperidone, Abilify and then Dextroamphetamine.

Zoloft gave me insomia.
Mirtazapine didnt work and gave me nightmares.
Paxil worked for a while then i had to up my dose, then i tried to kill myself.
Valium worked well for anxiety but didnt make me talkative which is what i wanted (i also found myself hooked after 1 month)
Effexor was the best and what i am on now, but it has many side effects; initial insomnia then tremors and excessive sweating are the worst for me.
Risperidone went hand in hand with effexor and was good except i put on about 7 kilos within 1 week(some anti-psychotics can do this) so i stopped treatment and started on Abilify.
Abilify i feel did nothing for me, i kept having my dose increased time after time and after a while i decided to stop treatment with this drug or any other anti-psychotics for that matter.
Dextroamphetamine is relatively new to me(1 month) and i think its great, it has improved my life in more ways then i had ever imagined. i have more energy, i talk more, and my response time in general conversations has increased considerably.

now i read alot of people talking about weed, dxm, cocaine, alcohol and benzos. Personally i have tried all these drugs, but i wouldnt suggest any of them for combating your social anxiety. For me weed amplifies my anxiety, dxm sends me out of this world and i am no use to anyone especially myself, cocaine is a quick fix good for an hour max, alcohol makes me stupid and less attentive, and benzos are too addictive for long term use and when u stop taking them the anxiety comes back.

most of the drugs available are a good stepping stone to get you out of your normal thought process, but eventually your going to want to stop treatment and when you do you need to use the skills you have learnt through drug therapy to continue your life in its new and improved state. The best way to do this is to get out of your comfort zone and force yourself into social situations which cause you anxiety until you get used to it.
What are the best drugs and best solutions. Just don't say smile or act like your not anxious, because that does not work, the more you try to act like you don't have social anxiety the more you end up acting like a goof ball due to analyzing everything.

I'm talking about social anxiety here, not depression.

SSRI's - Crap.
SSRI's - Crap
BUSPAR - Heard it was crap.
MAO's - Not as much crap. Doc wont prescribe to me, said I was too impulsive.
in some people parnate causes euphoria in high doses.
TCA - Real crap.
Benzo's - Everyone favorite cure at first then they poop out.
Booze - I can't drink because if my liver looked like my face I would be fugly.
Phenibut - Never Tried.. May to augment benzo. Like 4 days benzo 2 days phen.
Kanna - Never tired. Look like a good anxiolytic.
Maijuana - Supposed to be an anxiolytic. Helps make skinny anxious guys gain weight. I want some now.
Ritalin - Does not help with anxiety. But, make it easier to talk because it give you confidence and energy. Also, imo way more addicting than benzo's.
Atarax - Some docs give instead of benzo. Not great but I like anti-histmaines.

Right now i'm ordering parnate because nardil is no longer in stock. plus im on benzo's and lyrica which seems to help the first couple days I get my script filled.

Im going to make an appointment with a CBT therapist monday. I already learned cbt though http://smartrecovery.org. There a NON-AA support group they use CBT to overcome addiction as they believe irration thoughts makee of struggle with addiction, they also have online meetings and free packages on there website.

Anyone else got any idea on how to live life social anxiety free?
i have horrible social anxiety and no drug has really worked for it, except for short term relief while i'm high on the drug.
Well, thats what drugs are used for relief while on the pill. Just like after you take a a steroid they work for a short period, but if you stop taking them your T levels will drop to lower level than they started because your body forgets how to make them. Same thing happens with benzo's.

Thats why I hate when psychiatrist try to make your believe you have a chemical imbalance and if you stay on a antidepressant at least a year you may be free of an imbalance. The pills are probably the only things that are creating an imbalance in the first place. Like really how does one know if there is any imbalance in your brain other than a questionnaire, and if there is an imbalance which chemical is it? And how do you know what measurement is needed. Are we really that far behind. Why in 21 century is psychiatry still way more art than science. What are they afraid of? if someone comes up with ways of scanning one brain or taking samples to find which chemical is low maybe wouldn't there less be less mentally ill and doctors can find out what else is wrong..or would this not happen because les money for them?

Cure is great, but relief is not bad of a idea.
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I used to have bad social anxiety, then I forced myself to be more out-going, talk more, etc, and now i'm fine. Dunno if the situations the same for you, sounds like it's not, so idk how to help you. I think with the right mental work though, anyone can cure most anxiety problems, but idk.
Alcohol and cocaine can make anyone become the life of the party.

and benzos of course are great for anxiety ( but be careful if you mix alcohol!)
Maybe, there has been a thousand post on social anxiety, but what if one post was trying to make a new spin on a old subject. And maybe people make new posts because the the other ones outdated and beliefs are not the same. I don't think people should have UTFSE every time because really if that were the case there would be nothing to talk about because everything was in the gospel, might as well just go to webmd where everything is written in stone. plus, when you merge a thread your question get put way down to the last and people have to swift through 5 pages before they see your question and end up answering someone else. . I'm not talking about this thread just all threads in general. Sure, go ahead an shut down the can I smoke my oxy's thread cause we already know. it would do everybody a favor and also give the mods the fun and authority deleting a post.

Don't bite my head off i'm new here. Actually, I have been lurking before I registered. And people would shoot down topics like "would this mix with this" because it's been done before, but who knows it could of blossomed into a whole other interesting thread.

But, hey if you can't afford the bandwidth i'm sure some of us can come around and help.
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One of the things that cajn really help with social anxiety is remembering that everyone else is so fucking couped up in their own worries/problems/self... that theyre not actually judging you mostly, theyre just thinking about themselves....

I came to that conclusion, because most of the time i think about myself and i couldn't give two fucks about the next man walking down the street.... but maybe i'm just a narcistic ego-centric prick.... haha