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BDD Social and Info BoothVs30-I used to have a drug problem, now I make enough money

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Alright, free snacks. I got brownies! haha

Chillin on the couch watchin Hot Fuzz...oldie but goodie. In the mood for some funny shit.

Here..passes some xannies...sry my supply sucks atm but I'll share what I do have haha
Sniffed 15 mgs if adderall when I woke up at 530 it got me going but I wasn't over stimulated, prob cuz I got ADHD. Haven't taken stuff in 2 years for it tho. Around 8 I sniffed a bag of dope and now I just blazed a fat bowl of skunk.

I feel glorious. Ahhhhh!
What do you know? More posts about all the drugs everyone did today...

Surprise surprise BDD... 8(

The social is getting boring now.
What do you know? More posts about all the drugs everyone did today...

Surprise surprise BDD... 8(

The social is getting boring now.

What do you expect ?! Hahaha.

You give a thread to drug users to let them say whatever they want... Chances are everyone's just going to be like "damn, I'm fucking high!"
Ohh shit, that's a hassle lol. I always go up and say exactly what I need & as long as the store sells them, I'm good. In my hometown there's only two 24hr pharmacies. Walgreens won't sell at all there without rx, but CVS will sell no problem. There was one pharmacist who was gung-ho about being a fucking hero, so if he was working that night, you were fucked. The first time I encountered him I'm walking to the pharmacy in the back, and I hear him, a tech, and a customer talking about, "Oh yeah, man! They were shooting heroin in the parking lot."

...And at that moment I knew I was fucked :(.

Were you actually shooting dope in the parking lot?

Well I woke up and just said fuck it and went to the pharm, brought my empty bag from the rigs I bought before and since my name is already in the log book it went much smoother :)
Hah, nahh I just came in the store to pick some points up & those guise were talking about people getting high somewhere. They're talking about needles & then I'm talking about needles & then no one got any needles that night.
Good to hear; it's always comforting to me having fresh rigs.
Hah, nahh I just came in the store to pick some points up & those guise were talking about people getting high somewhere. They're talking about needles & then I'm talking about needles & then no one got any needles that night.
Good to hear; it's always comforting to me having fresh rigs.

Oh that's what I figured just making sure, haha ;)
I love how they think that not selling them is gonna somehow help us.
For real. One of my friends & a fellow BLer talked about pulling a rig out of his pocket and saying, "Well that's OK, I'll just use this one I found in trash then" if he got refused ahaha. Not sure if he ever said it though.
What do you know? More posts about all the drugs everyone did today...

Surprise surprise BDD... 8(

The social is getting boring now.

Drugs are bad, mm-kay.

Hey, I can only get away with alprazolam atm, probation, so lemme have a moment ;)

I'm clean from everything else tho! 4 months as of last Monday :)

I was on that damn k2. Avoid that like the plague!!!
Wow first night I finally slept like a baby. Doxylamine > DPH for sure, plus I threw in some Melatonin. Dope WD's are finally subsiding... so glad I'm prescribed 1200mg of gabapentin daily. Still have a lil' Pineapple Kush ;)

Love y'all
For real. One of my friends & a fellow BLer talked about pulling a rig out of his pocket and saying, "Well that's OK, I'll just use this one I found in trash then" if he got refused ahaha. Not sure if he ever said it though.

Haha I'd be too scared they'd call the cops on me for paraphernalia if I walked up with a used rig. Fucking bible belt.
I never share needles under any circumstance, I'll reuse a completely dull needle I've used 50 times before using one someone else has hit with once. But sooo many people will use anything available to them. I had just started kinda sorta dating this guy and when I wouldn't let him use my last rig ( I was planning on reusing it because I had nothing else at the time and no way to get more), he used one our connect pulled out of the trash! We didn't last long after that since I wasn't trying to fuck someone who was knowingly exposing themselves to diseases. Don't get me wrong, I'll reuse my own rigs a bit too much but it's just too easy to prevent hiv/hep/etc to not do it.

Are there exchanges in NC?
Luckily, I know this diabetic girl who is happy to sell me her points for next to nothing. I'm getting some more when I get back to Ohio. The rig I have at home is bent and dull... bad news bears
Still recovering from the results of hanging with smokem. Cool cat for sure! Now it's time to head back north!
Haha I'd be too scared they'd call the cops on me for paraphernalia if I walked up with a used rig. Fucking bible belt.
I never share needles under any circumstance, I'll reuse a completely dull needle I've used 50 times before using one someone else has hit with once. But sooo many people will use anything available to them. I had just started kinda sorta dating this guy and when I wouldn't let him use my last rig ( I was planning on reusing it because I had nothing else at the time and no way to get more), he used one our connect pulled out of the trash! We didn't last long after that since I wasn't trying to fuck someone who was knowingly exposing themselves to diseases. Don't get me wrong, I'll reuse my own rigs a bit too much but it's just too easy to prevent hiv/hep/etc to not do it.

Are there exchanges in NC?

:! Fuck that's so gnar, I would've dropped his ass on the spot. But that's also not the only time I've heard of that happening. There's one in here in Asheville, so I know they're around, but I have no experience with one. I usually bleach my friends' rigs when I have to, which thankfully has only been a few times. I was at my dealer's apt the other day & had to use one cleaned with peroxide... hopefullly that works just as well. I'm a fiend so I didn't wait to get bleach somewhere :|.

Ohh shit, HYH, get on that quick aha.
A nice little shot of bupre to keep the withdrawal away, and 15mg addy IR plugged....feeling good
you did that too yourself by abusing your scripts. xanax mehhh lool

that has NOTHING to do with me abusing my prescriptions lol...

How did you interpret things that way?

edit: and a lot of people rip on xanax here, but it's the best at stomping out panic attacks lol...
^ Benzos like alprazolam and lorazepam are going to be better for panic attacks because you can take them as needed vs. a daily dose and they're designed to be potent and short acting. Longer lasting benzos like diazepam and clonazepam are extremely long lasting, making them better for general anxiety. All benzos have their pros and cons... and they are all capable of both drastically improve your quality of life and killing you. Different drugs work differently for different people which makes it pointless to say such and such drug doesn't work. Sure, maybe say pregabalin doesn't work for you.. but maybe old granny over there has been taking it for years and without it she wouldn't still be comfortable at 88.

I know my responses below are a little delayed, but hey better late than never!

^I went to sleep at 3p, was up for about 30min around 7, then just woke up a few minutes ago at 4a. Shit, my body needed the sleep I guess. If you want to stay at an Oxford house there's about to be a bed open in my room 'cos my roommate's getting the boot tomorrow I think lol :(.

I'm envious. When I initially switched from BTH to methadone I slept whenever I wasn't working, my boyfriend worried that I was in a coma xD
Now that I'm almost halfway through with my methadone taper I'm sleeping less... and less... and less..
Haha thanks for the offer! I was mostly joking, but sometimes I reeaaallllyy wish we had powder.
Maybe I'll couch surf my way around the east coast sometime before I reach the end of my methadone taper since I really can't use after that. Couch Surfin', BL edition! We can set up a section of the site for people to network available couches so BLers can visit each other all over the world.

What do you know? More posts about all the drugs everyone did today...

Surprise surprise BDD... 8(

The social is getting boring now.

I think it's because BDD Social is the one place you can glorify drug use and say to hell with harm reduction.
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