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BDD Social and Info BoothVs30-I used to have a drug problem, now I make enough money

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IV bupe is like, 20 minutes after the shot I feel kinda cool. If it wasn't so damn cheap I wouldn't a fucked with it.

Fuuuck I have no faith in my housemate. He's using me for my dope connect when he's lived in this city his whole damn life @_@ Hopefully he can come through; I got $60 I'm tryna buuurrrrnnnnn up this midweek-weekend.
well, i went on a little IV bupre escapade, and then my needle feel on the ground, like the pin stuck straight into the ground and the whole syringe was perpindicular to the ground at a 90 degree angle. i tried to use it again and it wouldnt even go in my skin FML...and i let my friend use my spar clean needle yesterday so i said fuck it and plugged bupre last night. plug bupre is NO where near as good as IV, as one friend said...cough cough hahahahaha

trying to go to a local pharmacy to see if i can buy more. i should i have never started back up with needles god damnit

hahahah i have been having fun though, IV bupre feels like closer to dope than IV/oral oxycodone.

how is everyone doing today? scag, hang, sicness, boblaw, thesame, captain, venrak, debaser, chrom, and everyone else??? whats up???

What do you get out of IV bupe man? It's a total bore.
IV bupre blows ass... but my opinion of bupe is, it blows ass all together so I guess I'm jaded :D. anyway what's up pussys?

edit: bob it's so funny I have an easy dope connect in Boone nc and only lived there for like 2 years. and the city I lived in which is in central nc I can't find dope anywhere and have been lookin for about 4-6 years
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What's up laC? If you don't wanna be started back on the needle don't go buy more! It's way easier not to shoot without rigs hah.

IV bupe is like, 20 minutes after the shot I feel kinda cool. If it wasn't so damn cheap I wouldn't a fucked with it..

I agree with this. And after I made myself go into precipitated withdrawal I'm way too scared to do it again.
just swallowed like 25mg oxycodone and 15mg valium, 25mg promethazine, 90mg DXM, and smoked some weeds. probably getting 2 or 3 blues today too. laying off the bupre today. but got some fresh pins for later :)

chill guys, i was running low on bupre. i shouldnt have said anything :/

whats up girl?? im just chillen, eating some greek yogurt and smoking the rest of my weed waiting on my dude to come back with blues. my friend got into a car wreck by running the stop sign on the way to pick clean pins from the pharmacy. he is freaking out, i wasnt driving, and he waas comepletely sober, just wasnt paying attention. i was hot so i left that scene ASAP and walked to the pharmacy and bought some a 10pack of clean 31 gauge, 1cc pins and five perc 5's
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IV bupe does blow...I did it trying to get pain relief after sticking it up my ass and it not working...I figured...well...I went as far as to try plugging...might as well stick it in the vein...just went in the hand with a 28g (a little big, I know), and had no issues...(edit: other than not getting any pain relief from IVing 4mg)

So definitely didn't hear about mugz until yesterday, rest his soul...first BL'er I've known to be shrined...
^hater gonna hate

whats up dude? how are you doing?

yeah its sad, rest in peace mugzy!! did you know whitney houston and michael jackson died too? didnt find out they died until yesterday ;)
I'm alright...hurtin pretty bad...could use a CWE of about 20 norcos right now...or a 60mg shot of MS lol...also hoping dealer will allow me to get a front of some bars on friday, despite the fact I owe him money already...he probably will as I've done business with him many times and he knows I won't fuck him. He's got the cheapest bars around too lol...almost said how much then remembered the BLUA for once lol...

edit: and HA HA, sorry I wasn't keeping up with bluelight that closely...didn't the shrine thread originate in EADD anyway?
you did that too yourself by abusing your scripts. xanax mehhh lool
OK I'm fine...woke up just tired. Wtf methadone has no good euphoria like it. Used to. I'm just glad the MG's I did Sunday night are finally out of my system. Only 5mgs in my system now. I wanna get high like a euphoric dose not just sedated madness. Half life is 24 hours correct? I wanna take more but I'm sure as making sure my systems good before I accidentally go to far like yesterday
Well I have 15mg of Diazepam left. Probably going to take that and hopefully fall asleep without an issue. No other drugs... My Percs keep falling through because my brothers a jackass. Shit is annoying.
Damn I feel good.

Ended up getting 3 bags if dope. Did 1 after work and 2 for tommorrow then its no more cuz ill be getting drug tested eventually but I'm good for now cuz my mom gave me some oxy yesterday

Met up with twotoomany tonight for a quick smoke out. He's a cool ass dude.

I got my buddy 40 mgs if adderall and I got 15 mgs for my self. Also got 2 mgs of Xanax and I picked up another 8th of weed, which is awesome.

I smoked up my friend and his girl with a fat bong rip of hash, silver haze, kief, and some unknown good bud. I'm incredibly stoned.

So my last few hours consisted of 1 bag if dope(did it at 330), hash, kief, weed, and 2X .5 mg Xanax about to hours apart. Just took the other half

I already got a line of 15 mgs of adderall IR broken out for when I wake up at 530, followed by 1 bag of dope at my 9am break, and a bunch if weed. I'm saving the other bag and the Xanax for home. Only got 1 mg left

Sorry if this is all over the place I'm pretty gone lol
I would just like to excuse my previous posts. Dont mix valium and alcohol on a birthday bender.

How was yours Bob?

And Cane whatd you think of the 4-FA? You n ms fizzle have a good one?
I'm feeling gooood. Dude finally came through and through some creative trading I got almost a bundle without any money leaving my hands! And I have enough left over I can still afford another. AND have him set up for thursday so all I gotta do is make it last :). Shouldn't be too hard because it's damn good, bbags are always better and fatter when I get them right after he reups.

Sounds like a good day! Minus the car wreck of course. I'm glad you got outta there before the 5-0 came around. I need to get some new rigs myself, I've been trying to decide whether I should go back to where I bought them before or try somewhere new. I think if I go back and bring the bag and just say give me some of these then it'll be pretty simple since it's obvious they sold them to me before, plus my name is in the log book. It just makes me nervous and they act so sketchy about it, asking me so many questions about why I need them etc etc. I would just order online but don't know where to look or who has discreet shipping. I'm considering asking someone if I could have them sent to their house and then they'd package them up discreetly and send them to me but I don't really have anyone who would be willing. It's funny, I've been an iv user for years but I've only bought rigs myself once, I used to have a free source.
Oh and that totally sounded like you just walked to the pharm and got five percs, I assume that's not the case? Haha.
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Anyone hanging around right now?
Just got home from a long day, just lazin around until I go pick up some black. Cause I'm in Cali, meh.
Anyone on the east coast have a comfy couch they can spare so I can come binge on powder? I cook and clean =D
^I went to sleep at 3p, was up for about 30min around 7, then just woke up a few minutes ago at 4a. Shit, my body needed the sleep I guess. If you want to stay at an Oxford house there's about to be a bed open in my room 'cos my roommate's getting the boot tomorrow I think lol :(.

I would just like to excuse my previous posts. Dont mix valium and alcohol on a birthday bender.

How was yours Bob?

And Cane whatd you think of the 4-FA? You n ms fizzle have a good one?

Mehh, mine was quite uneventful. My ID still hasn't arrived in the mail, so I can't even celebrate with a legal drink -_-

Though I get paid tomorrow & then I expect some more interesting things shall be arriving in the mail shortly after ahaha ;).

How about yours, tenty?

Niiice, tsof! Sounds like a good week ahead ha. Buying rigs in NC is sooooo easy. It seems like it varies city to city which chains will sell without an rx, but they're always really available.
Niiice, tsof! Sounds like a good week ahead ha. Buying rigs in NC is sooooo easy. It seems like it varies city to city which chains will sell without an rx, but they're always really available.

I've only actually tried once and they sold them to me, but were like "what did you need? What was it again?" Whilst holding my ID and going up to every person in the pharmacy, who each proceeded to glare at me. Then the actual pharmacist, not the tech who was "helping" me, asks me why I need them (for my dog), if she was a patient there (yes but I've never gotten her insulin anywhere but her vet, but she had gotten pain pills filled there [which was true, I picked her post-spay meds up at the people pharmacy since it was only $4, but she's not diabetic]), how many units she takes (15 then 45, so I'd get 1cc not 0.5cc), then only getting me a bag instead of a box. If I hadn't prepared myself no doubt they would have turned me the fuck away.
Ohh shit, that's a hassle lol. I always go up and say exactly what I need & as long as the store sells them, I'm good. In my hometown there's only two 24hr pharmacies. Walgreens won't sell at all there without rx, but CVS will sell no problem. There was one pharmacist who was gung-ho about being a fucking hero, so if he was working that night, you were fucked. The first time I encountered him I'm walking to the pharmacy in the back, and I hear him, a tech, and a customer talking about, "Oh yeah, man! They were shooting heroin in the parking lot."

...And at that moment I knew I was fucked :(.
Hello druggies ;)

I've missed the hell outta y'all! Are the old timers still around?

Popped some alprazolam & just chillin. No work today...wooo!!
Yes, we're still here; the free snacks haven't run out yet!
Sounds like fun, hopefully I can get into something today 'cos I got no plans aha.

Howzit goin'?
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