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Basic HEROIN Culture Questions

*whitegirl* said:
Here in the midwest (Dayton, OH and IN) it is either boy or dog food, but when I was in SC/NC they had no idea what boy was....Hell they didn't have any boy period:\[/COLOR]

in OH all i hear is boy. never heard dog food before.
Here heroin is H, boy, smack, dope, junk or blow. Depending on the person. It comes in folded up rolling papers or lotto tickets (sometimes if you buy a gram it will come in a corner of a baggy). And I've been on and off the horse too many times now.

Btw, Detroit, Michigan.
Perth, Western Australia.

Wrapped in paper wraps. But I haven't seen proper heroin in years. Just pharms and homebake heroin.

edit: Never mention Heroin by name round here. Just ring the dealer and ask if you can 'catch up'.
DoctorShop said:
Perth, Western Australia.

Wrapped in paper wraps. But I haven't seen proper heroin in years. Just pharms and homebake heroin.

edit: Never mention Heroin by name round here. Just ring the dealer and ask if you can 'catch up'.
What is homebake heroin?
thugpassion said:
For all those people across America especialy the ones in the north, that arent spanish speaking. The spanish word "Chiva" corectly said, refers to the goat meaning chiva. Mexicans especialy are familur with the "tres animales", refering to "mi chiva, mi gaillo, y mi pedico" This means my goat, my rooster, and my parrot. These three animals represent heroin, marijana, and cocane, and there names are used as slang for those drugs especialy in SoCal. Chiva/goat = Heroin, gallo/rooster= marijana, and pedico/parrot= cocain. So now you all know what the real meaning of things are. There is even a song from some mariachi band that elaborates on it.
Hahah! Yes, goat! Chiva, so cool.
Triforce said:
What an informative post. How about we get everyone who has never bought any H to come on here and say "I don't know."

denver is balloons
Have you ever tried it? If so, was it made properly?
Yes I have had the oppurtunity to try it a number of different times very recently. I found it disagreeable if compared to street quality heroin...however if it works for you then wonderful
anyone ever seen "smokin aces" stamped glassines? from the NYC area (about 6 months ago)

(probably a stupid question as there are hundreds of stamps) oh well
*whitegirl* said:
Here in the midwest (Dayton, OH and IN) it is either boy or dog food, but when I was in SC/NC they had no idea what boy was....Hell they didn't have any boy period:\

I lived in NC for about 4 years of my heroin addiction. We called it boy. We could get high quality black tar, and high quality powder. It was readily available in charlotte, greensboro, asheville, hickory, and chapel hill.

It was probably available elsewhere, but those were the only places I copped.

I never had a problem finding it. (although I wish I had at this point. Shit ruined my life for 7 years)

After leaving NC I moved to NYC. The average dope I was getting in NC was more expensive, but the quality was usually better. (but I had way more connects for quantity and quality in NC)

So your assertion that NC has no dope and doesn't call it boy is totally unfounded. This is coming from a former NC heroin junkie.
motiv311 said:
you can get dope in CT? wow. i been there. seemed like a buncha preppys and snobs.. (to me anyway) ..

you guyz should just get on suboxone. even if it "doesn't work for you" take it cause it does

CT is either city, wealthy suburbs, or rural suburbs. There is some mixing where you'll have a town containing a combo of those 2 of those elements, or maybe even all 3.

If you're thinking it's all snobs, I'm guessing you haven't been to the city or the rural areas.

Anyways, you can get all your basic drugs in the suburbs, and every suburban town will have several groups of people that'll drive into the city, even multiple times a day, and score heroin for a bunch of people.

Not sure why you wouldn't think there's not drugs around. It's got a mix of very wealthy areas and very poor ones, it's got a lot of port towns with the Long Island Sound, and it's relatively close to Boston, New York, and Providence. Heck, Jersey and Philly ain't even that far.
Chaos23 said:
After leaving NC I moved to NYC. The average dope I was getting in NC was more expensive, but the quality was usually better. (but I had way more connects for quantity and quality in NC)

So your assertion that NC has no dope and doesn't call it boy is totally unfounded. This is coming from a former NC heroin junkie.

That is pretty interesting to hear. i am wonderin if maybe since you were not from the area you werent gettin as good deals. i aint meaning to offend you at all. ive read your posts on here and you know your fuckin shit, you aint no newjack. But up here ppl can be very cold to the ones who aint from around here. Ive had relatives in NC and talked to a couple ppl from NC who came up to jerz, and their accents were almost more pronounced than the peopel I seen from georgia, etc. i was wonderin if maybe that made it look like you were a outta towner and didnt immediately give you the same "in' as folks born n raised here. Yea money is money and dope is dope. but sometimes people assume that since you aint from there you dont know whats up, so you might not get a ripoff but maybe the best dope wasnt gettin available to you. you say you were there for 4 yrs n addicted for 7, so was that last 3 spend in NYC or somewhere else? Obviously if you stayed in Ny for a while then that theory would be bunk since youd become familar with it and be blendin in more.

in general, its pretty understood that NE coast dope is mostly the best quality you will find on the street. it varies from hook to hook. And you might have a connect in NC that was importing it from bmore or DC up here, even, or just had a great hookup. So you might find a individual w/better quality shit down there, but i dont think that is a good indicator of the general quality of all the dope there in general, since most of the ppl on here ive talked to from down south who have got a opportunity to try NJ or NY dope were just blown away and were suprised, cuz they thought the shit they were gettin was pretty good and then they tried some of the NE shit and were def. impressed.

I aint responsible for the quality of the dope in my state, i cant take credit for that ish lol, so it aint like Im tryna say you dont know what you are talkin about and ours is better like im braggin or somethin cuz you obviously do know ur own experience. Just wonderin if maybe down there you had a bangin hookup that was out of the norm and once you came up here you didnt get treated to the best that the NY NJ tristate area has to offer, becuz you were a "outsider" so to speak.

What do you think bout all that? Am i wrong or do i got some tiny speck of sense anywhere in there? ;)
Yeah, my hookup in NC was insane. The tar was coming in through the mexicans, straight illegals with the good tar. They were the most professional crew I ever dealt with.

The powder, which we got in large chunks of solid dope, was very pure. It was coming from a Jamaican who brought it in to FL, and then ran up the east coast.

I was arrested for selling heroin after a 6 month investigation that ended with 12 people going to jail, and 5 houses getting raided. (mine was one of them) My 'boss' was arrested with over 200 thousand dollars in cash and over 8 ounces of dope. (I am ashamed of who i was, this is just to let you know the level of debauchery, so the purity becomes clear)

Once i got it it I broke it down with mannitol and bagged it up.

So I had an unusually good connect for dope in NC. i don't really have an accent. I have lived in New Orleans, NC, Minnesota, CT, NY, FL, and now Los Angeles... I even spent almost half a year backpacking across europe. My girlfriend thinks she can still hear a little southern twang in my voice... and when I get drunk it is more pronounced.

The only reason my NC dope was better is because it was uncut, and straight from some dude bringing it in from the Caribbean, presumably from Columbia.

They all went to prison. Luckily I only spent minimal time in lockup. The detox was a bitch in there... I came off 79 milligrams of methadone with nothing but tylenol. OUCH...

Long story short, I suggest not doing or selling heroin... i have been off it for years now, and it was a life saving decision...
Around SoCal most dope is sold in little balloons(the water baloon type), in 20$ amounts. The baloons are for ease of transpo, being able to cary them in your mouth and swallow them if necessary.
Does anyone in the Northeast (New York/New Jersey area mainly) actually get bags that weigh .1 gram?

Theoretically, a bundle should be a gram, so each bag should be .1 gram. However, whenever I have put the powder from single bags on a scale, I have NEVER seen .1 worth of powder (from various sources). It is more common to get about .07, and I have seen bags as low as .04 gram. :(

Some dealers will try to justify the small bags by saying that the powder is better quality (less cut, less weight), which is understandable, but I found that REGARDLESS of quality, the weight doesn't vary much.

So is anyone out really getting .1 gram bags (assuming 10 bags in a bundle)?
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slang we use for tar around the dallas texas area are
shit, tar, black tar
we get tar pressed in between two pieces of plastic wrap
euphoricnod said:
Yes I have had the oppurtunity to try it a number of different times very recently. I found it disagreeable if compared to street quality heroin...however if it works for you then wonderful

I don't know your situation or who is making this bake you get. But I know around here there are very few who can do a bake properly. When it is good it feels very similiar to smack and you will nod 8-12 hours. Unfortunately quite often the people making it are hanging and they rush it and stuff it up.
Don't fuck with me newbie I'll burn your face off with my gaze. ;) Perhaps the sarcasm/jest wasn't seen before...

The person who did the "bake" was experienced enough. The quality of the heroin that I was getting was pretty decent at the time, hence the reason that homebaked heroin wasn't that great.

I haven't used in a bit, so whatever it might get me high now if it weren't for the Suboxone.
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