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B9's Quaint Olde Tea Shoppe vs. Pass the scones

Do you not like tea?

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I just bought myself these....99p a box, bargain!

Fennel is good for strep throat, bronchial blockages and keeping down a fever , which I'm currently suffering with. Also helps flush toxins out, increase sex drive, help with PMS, IBS and works to speed up the metabolism. Full of vitamins too. Perfect!

I've only tried the fennel so far, tastes pretty good.

I've gone all natural. Still can't function without my morning strong coffee, but going to try cut down the caffeine to see if it helps things.
Having a nice cup of Yorkshire Tea at the moment and listening to some mellow electronica, things are better.
Thanks for the heads up on the Fennel tea. That is now on my shopping list for todays trip. =D


No probs. Girl at work is has recently found out she is caffeine intolerant so has given up tea and coffee, she recommended Fennel.

• Fennel tea is gentle enough to give to infants and is especially beneficial in treating colic. Fennel tea relaxes smooth muscles and relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal tract which makes it an effective herbal remedy for treating gas and bloating. It also helps treat constipation, soothe an upset stomach, and relieve abdominal cramps. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) find much relief from fennel tea

I'm going to try a Peppermint one now.

Decided I don't like the peppermint one. It tastes like toothpaste. Think the box will be one to leave in the cupboard at work for people use.
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Decided I don't like the peppermint one. It tastes like toothpaste. Think the box will be one to leave in the cupboard at work for people use.
HA HA HA HA- It does taste like toothpaste dont it? Like shite. Cammomile's good:)
Yeah! it really does! Once I decided that I couldn't drink it any more.

I think i'll go back next week and get some camomile, and also ginger, and maybe some Vanilla Chai. Yummy.
Ohhhhh I got a couple of those. I can't remember which they sent though.

Yorkshire tea sent me a couple of Hard Water Tea bags too, they were pretty tasty as Bristol's water is difficult to make the perfect cup of tea with.
that is an impressive list snolly <3

Mate of mine bought us this lovely set of Tea of Life cute pyramid boxes as a house-warming pressie including:-

Earl Grey
Red Pomegranate
English Breakfast
Jasmine Orange
Orange Pekoe
Green Passion Fruit
Mint Julip
Berry Patch
White Lavender (really fancy that one)
Forest fruit
Tropical sorbet

all in lovely silk triangle bags :) They're so pretty!

Add that to my new chamomile blends, cherry & cinammon and the usual darjeeling n' assams - I have quite a collection :D

All I need now is to get B9 up to make a pot ;)

Ooh very stylish, can't beat Tea of Life, had some of their green tea biscuits recently, bloody lovely. Would rather like to try white lavender, might have to get onto that.
Oolong tea

Anybody have an experience with this stuff? I've been drinking it recently since I ran out of green tea and my local shop only had this in.

It's claimed benefits seem to be similar to green tea, but after two weeks of two cups a day, I feel like I'm generally a bit fresher and definitely sleeping better. Also recovering from comedowns and hangovers alot quicker...

Could be a total coincidence (and probably is) but I thought I'd see if anyone had any experience with it!

I like Oolong meself, got some Ginseng coated Oolong I drink on occasion. Tastes a wee bit biscuity, for want of a better word, but not in a bad way. Makes me feel good when I drink it but so does most tea :)

Been mooching around in the healthy living forum today and seen a thread on Kombucha. Reckon that's gonna be my next project! Psyching myself up for a detox so I'm gonna need my tea-like friends <3

Kate: Took advantage of that Twinings offer recently, and the Clipper one CCF pointed out to me. Got me some nice flowery/fruity teabags from Twinings and some great black teabags from Clipper :)
Really depends what type of tea you're after. PG makes a nice normal bog standard tea though
Couldn't resist trying this tea out and isn't half bad, full on flavour slightly astringent :)
I've had that before. Its nice but I still prefer my English breakfast or Assam over it. I usually make my cuppas strong anyway.
They've got that stuff up at the yard, not tried it yet but looks promising! Sometimes you just need a basic cuppa.

Loving it at work, they got all sorts of teas n things and librarians are the best when it comes to making tea. Was seeing a tea-loving librarian for a while and was shocked to see they're all like that here too. Got some nice Ceylon and a pack of matcha in the kitchen, can't be faffed with the matcha cos got my own here and all the kit but the ceylon is nice enough. Have been told my primary reason for being there is so I can man the desk while they all drink tea in back.

Suits me :)

Been making my own chili blends, fucking blew my head off first time and had to chuck it out but ever since it's worked well, especially with Lapsang Souchong or this Russian Caravan stuff I've got. Wouldn't work with anything 'lighter' I don't reckons.
Been making my own chili blends, fucking blew my head off first time and had to chuck it out but ever since it's worked well, especially with Lapsang Souchong or this Russian Caravan stuff I've got. Wouldn't work with anything 'lighter' I don't reckons.

That sounds like a heady brew, excellent stuff for a cold or flu I reckon :D

I lost a lot of my tea collection, had to chuck them :( The cupboard I was storing them was next to the potential slug-gateway-of-hell and it just creeped me out thinking about them being near me teas. So I binned them :|

This was a valuable lesson in the war against slugs and needing to buy fancy new sealable tea tins.

*goes of to rant in slug thread*
Just had a nice yorkshire tea in an effort to waken myself and do some quantum mechanics revision :!

We can win the War On Slugs.
Haha, gutted tho :( Got me some lovely slug-proof tins but I still feel uneasy when I see spiders creeping behind the shelf.

And aye, is well good for colds, was nice when I was ill last week.
Got the below tea as per CCF recommendation.


While I was at H&B I also purchased the Cinnamon Spice tea as well. I'm quite looking forward to a mug of each later this evening. mmmmm


Autumn weather always brings out the best flavours and varieties IMO. Nothing like a mug of vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg flavoured coffee either. But this is the tea shoppe so they'll be none of that coffee talk :\
Yorkshire tea ftw! Tried Lancashire tea recently, has exactly the same packaging almost, funny as both teas are probably grown in Africa :D