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B9's Quaint Olde Tea Shoppe vs. Pass the scones

Do you not like tea?

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Morning there Kate :D Would fucking love some scones, keep meaning to get some.

Drinking Lapsang Souchong this morning, really goes well with the cold weather. Can't get enough of it at the moment.

Need to rearrange my tea-desk.
Is your collection of teas over-flowing?...you should have a go at listing them, now i'm onto your tea-variation-droogs m'dear, some additional inspiration to my chamomile and green wanderings wouldn't go amiss :D

A scone would go down quite nicely :) topped with butter and blackcurrant jam preferably.

Hey have a shifty at this, got me all in a tizz and craving some baking of cupcakes %)

I succumbed to the profiteroles for lunch with a cuppa Assam :| and a handful of vit / mineral supplements :eek::eek::eek:

Pure pleasure <3

I'm almost out of my Spice Imperial & I'm around 150 miles from my nearest Whittards dammit :X


I'm almost out of my Spice Imperial & I'm around 150 miles from my nearest Whittards dammit :X

When did this tea-transformation begin cletus...please sit down on my therapy couch and talk about it as a well known coffee aficionado I think we need to go over this life changing move in detail - next it'll be cross-dressing :D, this is serious stuff :|=D:p

thank fuck you've come over to the other side %)
Oh nonnie no, this is not a new thing at all, ask me bro.

We... and I mean he, used to argue that tea wasn't actually a real drink compared to coffee. I was around 21/22 before I even had my first cup of coffee. Now I have cornered the market of all types in one whole cupboard.

I still venture into the tea side of things for a light refreshment now and again. Whittards Spice Imperial & Russian Caravan being favourites. Can't stand Earl Grey or similar because they are gayer than a handbag full of rainbows & taste fucking awful. IMHO :\
Oh nonnie no, this is not a new thing at all, ask me bro.

We... and I mean he, used to argue that tea wasn't actually a real drink compared to coffee. I was around 21/22 before I even had my first cup of coffee. Now I have cornered the market of all types in one whole cupboard.

I still venture into the tea side of things for a light refreshment now and again. Whittards Spice Imperial & Russian Caravan being favourites. Can't stand Earl Grey or similar because they are gayer than a handbag full of rainbows & taste fucking awful. IMHO :\

Consultation has taken place and updated family tea history now noted - respect brother-in-law to be %) I bow down to your exquisite tastes :D Once more, since I know you are a fine cook and foodie <3 Lucky woman I am :D

That's me had 4 cups of real tea - from now on it's snolly style herbals and fruit teas :| <3
Hahaha! I like that you updated the family tea :)

Strangely enough, one of the best tea's I like is the one's I liberate from hotels out of the Polish Dispenser Trolley that always seems to be outside in the hall when you leave. Usually Twinings, tastes good & even better value =D
Is your collection of teas over-flowing?...you should have a go at listing them, now i'm onto your tea-variation-droogs m'dear, some additional inspiration to my chamomile and green wanderings wouldn't go amiss :D

A scone would go down quite nicely :) topped with butter and blackcurrant jam preferably.

Hey have a shifty at this, got me all in a tizz and craving some baking of cupcakes %)

I succumbed to the profiteroles for lunch with a cuppa Assam :| and a handful of vit / mineral supplements :eek::eek::eek:

Pure pleasure <3

Haha I might try list em actually, give me something to do tomorrow. There's a lot though, it honestly is overflowing and these days I look at it and despair. I just got a tea ceremony set too, all mad bamboo shit and matcha. Very interesting. Not tried it yet though.
Haha I might try list em actually, give me something to do tomorrow. There's a lot though, it honestly is overflowing and these days I look at it and despair. I just got a tea ceremony set too, all mad bamboo shit and matcha. Very interesting. Not tried it yet though.

If you get round to that itinerary, I'd appreciate it <3 I realise you and Tribal have posted lots of "teas" but when it came to those strange and weird varieties...well you know I was all a bit old-skool n' stuffy about it 8):eek:

I'm trying to deal with my insomnia not helped by a caffeine addiction and branch out with healthier hot beverages :) slowly, starting to enjoy the new tea experiences now, really look forward to my bedtime chamomile & spice apple actually 8o

Ooo tea ceremony gear - how divine m'dear %) When in Kyoto a few years back we went to a tea house and did the ceremony, the tea was guff, though the whole ritual and experience was amazing :D
I would but I'm outta chamomile - i don't like the calming effects - I haven't been fed yet & could do with something tasty washed down with a cup of strong tea - any chance please?
Some calming would have been nice tho'

Yes, you could have a hot cross-bun, toasted and buttered?
Sounds brilliant - as an acrobat it's required to eat hot butterred things thrice weekly - how fortunate I am ? :)

Yeah go for it - as it happensI may be a few minutes as I need to go shopping & am taking a train to Dundee to smash spades face in - seeing as it's OK to do so apparently. =D
Then you shall jump through hoops for hot buttered goodies - flaming hoops!

You just save the train fare for candy floss and the next time I'm passing through Dundee, I'll piss on it in your honour :)

This thread is infinately better than the Argument thread. I've just texted the flatmate to grab me some scones and nice jam while she is at tesco hehe. Long time no scone.
If you get round to that itinerary, I'd appreciate it <3 I realise you and Tribal have posted lots of "teas" but when it came to those strange and weird varieties...well you know I was all a bit old-skool n' stuffy about it 8):eek:

I'm trying to deal with my insomnia not helped by a caffeine addiction and branch out with healthier hot beverages :) slowly, starting to enjoy the new tea experiences now, really look forward to my bedtime chamomile & spice apple actually 8o

Ooo tea ceremony gear - how divine m'dear %) When in Kyoto a few years back we went to a tea house and did the ceremony, the tea was guff, though the whole ritual and experience was amazing :D

Oh man I'm hugely jealous, would love to do something like that! Never thought I'd say that like! Got a book called 'The Book of Tea' which details the history of Japanese art and tea from the 1800s on. Need to get it finished, very good book.

Tea itinerary from top of me head cos I'm bored:

Earl Grey x 2
Lapsang Souchong (best comfort tea ever, so so nice in winter)
Russian Caravan
Assam FTGFOP (fancy as hell)
Ceylon wi lemon
Darjeeling mit apple (own blend, is seriously nice)
Green with lemon (nice on an evening)
Gen Mai Cha
Ginseng Oolong
Snow Dragon (raspberry aftertaste, fucking lovely)
Pu-Erh of various...varieties
Jasmine (try this, it is amazing)

And then there's a bunch more plus the decaf ones I drink on a night.

Good lord.
that is an impressive list snolly <3

Mate of mine bought us this lovely set of Tea of Life cute pyramid boxes as a house-warming pressie including:-

Earl Grey
Red Pomegranate
English Breakfast
Jasmine Orange
Orange Pekoe
Green Passion Fruit
Mint Julip
Berry Patch
White Lavender (really fancy that one)
Forest fruit
Tropical sorbet

all in lovely silk triangle bags :) They're so pretty!

Add that to my new chamomile blends, cherry & cinammon and the usual darjeeling n' assams - I have quite a collection :D

All I need now is to get B9 up to make a pot ;)
Done sorted - just Tetleys 8) finest with 50% more bags than your normal purchase ( I thought the frugal approach might suit your Scotsness nicely) it's on the table & going cold along with the butter congealing on your perfectly cooked toast !

Living in an imaginary world is wonderful - mostly :D
I want B9 to make a pot too but he's sitting trying to work out how to get to a destination to pick up a bike we bought on e-bay.
I wonder if he'll actually find the place without too much agro ?8o
Done sorted - just Tetleys 8) finest with 50% more bags than your normal purchase ( I thought the frugal approach might suit your Scotsness nicely) it's on the table & going cold along with the butter congealing on your perfectly cooked toast !

Thank you m'dear, the bargain Tetley is just perfect %) I'll have to give the toast a miss though, I've already stuffed my face 8)

Living in an imaginary world is wonderful - mostly :D

Best of both worlds is best of everything...in the right measures of course :D

I want B9 to make a pot too but he's sitting trying to work out how to get to a destination to pick up a bike we bought on e-bay.
I wonder if he'll actually find the place without too much agro ?8o

I'm sure he'll be ready for a pot when he returns with the new bike :) Is the bike for you Mrs MinM? .... and will / do you have a basket for it. I love my bike basket :D

Probably cause I'm a bit of a basket-case!