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Australian Drug Discussion Social Thread V3

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Mindfuck movies (memento, inception, last year at marienbad, etc) are great on dissociatives ime
I also find Cannabis enhances all genres, from light hearted comedy to intense/heavy movies

Psychedelics seem to enhance movies for lots of people I know but I don't find that to be the case.
I know someone who saw Eraserhead on a lot of acid and was profoundly moved, followed by literal disbelief when viewing it sober.. You certainly can't judge a movie sober, but I think mood definitely adds a subjective tone to any "objective" review of art.
I suppose seeing it sober first, then, the second time on, something *insert perfect drug for said moment* (either/either way), you may find yourself enjoying/hating it more.

Again, it completely depends on what ya watchin.
I can't watch movies on psychedelics - it's too passive for me. Feels like a waste, until maybe like 8 hours in when my mind is getting too exhausted to process the trip anymore...and I just need to be distracted from the reverberating weirdness going on in my thoughts.

As for film+dissociatives, the only time I remember doing that was when I took mxe and watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus on the tail-end of an acid trip. That was pretty great.

I can't watch movies on psychedelics - it's too passive for me. Feels like a waste, until maybe like 8 hours in when my mind is getting too exhausted to process the trip anymore...and I just need to be distracted from the reverberating weirdness going on in my thoughts.

As for film+dissociatives, the only time I remember doing that was when I took mxe and watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus on the tail-end of an acid trip. That was pretty great.

too right, movies and acid arnt ment to be.. movies and MXE? well I guess, if you come out of the M-hole, realizing whats goin on...
Today I found three bottles of GHB in melb cbd .... I think someone blew out and left them there. Crazy find! About maybe 70 mls total.
Mindfuck movies (memento, inception, last year at marienbad, etc) are great on dissociatives ime

Haha, doesn't a complex plot and abstract scenes in a film just cancel out the dissociative mindset? I mean, watching "Nutri Bullet" and "Shark Rotator" infomercials on the home shopping channel is about as profound as anything I've ever seen via digital media while MXE has its claws into me...
Today I found three bottles of GHB in melb cbd .... I think someone blew out and left them there. Crazy find! About maybe 70 mls total.

More like random chemicals or GBL at best IMHO

Fuckin juicy cunts leaving their bottles around, pick up your game kents that could've been anyone who picked it up, I'm just glad 8ft sativa was the one who found it, is being responsible and destroying this product in a safe manner ;)
More like random chemicals or GBL at best IMHO

Fuckin juicy cunts leaving their bottles around, pick up your game kents that could've been anyone who picked it up, I'm just glad 8ft sativa was the one who found it, is being responsible and destroying this product in a safe manner ;)

Dude I love you ... I got this spidey sense that rang through my head ... I knew some juiced cunt left em there ... yeah maybe gbl ... fuck it's euphoric though. It's not 14,b though I know my 14,b.
Yeah, hoping to keep the good vibes and, of course, plenty of humour.

In the words of a great man "We Can (Fix?) Do It!"

(Taking Bob (occupation: builder), not the American dude......... whatever).

Anyone got fantastic plans for this warm night? Mine include nothing apart from eating and watching.... Hmmm...got no fucking idea really.
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"Warm night" Captain Brewster, pls, not all of us are granted amazing weather for longer than 20 mins :p

& we can fucking definitely do this look how it's going and it's on page 2, this is gonna be a wonder thread of sex, violence, drugs, rock n roll the whole shebang people!!

Beers and billies are on the cards down my way =D
Anyone got fantastic plans for this warm night? Mine include nothing apart from eating and watching.... Hmmm...got no fucking idea really.

Bum around online, read, watch TV, maybe do some meditation. In other words, be really boring. I'm tempted to take some clonazepam and get chilled out, but I took them last night and I just tapered off the bloody things a week ago, don't want to start taking them regularly/let my benzo tolerance get too high again :|

Also I end up chain smoking every time I take excess benzos, then I feel really gross the next morning.

Today I found three bottles of GHB in melb cbd .... I think someone blew out and left them there. Crazy find! About maybe 70 mls total.

Oh man I'm jealous, haven't had G in aaaaaages (stupid Adelaide full of stoners and tweakers with no good taste in downers). Blah, I've blacked out and lost hundreds of dollars worth of drugs before (only once, thank god, but trust me, whoever found that baggie had a good weekend) but never been the one to find them.
^ ya, the g thing a few post up got me fiending.

I should be out celebrating, lol, but I don't do that these days.

Holidays for me, lots to do, places to go (not far, but far the fuck enough away from here).

So instead, I'm benzed, trying to work out what the fuck this tv series is all about (The Americans).
I got all hyped for it after watching the True Detective series, damn that's dark, but awesome, don't watch with the kids ;). (No. Seriously).

I'm a big tv series fan, have watched plenty and I'm always on the lookout for more.
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I haven't seen either of those, but I plan to. Especially True Detective, mates kept ranting about how good it was.

Atm I'm nerding it up on a sci-fi binge :p I've never really been into scifi (except for the recent Battlestar Galactica, which I loved), but a mate talked me into watching one of the Star Treks (DS9) earlier in the year, and after a few seasons I found it really grew on me, ended up watching TNG, then Voyager, then Enterprise. Then watched all of Babylon 5 (which I fucking loved), now I'm about 2/3 through Stargate. It's all old 90's stuff (even 80's with TNG - I tried the original Star Trek series, but it seems 80's is as far back as I can handle, and even the early seasons got painfully 80s-ish sometimes), so there's a fair bit of cheesiness and bad special effects (and spandex, in the case of TNG), but it's interesting enough to have me fixated for the time being (and easy enough viewing that it's perfect for watching to wind down before crashing out at night, which is essential for me if I want to avoid staring at the roof for an hour or two).

I assume you've seen all the standards people recommend these days - The Wire, Breaking Bad, Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, etc? If you haven't, check them out, they're all amazing TV (for different reasons). If you don't mind animation (not anime, which I loath), check out Archer (funny as hell, especially the first few seasons, kinda Get Smart meets Arrested Development, the latter of which I'd also suggest if you haven't seen it) and Bojack Horseman (only one season so far, it's not as funny as it tries to be, but it appealed to me out of weirdness and pure schadenfreude, if nothing else).

I'd also suggest the first 2 seasons of Community if you like comedy-drama-general weirdness. It goes massively downhill from the 3rd season onwards, but the first 2 seasons are excellent TV, just take my advice and stop there, pretend the show never continued).
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I reckon you'll dig True Detective man, character development trumps detective work.

The latest comedy I found is "Brooklyn 99" I'd seen ads/talk about it before but never looked into it.. turns out it's a great comedy.
On the topic of animation.. check out Unsupervised. Talk of Bojack reminded me of Mr. Pickles, though I've only seen the pilot so far.

Also I feel like more people should peep the Eric Andre Show.
check out Unsupervised

I really liked it, it's a shame it wasnt continued. I also am digging Brickleberry at the moment. Pretty hilarious in parts. Daniel tosh is a classic.
Yeah, crankinit, I've seen all those tv series you mentioned, all great.

A comedy one that they stopped making after season three, that I really liked was Bored To Death, little bit weird and I could see some people not liking it. But Ted Danson as a entrepreneur (of sorts, sorry forgot his occupation in this one, something to do with being blazed, that usually carries the latest of vaping weed technology).

God ol saul goodman makes a cool appearance too. "Better call Saul!!!"

I loved Mad Men and The Wire could nearly be rated at the top. And breaking bad? Well that was fantastic, but am I the only one that sensed a sell out around season 4-5? I loved those seseasons, but it wasn't what it used to be.

If you don't mind constant verbal 'Southern' lauguage then DeadWood is great, real tough that one, but I couldn't put it down. Underrated series imo.

Love game of thrones, but in the last few years of it's releases my life was all over the place.
Waiting for a clear head to re-start from the beginning (I've probably done, and said this a few times already, lol).

Adventure time spins me out, it's aimed (I think at children) but there's some lovely Easter eggs in there for peeps like us.
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Hahahhahahah I forgot about Mr Ibis

I actually found out about Unsupervised on a thread for shows with only 1 season, so I knew what I was in for. Some good moments, shame it wasn't continued.
I never got into Bored to Death myself, gave it a chance but I couldn't appreciate the sense of humour.. I'm pretty sure he was pretending to be a Private Investigator btw
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