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Are you afraid of death or have you made your peace?

Think about what you just posted, and the way you are approaching discourse.

Tone it down a bit. We are all in this together.

I'm only replying in the same tone I've been posted to. Look at many of the responses to me and you'll see i'm pretty toned down. People have actually suggested I go kill myself already. Where were you then?;)
I missed that Mr. Trigger.

The worst truth is knowing WE humans are both good and evil at the same time.

At least so far! And, for as long as I have been thinking about such things.

Why isn't suicide justified given TMT etc? Because it's an overreaction. There's a thousand other ways to cope with reality and none of them involve killing yourself.

Why is suicide not brave? Because it's an easy way out and literally anyone can do it.

Why is it my problem if someone decides to end their life? I suppose it's not, unless the person was close to me (family/friend), but even then it's not like I could reverse it so I'd just move on.

Why does anyone need any justification for how they behave? Because lack of justification implies mindlessness, which is diametrically opposed to the purpose of this discussion and the purpose of philosophy as a whole.

If there are a thousand ways to deal with reality then why are you picking on only one of them here? What business is it of yours as to how someone else chooses to deal with their personal reality?

How is suicide an easy way out? Many posters here have stated how difficult the process is. Many people who commit suicide take years of struggle before going through with the act. Where is your evidence for your claims? Is it supposed to be true just because you say so? An anyone can take any of the ways you might suggest to deal with reality so does that make them faulty?

I'm waiting for you to JUSTIFY your positions. All I've seen is personal rant about how bad suicide is. I'm calling you on this. IMO it's your responses that are mindless and puppet like and lack justification.
I missed that Mr. Trigger.

The worst truth is knowing WE humans are both good and evil at the same time.

At least so far! And, for as long as I have been thinking about such things.


Too true. From a lifetime of self observation I know there is no evil in mankind that does not reside somewhere in my psyche also. I know that kicking back when I'm being personally attacked serves no positive purpose. Usually for awhile I manage to take it with some grace, then there is a point when my old self defensive programs kick in and I go on the attack as if I needed to defend myself. But in reality it's more of an act of weakness than strength.
fair enough

But why not push back?

Watch animals in their element. That is a truth that carries more weight than any book learning needs to rehash.
Because there is no real threat here. If someone flames me or whatever on this forum how does that threaten my survival? If I strike back it's only due to insecurity on my part. Sticks and stones and all that.
I think suicide requires bravery of some sort, but there's also an awful lot of people that kill themselves because they're not getting the help they need for untreated mental disorders and such. I can also see how it can be seen as taking the easy way out. I guess I'm sort of neutral. I still think it should be someone's right provided they're an adult although I would be devastated if someone close to me killed themselves. Also, not to offend anyone, but one thing I never understood is how someone can have a bunch of suicide attempts but still be alive. Always seemed more like a cry for help to me. Sorry, but slitting your wrist isn't gonna cut it no pun intended. If I was gonna kill myself (which I'm not planning on) I would make sure I did the job right.
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Because there is no real threat here. If someone flames me or whatever on this forum how does that threaten my survival? If I strike back it's only due to insecurity on my part. Sticks and stones and all that.

I am talking about day to day living offline.

Ah I see, well as far a words go the same applies there also IMO. I spent much of my life training and teaching Martial Arts in the U.S. I learned right away from an exceptional instructor that there is very little worth ever fighting over. The main reason being no matter how good you are you can still get hurt. Self preservation is Martial Arts in a nutshell. Often that means avoiding needless confrontation. Once I became skilled I never got into another fight. I was actually most afraid of injuring someone else and running afoul of the law. That's the downside of Martial Arts IMO. You train and train for years but almost never get to perform. I was itching to show off in the early years but with time came to realize the futility of feeding my ego. It's never satisfied.

Btw I like your style of moderation. You seem to have your ego well in check.

Speaking of Electronic Music, for me it's Bluetech. Bluetech for Bluelight. =D
I don't fear death. In fact I've been hoping for it for years. Have tried catching the bus twice in the past 3 months via CO poisoning but I guess the God of my understanding has more for me to do.

I guess I don't fear death because I believe I will go to heaven when I die. I definitely don't deserve to, but I know God has forgiven me for all my sins. I don't deserve it though. So while I'm here trying to dig myself out of this hole, I guess I should be trying to help others and do whatever the fuck it is I'm supposed to do on this earth. And try not to hurt anybody any more than I already have. It's a drag.
When did I condemn anyone's fear of death? And I never said people shouldn't fear death. In fact it's the opposite, we cannot help but fear death. And I did not say suicide is an act of bravery I said is is often an act of bravery. And yes I and several others stated that we have survival instincts that prevent us from easily seeking death. Why are you making all this stuff up about what I said???

I never once condemned anyone's fear of death. I've never been offended by anything you've said here. I've only responded to you in the same manner of your responses to me. You sir have just made up a ton of stuff. Please don't do that in this discussion.

I've asked you question after question and you've never answered any and now you want me to answer yours. OK I'll man up and play right but I know now that you will not. I fear life because it is the only cause of suffering that we know exists and I've had plenty and I've seen and heard about plenty more out in the world. I grew up with abusive parents and now I'm slowly dying of a painful disease. So at this point death seems preferable to a life of continued suffering. As soon as I manage to overcome my own death anxieties I'll be grateful to end this existence. And that in no way means I haven't had some enjoyment in life. I'm choosing what is best for me right now and I think everyone else deserves that right.

Now please quit lying about things I say here.
To anyone interested in why I say that suicide may be the ultimate expression of free will it is this. There is very little if anything in life that we have anywhere near 100% control of. We may wish for something and find that many things prevent us from having it, from our fears to others to circumstance. Suicide is something one has personal control over and it's control over the ultimate thing we have, life itself, our lives. We all have to die but if we die of natural causes we will not have much say in how or when that death comes about. It could be easy or extremely painful and hard or somewhere in between. The universe has the call and we do not in this instance. However suicide is like saying to the universe, " you can't fire me, I quit". What could be more personal power that you have in your own hands?
It's easier to end it all than have to fight for something you don't even believe in anymore

Why would anyone want to fight for something they don't believe in anymore. What is the sense in that?? However that does not make the act of suicide easy. They are two different things. Considering the amount of self claimed suicidal people in the world and even if you want to take into account that half of them aren't serious, why are they not just offing themselves like flies? The answer has been given to you many times here. Ending your own life goes against our natural and instinctual fear of death. And it's true some have problems killing themselves because of ongoing relationships and responsibilities but that only adds evidence for the difficulties involved.

See my post above as to why I believe suicide is the ultimate expression of free will.

And I'm very glad that you're done here as it's difficult to have a civil debate with you. And btw calling the poster unstable is flaming or a personalism and not part of respectful debate here. Why do you feel you need to stoop to such tactics? I believe you've already been warned by a mod on this shit. Maybe someday you'll take the time to read the forum rules.

I am glad that at least you realize that what others choose to do is none of your business or so you've said. But if that's true then don't get negative on what others do with their lives. Just mind your own. Live and let live is a very good course to take in life.

And I looked at first page and can't find what you are talking about and I have to say you have very strange ideas about what "common sense" entails.
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Btw I like your style of moderation. You seem to have your ego well in check.

You don't know the half of it.


Speaking of Electronic Music, for me it's Bluetech. Bluetech for Bluelight.

Bluetech is good stuff.

Being humble online often means not being heard. The same often applies in life.

We are animals after all.

I"m not being humble by not getting mad. I'm more effective when I'm not upset. I can reflect harder on the presentation of the "truth" I want to convey. If you believe that two guys yelling at each other are being heard I beg to differ. It's the message and not the messenger that gets through if anyone is actually listening imo.

In the end it hardly matters, we are talking apes making much ado about nothing. By 18 most have their minds and biases made up for life. That's been my experience. Mr. Natural sez: "Twas ever Thus"
I'm really enjoying this exchange, btw.

I need more time to reach your space.

That seems like the way of the world and the nature of time.

I'm currently listening to Signs and Singularities, the album.
Bigsammy said:
I guess I don't fear death because I believe I will go to heaven when I die. I definitely don't deserve to, but I know God has forgiven me for all my sins.

I dunno man, I feel like you are wagering an awful lot on something that literally has no evidence or logic behind it. If I am right and there is no heaven, all your death will do will be to cause pain for those you leave behind. I would advise extreme scepticism and caution in making permanent decisions based on an unreasoned and unlikely outcome.

Another dark side to christianity in its overt focus on death. What would be the point in life is heaven existed? Why would we have to go through this suffering? Paradise is always just out of reach. The perfect design.


I am not so much afraid of death as much as I am philosophically perturbed by it. I find it an odd, difficult thought to contemplate non-existence. Its like trying to imagine a new colour, my brain simply cannot. A mental brick wall.

But, given that I will die at some point, I guess I want to make sure I've done what I wanted with my life. I see no point in doing anything else. When I die, I really don't want to be thinking about what I haven't done... I want to be conscious during it, not in pain or discomfort; I want to feel life leave me. I imagine it will be frightening but exhilirating and it will be the last thing I ever experience. Something to look forward to. :|