• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Are Microsoft Products really that bad?

I use XP and Mozilla. I used to run a dual boot Linux/Win 98 system, and used netscape, but really I started to do less andless with my comp since then. Now all I do is use the net, AIM, watch movies, and listen to music. Plus I have a powerful system. But I could NEVER use IE, it just SUCKS, for more reasons than I could care to type. Plus Microsoft basically has no real blocks to the gov't tracking down almost everything u do on the comp, they basically allow it. Which is why I use Mozilla also.
hashish2020 - if you've got some insight into the goverment tracking thing let us all know - that some pretty heavy shit!
Not that I like it, but if Microsoft didn't have a monopoly on the OS market for PC's it would be much more difficult for programmers to do their jobs efficiently. Right now, we enjoy a wealth of freeware and shareware programs for Windows, as well as more commercial software. However, if there were several different "versions" of Windows running about, the developer would have to test their program in every version to maintain that it runs correctly. This is assuming that the program can be used on all of these different versions, if it can't, the developer has to choose which version they want to develop FOR. This results of course in a loss of options for the user, again. But I personally would rather be at a loss of options of operating systems than a loss of options for programs that run on that operating system.

For instance, if you make music, as I do, alternative operating systems on a PC are simply not an option. All the professional sequencers, VST effects and instruments, DirectX plugins, etc etc. are Windows only (in this case, there are of course Mac OS 9 and OSX versions of these, but I know alot of musicians who still use OS 9 because a plugin they like isn't supported in OSX yet even though it's a fabulous OS) The devolpers of the program would have to spend alot more time and money in coding, research and testing to have them run well on every operating system, and that probably wouldn't happen they'd just develop for the most popular of the bunch. Well, that tips the scales again in the company that produces that OS' favor.

The result is less options for programs to use and possibly even higher costs for commercial software, less options, and if the developers opt to support multiple versions of said OS, less stability and new features due to constant bug fixing on all the various versions.

If you get into the guts of Windows 2000 or XP, which are great OSes, I find that there is enough tweakability for pretty much anyone save the hardcore geek. Learn your way around the regedit and how to disable unused or silly services and pretty much all of the bloat is gone. The only thing about Windows is the threat of viruses and trojans compared to other OSes and I can see why people would want to get away from that, but as long as you protect yourself, use common sense and keep updated it is really not much of a problem.
Microsoft products... sometimes good, sometimes not.

Microsoft though will never get my dollar. They're tech/business aims i will not support with their proprietary bullshit, I'm not exactly a Linux freak, but i prefer it ideally to Microsoft..Its not so much about the quality of product or the amount of stability, security, or control...
Well, i tried linux around a year ago and i couldnt get round using the AOL dialer for my broadband. I'm not sure, but aol 9 mite work with it, anyone know a way around it then?
^^ if think you all bitch too much, theres good porgrams and bad programs, look at reviews on hardcore computer sites for the best software....

you can litreally customise your windows to run 100% properly, i go to my dads office and there computers are all 1.5, but still run faster than most of my friends 2+ processors, due to overclocking and improving the software they install (usally personal configuration, coding etc.)

ive been running XP for a few years now, and well at first i hated it, but now i have customised it i cannot go back!
i guess i will just be the first to come out and say IE for the mac is a ridiculous, bloated piece of crap. even mosaic was better than it. support for it is basically nil and it hasn't seen a full version update in more than a year.
On the Microsoft XP front - has anyone noticed the lack of updates of late? I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing - at one point in time you could expect one a month at least.
Personally Microsoft rules...Linux doesnt even come close. For all the Linux benefits such as cost etc...I bet you I can name 1000 benefits supporting Windows.

I work with a tech head (not all) and they can be freaky they are just not normal people, very intovert, paranoid, nit picky and me against the world attitude...so when everyone picks microsoft of course you have this tech nerd you thinks yeah Linux rules cos nobody knows how to use it.

Microsoft will always blow the opposition out of the water for many decades to come.

i know what works, dont have to be a genius for that!!!
The most popular doesn't mean its the best. Once Linux gains a user friendlyness to it that competes with microsoft products...(which is happening rather quickly).. on top of their technological and price/license advantages, microsoft will be in trouble.

It might be 10 years from now.. and it might not even be a particular version of linux.. but microsoft's corporation fucken blows.

I'll always be a firm believer in open source, something AOL, Microsoft, and various other head hancho's spit at b/c it would undermine their play on people's ignorance in order to gain profits.

I admit micosoft puts out some amazing pieces of software, they also put out complete crap. But a great end product isn't everything.

Basically though it boils down to comparing Britnet Spears to Nina Simone..
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MS has actually done a lot of good things for the computing world
To the contrary, the only thing MS can actually do well is intimidate and blackmail smaller companies, break accepted standards, lie through advertising, release propaganda designed to slander (in particular, targeted at Linux), and just generally cause trouble.

If anyone is in doubt whether Microsoft is a good company or not, I engourage them to read this document. It's very long, so skip through it if you wish and read parts that catch your eye.

The products they make are inconsistent, based entirely on appearance, and lack innovation and proper thought. Meanwhile, they have employed every dirty trick in the book, and several that were too dirty for the book, to become a monopoly (although it was pretty much started by Gates being in the right place at the right time with a shitty piece of software (i.e. MS-DOS, which incedentally he didn't write)). They use the same shifty business and marketing practices today to hold their monopoly.

At present, they're in the process of rolling out some pretty agressive new policies that will further lock people into using their sub-standard software, and further exploit their user-base. These include clauses in the EULA that basically give them free run of your computer. For the skeptical, this is already in motion -- a recent Media Player update included code that searched for pirated music. It included the ability to delete pirated content, but I can't remember the details. Google will fill you in ;)

But the company aside, what I hate about the products MS sell is that when you're using them, you're not in control of your computer. You can't do things the way you want to, you can only do them the way Microsoft sees fit to allow you to. It's a creaky, brittle, unstable mound of dirty, hacked-together code, and although it often works OK if you're careful with it, as soon as you put any serious demands on it, it goes out the window.

Apart from anything else, the fact that as you use it week-to-week it gets slower and less predictable says a lot about the quality of the code. To demonstrate: I have a Linux installation that I've moved through 3 computers and about 4 hard disks. It's getting onto 2 years old, and since I first installed it it's had a lot of updates to the core software, drivers, kernel, you name it. This sort of thing would reduce any version of Windows to a gibbering, unbootable mess, but this Linux install is still kicking along perfectly (in fact, it's only ever crashed twice, and it was my fault both times).

So yeah. MS sucks. :p

Originally posted by Charlie Brown

Personally Microsoft rules...Linux doesnt even come close.
You obviously haven't taken the time to learn much about Linux. Just because you couldn't understand it, doesn't mean it isn't a superior platform.
In technical terms, there is no argument. Linux simply is a superior platform. The only advantage MS has is a larger range of games, and a lot of useless novelty software, despite Linux being a superior gaming platform. 97% of people use Windows, so pretty much noone writes commercial desktop software for anything else. Hardware support is better under Linux, except for some uncommon peripherals.

Originally posted by Charlie Brown

I work with a tech head (not all) and they can be freaky they are just not normal people, very intovert, paranoid, nit picky and me against the world attitude...so when everyone picks microsoft of course you have this tech nerd you thinks yeah Linux rules cos nobody knows how to use it.
That is a really ignorant thing to say. 'they are just not normal people'? How judgemental of you. Just because someone is introverted, doesn't make them of less value than you, and just because some introverts find normal superficial social situations exasperating and uncomfortable, doesn't either.

If you took the time to learn a little about such a person, you'd probably find that they're a very interesting, friendly and complex person, with a lot of talents. In future I think you should cut others more slack, just because they don't go through all the right social motions like you do.
Charlie Brown said:
Personally Microsoft rules...Linux doesnt even come close. For all the Linux benefits such as cost etc...I bet you I can name 1000 benefits supporting Windows.

Please don't hold back - expand...
absentminded said:
The products they make are inconsistent, based entirely on appearance, and lack innovation and proper thought.

yeah Word is a real piece of shit 8) =D cmon dude you gotta admit they put out some solid products.

and speaking of innovation.. i suppose linus and OSX are based on that innovative brand spanking new OS UNIX ;)
absentminded said:
... it was pretty much started by Gates being in the right place at the right time with a shitty piece of software (i.e. MS-DOS, which incedentally he didn't write)).

nope. the first microsoft product was altair basic, which was widely piated. this led to gates writing a letter to dr dobbs telling off anyone who had pirated it (ironiclly, many of these people had paid for it already but didn't want to wait for the release).
frizzantik said:
yeah Word is a real piece of shit 8) =D cmon dude you gotta admit they put out some solid products.

The downside to Micorsoft's Office Suites though are backwards compatibility... by making deals with large businesses and shit load of the employees can't use their files at home.. same with schools.

Also, Linux's Open Office and Star Office.. along with non-Microsoft Apple Suites have had to make their files transferable to the Microsoft and Windows/Office format.. while Microsoft deters that in every way..
frizzantik said:
i suppose linus and OSX are based on that innovative brand spanking new OS UNIX ;)

well, obviously unix is older than most (if not all surviving) OSes, but it never promised compatibility for what are basically now dead systems - you aren't going to be able to run an original spacewar binary on any system operational today.
smoove. said:
Well, i tried linux around a year ago and i couldnt get round using the AOL dialer for my broadband. I'm not sure, but aol 9 mite work with it, anyone know a way around it then?

AOL is intentionally designed to not work with Linux
I've used linux extensively, Windows extensively, and MacOS moderately.

If I were to figure out a ratio that described the amount of time I spent doing actual work (or play) versus the amount of time I spent working on the OS itself, MacOS would slightly edge out Windows, and linux would be the poor, poor loser.

Do Microsoft's products suck? Not in my opinion. I have too many properly completed projects under my belt to despise it. I get everything done, and except for running Windows Update once in a while, I leave the OS alone. I can't remember the last time I had a major problem - certainly not since I moved to XP.
smoove. said:
Well, i tried linux around a year ago and i couldnt get round using the AOL dialer for my broadband. I'm not sure, but aol 9 mite work with it, anyone know a way around it then?

hehe, AOL is the ISP equivalent of microsoft. Overbloated and underperforming with lots of useless gloss. Don't think AOL will ever support linux because anyone who knows enough about computers to use linux wouldn't go near AOL...