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Anyone seen methamphetamine in the UK/Europe?

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So i've got myself 150mg of meth & was just wondering what the comedown is like compared to mephedrone? I know its hard to compare such things, but would just like a general idea if anyone could help. Normally start the mephedrone session (well, barely a session compared to some of youz ;)) at 7/8pm on a Friday & carry on till 12-2pm on Saturday, usually consuming around 1.4g's, and the comedown never feels too bad other than a bit or lethargy on the following days.
Much more severe comedown to mephedrone, for sure. Methamphetamine is notorious for having possibly the worst comedown of any drug. Expect to be wired for over 12 hours after your last dose, before any real comedown starts.
So i've got myself 150mg of meth & was just wondering what the comedown is like compared to mephedrone? I know its hard to compare such things, but would just like a general idea if anyone could help. Normally start the mephedrone session (well, barely a session compared to some of youz ;)) at 7/8pm on a Friday & carry on till 12-2pm on Saturday, usually consuming around 1.4g's, and the comedown never feels too bad other than a bit or lethargy on the following days.
The comedown the first few times i found was not that bad at all. It gradually gets worse.

It's coming up to winter so as soon as it's bitterly cold I'm gonna grab a couple of grams - the stuff I had a year ago was snow white crystal, very easy on the nose - £40 a g, from someone who knows the chemists who came over with their knowledge from Czech Republik. Fucking amazing, but toxic stuff. Only in winter. Will report back when I get it - whether the price has gone up much.
Mate ice or crystal meth shouldn't b easy on the nose at all. It should burn like hell.
^ Exactly what I thought. And £40/g?!? Not a chance. I'd say probably just decent speed sold as meth to massively inflate the price, or maybe an RC stim of some kind. Not meth though for sure.
Yeh shambles even when i would buy 'speed' here in sydney which is basically extremely stepped on methamphetamine, 2-10% purity per gram, and even powder with that small percentage would burn the crap out of the nostril, and even occasionally make the snorted side eye all bloodshot and shrink. So imagine ice which ranges from 50% +
^Yeah I've had what they call "base" twice since I got here in Melbourne, first time was after doing an RC blend(was tested being alpha-pvp) for two days straight that also had some type of local anesthetic thrown in, first bump I did of the wheez it fucked my nose bad, it wasn't even a big bump, like literally a corner of a Miky card in the wrap, one per nostril. The burn was like thylphenidate bad, tears in the eye and sense of corrosion.
Will have to go out this weekend, apparently there's a lot around these parts, I can afford a point I reckon.

Hey mate r u in oz atm?? Melbourne has alot meth, all of aust does. Although Sydney/nsw is a more ideal place to get the stuff cos its alot cheaper in sydney than everywhere else (less than half of alot of places) and most of the imported ice comes through Sydney and then works its way across aust and keeps the supply going... Although in the last few weeks customs has seized over 700kg of meth and cocaine from mostly Sydney and some in Melbourne
Hey mate r u in oz atm?? Melbourne has alot meth, all of aust does. Although Sydney/nsw is a more ideal place to get the stuff cos its alot cheaper in sydney than everywhere else (less than half of alot of places) and most of the imported ice comes through Sydney and then works its way across aust and keeps the supply going... Although in the last few weeks customs has seized over 700kg of meth and cocaine from mostly Sydney and some in Melbourne

Yeah I managed to score twice, once in a hostel the other time in a club. Didn't like it much either time, it's so hyped in Europe you wouldn't believe it, probably had too much expectations, at least the stuff I tried was less euphoric than mephedrone and less pro-horny than mdpv. Quite a few side effects, althought that might have been due to the fact that usually back home I always have kratom and etizolam to chill after uppers, while here I had beer and valerian root8)
For sure it's around in the UK, 1st time I saw Ice was about 3 years ago by total luck but never got a sample. A freind had it & smoked some but said it was like weak crack & was not happy with it.
It is one of those things that keeps popping up here & there in the circles I move in & I am no major chemist or know any "cooks" as they are called.
I know of 1 guy atm that has got into it from doing base & is very fucked up from it.
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I know this is old, but for anyone else, you do realise this is the dumbest fucking thing to do?

You're putting chunks of lithium.... in a bottle of flammable solvent..... with ammonium nitrate (Which can be detonated by shock if you're unlucky)... and caustic soda. They even tell you to add water to "kickstart" the reaction... christ.

I was reading back on this post & just saw this.
I had a little mess with stuff in my time that went "fizz, pop & bang" & there is no way you could pay me to mess with ammonium nitrate.
I remember 1 little "cocktail" we made ages ago which the tarmac in the local ares we lived in still has the "scars" ;)

fucking nutcases imo
chunks of lithium.... in a bottle of flammable solvent..... with ammonium nitrate

Terrorist manual anyone? ;)

On subject, there's a fair bit in C London at the moment if you know where to look. (lower Camden, Westminster, Southwark kind of areas)

Done it once, never again. Worse burn than even mephedrone and my comedown consisted of calling everyone a CUNT(!!!11!!) and telling them to GET OUT OF MY SHIT(!!!111!!1) for the next day or so. Shudder just thinking about it.


nice bit for the weekend, burns so clean =D
Looks clean as fuck too. I have drug envy :!

Enjoy. And let's hope such Goodies start showing up more frequently around and about the place. This country is in dire need of a meth epidemic :D
Ohhh methamphetamine...I would give up my recovery from substance addiction for methamphetamine.
Damn! Never even tried it yet my heart rate just kicked up 20 bpm just looking at the stuff!
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