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anyone got any good rolltricks?

TGO said:
take a shit....i'm serious. talk about euphoria!

Actually, I've found that if you've plugged the pills... take a shit the next day, and you'll basically roll for about 15 minutes to half an hour. I'm sure its a placebo effect, but its still pretty cool.
When you feel your peaking, stick a vicks inhaler in each nostril, n smear a fair amount of vicks vaporub onto ur chest and upper lip, then calm urself and to the beat of some intense trance, take a massive breath in...

^^CAUTION... ive seen people actually fall over from this, so u mite want to find a seat b4 inhaling... Happy rolling^^
ctraver said:
Actually, I've found that if you've plugged the pills... take a shit the next day, and you'll basically roll for about 15 minutes to half an hour. I'm sure its a placebo effect, but its still pretty cool.

The day after usually = the runs. I dunno why.
HHAHAHAH so true everyone I know that rolls has the
" x shits " thats what we call it!!!

I am sure it's already been mentioned
But I LOVE to sing kareoke when I am rolling.
Maybe its just b/c I am asian, but damn its fun.

"5. sitting in my bathtub smokin sum WeeeeD wit candles and the lites oFF. listenin to sum DJ x-dream."
I will try this one, sounds really nice
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Crack a glow in the dark light stick, the rope ones, and give each other tattoos, it feels good and it looks cool.

Have a girl with long finger nails run them against your skin.

Have a girl pull on your hair.

Just some of my favorites.
matthew121 said:
HHAHAHAH so true everyone I know that rolls has the
" x shits " thats what we call it!!!

I am sure it's already been mentioned
But I LOVE to sing kareoke when I am rolling.
Maybe its just b/c I am asian, but damn its fun.

"5. sitting in my bathtub smokin sum WeeeeD wit candles and the lites oFF. listenin to sum DJ x-dream."
I will try this one, sounds really nice

You talking bout x dream from australia?? shes awesome.
i found that on saturday mourning about an hour after consuming another pill that lying on your back with a pillow not in bed but on the ground was really trippy i was in a hotel room just laying there munted.. it kinda feels like your lungs are gonna fall out of your back. its pretty cool
And yer nice looking girls with pretty long fingernails tickling your head neck and back is always a bit of a rusher when your dialled!! definately! I always get my friends who are girls to do this while im peaking its so good!! Always so mad loved up for the girlies when im on the chemicals.
A few tricks I like to do to bring people up are:

Spinal Push (one that always comes in handy): There are two ways to do this, laying and standing. Stand is much better because of the surprise at the end.%) For laying, have someone lay on their stomach (it works better if their shirt is off and they don't have an attached bra-strap but these can be worked around) you need to straddle their legs as if you're going to give them a massage. Begin with each of your thumbs pressing down on either side of the base of their spine. What you're going to try to do is push the fluid beside the spine up into their brain. Press down and slightly in toward the spine, your thumbs should feel the individual bones. Very slowly move your hands up pressing all the fluid upwards moving the entire length of the back. Continue until you can no longer feel the spine and then a bit longer, all the way up the neck. Repeat pushing up the back of the neck a few times to make sure all the fluid is pushed up into the brain (I know, it sounds weird and this isn't what you're actually doing but it's the easiest way to explain it).
Standing: While you and a partner are both standing, have your partner bend over and stand behind them. Repeat the same process as above making sure to get all that fluid up into their brain, they should start to feel pretty good towards the end but here's the surprise. Immediately as you finish pushing it up past their neck, grab their shoulders and pull them upride as quickly as you can. The headrush from being pulled up quickly combined with whatever endorphins the spinal push produced is an awesome booster. If you do either of these right, odds are the person you give it to will NEED to hug you so be prepared, also be sure to either massage the back or scratch/massage your friend's scalp during the hug.

Headshakes (another simple, easy to do spontaneously way to bring someone up): When someone looks at you and you can tell they're feeling pretty good put your fingertips on their head around their forhead and top of the head or temples and vibrate their brain. Usually it's pretty easy to tell if someone would enjoy this even without them asking, I love to surprise new rollers with it.:) This can make most people rush pretty hard, usually when someone's talking to you and you do it to them they'll melt and completely lose their train of thought so you'll have to remind them where they left off.

Heated Filter: This trick only works with Parliament Menthol Cigarettes. Parliament Menthols have the strongest menthol quality of any cigs I know of and have a hard recessed filter that this trick requires. Get a regular flame lighter (I love my butane torch lighter but it will roast the filter) then use the flame to heat the filter up. If the filter catches on fire, just lick your finger and put it out. When you decide the filter is warm enough, take a deep drag off the cig as if you're inhaling weed back into your lungs. You'll feel the heated menthol and smoke warm up your entire face and chest. I highly recommend all of you who enjoy smoking menthols while rolling to try this one.

Spinning Hug: The first half of this has been covered here but there's a better followup. While standing, grab someone by the wrists and have them grab yours so you can hold onto eachother. Next, decide how many times you want to spin around (probably 5-8), pick an object so you can count how many times you spin around and tell your friend how many times and which direction. Both of you spin around with your hands grabbing the other's wrists, you'll have to lean back some to spin faster. Use some stationary object to keep track of how many times you spin, then when you're done say "hug!" and both of you stop spinning, hug eachother supporting eachother's weight and massage eachothers backs. A great way to come back up and really good way to make friends.

Rocketship: Has been covered a couple times in this thread but my friend has a much better story. Have a friend sit on the floor with his/her knees against his/her chest and arms wrapped around legs and chin tucked behind knees. You're going to wrap your arms around them from behind and have them between your legs. Tell your friend to close their eyes and that they're going to go on a rocketship ride. Ask them what the name of their rocketship is (they'll probably come up with a pretty stupid sounding name because it's on short notice and they're fucked up but don't make fun of them). Then you being the countdown, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 (begin to make rumbling sounds), 3, 2 (start shaking and more rumbling sounds), 1, liftoff." At this point you should lift your friend off the ground in their little rocketship shape, bounce them around plenty while making rocket noises so that they feel like they're lanching through earth's atmosphere. After a few seconds stop shaking them and just let them float and say "ok you're out of the earth's atmostphere... you're going to go around the moon." Then then them kindof sideways so they feel like they're going around the moon's gravitational field. "Ok now you're going to go through hyperspace." Bounce them a few times until you feel like stopping. "Ok now you're going around the rings of Jupiter." Kindof move them around again, they'll imagine the rings. "Oh no, there's an alien ship. They're chasing you. Evasive maneuvers!" Jerk them back and fourth as if they're running away from the alien ship. "Oh no you've been hit!" Jerk them suddenly as if they've been struck by lasers. "Now you're going through an asteroid field" Lots more bumps and movement. "You're almost back to earth, oh no the aliens are after you again. You're back to earth's atmosphere." Lots of vibration. "Looks like you're going to have to crash land." Finally, toss them out onto the floor beside you as if they crash landed. The whole time if they're rolling pretty good, they'll see all the space things you describe, not as if they're in a rocketship, but as if they ARE a rocketship. This does usually bring me up pretty well if I get one, and giving one brings you up pretty well because of all the physical effort involved. This works best on someone who's already rolling pretty hard and has a healthy imagination. Try to make up your own stories:)

Glowsticking surprise (been said before but not specific enough): When you're giving someone a good lightshow and their eyes start rolling back in their head and they look like they're going to pass out, get up in their face and blow cold air in their face to end the lightshow. This will instantly transport them from *ahhhhhh ahhhhhh* lala land into "woah!" bringing them back into reality and giving them a good boost/surprise.

Meeting people: I know it's been said before but it's the one difference I can find in the nights when they seemed to be over very quickly and the ones that seemed to last for days of pure pleasure. The more people I meet in a night, the longer it seems like it lasts. It's probably just because I have more memories of the night but either way it's the best way I've found to keep the night from blasting by to quickly.

Bathtub: One party I went to a friend decided to fill a bathtub half full with hot water. We ended up with as many people as could fit either standing in the tub or sitting on the edge. The water on your feet feels so nice. I discovered that it's relaxing to lay on your back beside the tub with your knees over the side so that your feet just float on the water.

Climbing rope: I had a climbing rope in my house in the basement when I rolled once. The rope had a big knot tied near the bottom and a mattress under it. It was really nice to have one person sit on the knot and the other swing them around in circles until the rope got twisted up then to go back the other way then to fall onto the mattress.

Pet a chinchilla (I'm not allowed to chinchilla sit my friend's chinchilla because I agreed with a friend of mine that it would make a nice pair of gloves.)

Girls: I'm a mostly heterosexual man, and I like girls plenty when I'm sober, there's just something about girls when rolling though that's incredible. They're so soft and warm and just have some indescribable quality to them. I love the tingly feeling when I do one of these tricks to guys when they hug me because they feel so good but when I get a hug from a girl because she's in so much pleasure, mmmm pure ecstacy%)

Run through sprinklers with someone, run down a hill then let your legs coast so you feel like you're flying, I know it's a really horrible idea but I want to ride my motorcycle while rolling smetime.

There are alot of ways to modity passouts. If you don't have a chair or bed, jumping-jack style passouts can be done by having the person passing out squat against a wall while hyperventilating then standup quickly so they get a headrush right before someone rubs their veins. Once, when I was passed out in a chair, one of my friends put his hands on the back of my neck so my head wouldn't fall back and my other friend started tapping his fingers up my arms. When I woke up I could've sworn I had just come out of the matrix, I could feel the thing connecting to the back of my neck, and could see and feel the cables attached to my arms. My only thoughts were "this... isn't right" and I looked around as if something very strange had happened. As eyes adjusted I could see my friend appear in front of me where a large tentacled machine had just been and I realized what had just happened. I said, "you are not going to believe what just happened." One of the coolest experiences of my life.

Let me check my toy bag:

Microbead pillows: gives you something to do with your hands for extended periods of time, and very nice to help with the come down if that's hard for you. I have a couple square ones, one U shaped on to put behind someone's neck, and a human shaped one that one guy at a party who had brought an identical one called a "mybuddy 2000" because they're smaller and more effecient than the origional mybuddy. We ended up getting our buddies confused because we both even cut the tag the same way. Be careful with microbead pillows around candles. At one party, one of my pillows got on a candle somehow and it burnt a hole in it, what a mess.

Hand Sanitizer (has been said before but most effective use hasn't been described): have someone lay on their stomach and rub hand sanitizer over their arms, legs, and torso. Have everyone around blow cold air over the sanitizer covered bits (one for each arm, one for each leg, and one for torso/back of neck ideally). Works even with just one person blowing, can give people very pleasant chills.

Eagle brand medicated oil: a friend gave me this free from his chiropractor, seems stronger and easier to use than tiger balm plus has menthol. Made in singapore, comes in a small green box with a small bottle of green liquid. Don't use to much, a little goes a long way. I have Tiger balm ultra strength also and the problem with it is it's a thick goo that tends to get caught on bra-straps. Once a friend of mine got a glob stuck by the crack of her bra-strap and said it was pretty painful. Also, the tiger balm ultra strength is probably a bit to intense to use when not rolling.

My favorite gums: Orbit Bubblemint and Trident Tropical twist with xylitol... need to get some magnesium/calcium pills, the last time I rolled the top of my tongue took a week to heal.

Vicks and inhalers of course... every single time I've ever been to a party with an inhaler it seems to disappear so I have two in my bag currently. I bought my dustmasks at carquest for less than $5 for a 40 pack. They're flimsy and if you aren't careful the string will break off while putting them on but once they're on they work well and at 12 cents each it's hard to complain.

Battery powered glowsticks, but beware if you like doing poi because if you attach the lanyard to the top the battery compartment on these will split in half and leave you a non-working stick

hotwings (Flamethrower wings from WingStreet) oh my god the feeling of the spicyness in your mouth mmmmm and the E keeps it from hurting you, just don't end up eating a big jar of habeneros and having sores in your mouth and no lining in your esophogus the next day.

fresh strawberries are like your mouth having an orgasm, the first time I tried this I took one bite, got this huge surprised look on my face, then in about 1/1000 of a second quickly finished it off with a few more bites. Be careful not to accidently bite off your own finger or the finger of someone you care about.

cherry menthol cough drops, menthol brings you up a bit, kindof nice

NOT bananas (potassium can stop your roll I hear)

although taking 5-HTP within a couple hours of your roll can make it less powerful, if you take some while you're coming down it can bring you back up for a while

That's all I can think of right now. I've only been rolling for around 9 months but if anyone wants to send me a message I'm sure I can come up with more.
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I wonder what it'd be like to surprise someone by putting some of that automotive hand cleaner in their palm and rubbing your palm against theirs, either fastorange or gojo with pumice... will have to try it this friday, it smells like oranges too. The pumice makes it kindof gritty like microbeads.

I'd like to try putting someone under a table who is rolling (with gottles%) ) and then using a circular grinder to make a storm of shooting stars in front of them. They could even put their arms out and play in the millions of tiny glowing bits of metal, they just bounce off your skin.
I have no intention of sitting here for 3 hours reading every page so sorry if this has been mentioned. Usually your beans have to be dirty because it doesnt seem to work all the time and I personally have never had any sort of hallucination on pure molly. Anyway, ive found getting scared or having someone scare the shit out of you is a crazy blowup. I was at a hotel party and me and a friend went into the bathroom, closed the door, and turned the lights off. The music was faintly audible in the bathroom. I have no idea how we thought of this, but we sat in the bathroom moving a glowstick around our face and making the "scariest" and weirdest faces we could make. If I focused enough I could see all kinds of crazy shit. After a few minutes I was doing it and me friend stood up and started screaming he was so scared. I asked him if he was alright and he stopped screaming, thought about it, and told me to do it again!

Speaking of scaring people... I wouldnt recommend doing this because you might give someone a heart attack. Once someone passed himself out by hyperventalating himself for a ridiculous amount of time. Then someone cut the music off completely, grabbed 2 red glowsticks, and put them over his eyes. When he woke up he said something along the lines of "welcome to eternal damnation" in a really creepy voice. The guy that passed out just opened his eyes wide and his lips started to tremble. Needless to say, that night no one else really felt like passing out anymore.
Ok how about this one...

Get yourself one of those Gaming chairs, the ones that have the speakers built into the chair...If the speakers are loud enough imagine feeling the music against your back and around you, that would be crazy...
mrmackey said:
I have no intention of sitting here for 3 hours reading every page so sorry if this has been mentioned. Usually your beans have to be dirty because it doesnt seem to work all the time and I personally have never had any sort of hallucination on pure molly. Anyway, ive found getting scared or having someone scare the shit out of you is a crazy blowup. I was at a hotel party and me and a friend went into the bathroom, closed the door, and turned the lights off. The music was faintly audible in the bathroom. I have no idea how we thought of this, but we sat in the bathroom moving a glowstick around our face and making the "scariest" and weirdest faces we could make. If I focused enough I could see all kinds of crazy shit. After a few minutes I was doing it and me friend stood up and started screaming he was so scared. I asked him if he was alright and he stopped screaming, thought about it, and told me to do it again!

Speaking of scaring people... I wouldnt recommend doing this because you might give someone a heart attack. Once someone passed himself out by hyperventalating himself for a ridiculous amount of time. Then someone cut the music off completely, grabbed 2 red glowsticks, and put them over his eyes. When he woke up he said something along the lines of "welcome to eternal damnation" in a really creepy voice. The guy that passed out just opened his eyes wide and his lips started to tremble. Needless to say, that night no one else really felt like passing out anymore.

I know I had a similar experience with making scary faces to someone, they were so petrified the asked me to PLEASE stop and wtf was wrong with me.
Go into the bathroom and Turn on your hot water all the way on hot in the Tub and sink or just one if you only have one in that room, close the door and put a towel under the door from the outside "DO NOT TURN THE FAN ON AND BE CAREFUL ABOUT THE LIGHTS, I HAVE GOTTEN SHOCKED LIKE 20 MILLION TIMES FROM THE MOIST AIR CONNECTING WITH THE WIRES IN THE LIGHT SWITCH, kinda feels kewl in a way! ...Now wait about the time it takes for your roll to kick in and go in there with some friends and close the door and just start talking. Me and my peepz call this "Hot-boxing" And it keeps us going for awhile as well as make our peak go up everytime we go in there

***********MAKE SURE YOU DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT DE-HYDRATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***************** WATER IS THE GIFT OF GOD FOR RAVERS!!!!!!*******************
i got a GREAT one

fill up some small water ballowns, but dont throw them or pop them.

Insted just sit there gently squeezing them, they feel orgasmic

also, with a pin, put a small hole in one so a fine spray comes out. Run that over ur face, legs, arms etc... it feels like heaven
A Must Do Trick! No Disappointments!

I actually read ALL (I know I DID have a lot of time on my hand) and no one knows THE BEST TRICK OF ALL !!!

Takes 2 ppl and 1 Vicks nose inhaler. Okay, have 1 person put the inhaler in their mouth upside down, just enough to cover up the 3(or 2) holes on it. U should be able to blow THROUGH the vicks inhaler. NOW THE FUN! Person 2 puts their mouth on the opposite end (where your nose would go) and simultaneosly person 1 blows out and person 2 breathes in as much as possible. After sucking in as much as possible Person 2 turns around and crosses his/her armswhile holding breath and person 1 squeezes and if possible lifts them up. When Person 2's chest fells tight SLOWLY exhale, as soon as Person 1 fells the exhaling Slowly lower Person 2 to the ground. Finish w/ light show ( I'm pretty touchy-feely on this and cant STAND being touched while im enjoying the 'falling' after effects) Cant really explain but I beg U all PLEASE try it before dismissing. IT FEELS SOOOOO GOOD!=D

P.S Receiving BJs from GF who has icebreaker/altoid in mouth is note worthy.:p

...may have been mentioned before...

But baby wipes... or facial cleansing wipes...

They smell so good and are sooooooo refreshing when you wipe the grime and sweat off your face and over your hands and arms...

I gave a few to a friend once and she went crazy over them... hehehe
ok im new to this site, but i am def not new to the amazing world of e

what i have done in the past was:
get some one sober (or in my case super stoned) to go driving, turn on some radio head and have all the windows down.... its amazing. while we were driving we pulled up next to some sprinklers....WOW =D it was amazing
thats the best that i got
