Anyone dropped out of life?

I'm in a very dark spot these days.
I don't work, I'm isolated from the world, my health is declining, I got no energy, sometimes I don't eat, video games bore me to death.
My future is very bleak, I keep ruminating about suicide very often these days. But I don't have the desire nor want to die yet. I'm far too young to be like this( I turn 30 this year). Although, I feel like I'm just existing...not truly living. I don't know how long I can keep up with this, but I suffer constantly everyday(physically, mentally, emotionally).
Hope u guys are doing better.
much love xx
When I was forced to be sober for a couple years via a court order from my parents (that the judge approved ofc) I dropped out of life completely in every aspect. I am not a functional member of society without drugs unfortunately.

so what do you do with yourself?